Supreme Chef

Chapter 1200: Go Your Own Way

Chapter 1200: Go Your Own Way

Even Kuang's face couldn't help changing suddenly when he heard Wu Qiong's words.

Lin Mu being able to kill the genius Xuanxian disciples under his sect, it proves that Lin Mu really has the strength to kill all the disciples he brought this time.

If Lin Mu really did this, then Xuanyuanmen's loss this time would be really heavy.

The disciples he brought this time are the most talented disciples of the Xuanyuan Sect in this life.

If Lin Mu really beheaded them all, then the Xuanyuan Sect would cut off a generation.At that time, if the green and yellow are not accepted, the Xuanyuan Sect will really decline.

"Okay! If you have a wronged person and a debtor, I'll just wait for him to come out!" Lian Kuang finally chose to compromise.

He can't bear the responsibility of not accepting the young and yellow, and the sect's decline.

Even when Kuang retreated, Wu Qiong and Kuang Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't know who Lin Mu is?" After Lian Kuang left, Xuanxian who was sitting at the top also asked.

Wu Qiong stood up and said, "Brother Lin is the head of Fumanlou, and he is also a sixth-rank alchemy king. These four fifth-rank alchemy kings are all disciples of Lin brother."


Hearing that Lin Mu turned out to be a sixth-rank alchemy king, the four Xuanxians gasped, and they were shocked when they heard that the four fifth-rank alchemy kings were Lin Mu's disciples.

The sixth-rank alchemy king was the object of competition even in the last three days, and Lin Mu, not to mention being a sixth-rank alchemy king, could teach a powerful fifth-rank alchemy king, which is really shocking.

"Then I don't know where King Lin Dan is now?" Xuan Xian from Huoliemen asked.

Such a person against the sky, they naturally want to win him over.Because if you successfully win over Lin Mu one by one, it is equivalent to adding the entire Fumanlou and four fifth-rank alchemy kings, which is much less troublesome than trying to win over one by one.

Wu Qiong said: "Brother Lin has indeed entered the mysterious restricted zone."

Hearing Wu Qiong's words, the two Xuanxians were a little disappointed.

"Since King Lin Dan is in the mysterious restricted zone, we can only meet again after King Lin Dan comes out."

"Pass on my order. If any disciple encounters King Lin Dan in the mysterious restricted zone, he must be respectful and polite, and not offend him."

The two of them almost gave the same order, they had no enmity with Lin Mu, there was no need to offend a sixth-rank Alchemy King with unlimited potential, let alone they were planning to win over Lin Mu.

Seeing this, Wu Qiong and Kuang Feng also breathed a sigh of relief for Lin Mu.

At this time, the trees had already reached the place mentioned in the jade slips that was connected to the endless mysterious restricted area.

This is the place where the barren state and the forbidden area are connected, and here is a piece of bloody plain.No living creatures can be seen on the plain, and the desolation here may be more in line with the lie of the barren state.

It has been five days since Lin Shu arrived here, but Lin Shu did not enter rashly.

What I am about to enter is a forbidden zone, where countless immortal emperors and ancient powers have all been damaged, and I am only at the peak of immortality.

Although it was only [-] miles away, even though he still had a map, the trees did not dare to enter rashly. This was a matter of life and death.

If Lin Mu was just a person, then he would go in if he went in, but now Lin Mu is not alone, Lin Mu is not only responsible for himself, but also for them.

During these five days, Lin Shu has been wandering around the Scarlet Plain, comparing all the places marked on the jade slips, and then comparing them with the Scarlet Plain one by one to make sure that all the signs are correct.

In five days, Lin Mu compared all the signs and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with this map.


Just as the trees were about to enter, there was a muffled thunder on the Scarlet Plain, and the huge fairy ship of the Third Heaven also appeared at the end of the Scarlet Plain.

Lin Mu glanced at the huge fairy ships, and then turned around and entered the restricted area according to the entrance on the jade slip.

"Someone just entered here! It's a forest!" Lian Kuang is worthy of being a late Xuanxian, and he can determine who is active here just by relying on a few clues.

But when he thought that Lin Mu had just entered, Lian Kuang gritted his teeth angrily.

If he knew that Lin Mu had just entered, what time would he be wasting in Tianzhou these days, and he would come here directly to capture Lin Mu.

But a miss is a miss, even if Kuang gritted his teeth, it would be useless.

Moreover, even Kuang himself didn't dare to go deep into this place at all. This is an ancient forbidden area. I don't know how many powerful talents have fallen here. Even Kuang is only in the late stage of Xuanxian.

Moreover, the sect did not allow Lian Kuang to do such a thing. To Sanchongtian, Xuanxian was already the supreme existence.It is the background of the sect, and it is the guarantee of the sect's strength. If Lian Kuang makes a mistake, it will be a bigger blow to the sect than a disciple's mistake.

Although Lian Kuang can't go deep, he can explain the disciples he brought.

"That Lin Mu is only in the late stage of the Celestial Immortal, and I have checked the soul jade slip of your elder brother. He should have been attacked and killed by Lin Mu after he was seriously injured by a powerful opponent. So you don't have to be afraid of him. If he cannot be captured alive, he will be killed directly!" Lian Kuang said to his disciples.


There are 15 genius disciples sent by Xuanyuanmen this time, and the ones with the lowest cultivation level are all at the peak of Jinxian. Fifteen people wanted to kill Lin Mu, a peak celestial being, it was as easy as pie.

The other two families naturally knew what Lian Kuang ordered, but they didn't specifically order their disciples to take care of the trees more.Because in their view, if Lin Mu died, it was because Lin Mu had no ability, so he was not worth recruiting.

There are three sects, and each sect sends 15 people. Of course, besides the three of them, there are some other powerful sects of the Three Heavens, but their numbers are relatively much smaller. This is obviously after a lot of competition. decided quota.

Of course, apart from the powerful sects of the Third Heaven, the states of the Second Heaven were also invited.

But everyone understood that most of the people they sent were cannon fodder to explore the road, and few of them could come out.

After Lin Mu entered the restricted area, he also followed the route on the jade slip, and did not dare to make any deviations.

In this kind of forbidden area, a slight deviation means death, and Lin Shu dared not try.

The restricted area was as dark as a starry sky, without any light at all. Although Lin Shu felt that the ground under his feet should be the ground, but when he looked down, he found that there was nothing under his feet.

Moreover, the spiritual sense here can only see things within five feet in front of you. After more than five feet, the spiritual sense is useless. Although there is no restriction on flying here, the trees dare not fly. There is probably no difference in courting death.

After walking about [-] miles, Lin Mu suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Because Lin Mu walked completely according to the jade slips, although there was no danger, he did not find any rare treasures or any incomparably precious resources.

"That's right! Since this jade slip can be circulated, it proves that this road has been walked by someone before. Since someone has walked this road, the truly valuable things in this place should have been taken out by those who walked by. "Lin Mu quickly figured out the reason.

But knowing the reason, Lin Mu also fell into a dilemma.If you want to find opportunities, you have to put aside the map on the jade slip.But if the map is thrown away, then no one can be sure of the danger here.

"Fight hard, they can walk out of their own way, so can I!" In the end, Lin Mu decided to put aside the jade slips and follow his own way.

(End of this chapter)

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