Supreme Chef

Chapter 1201 The Ruins in the Restricted Area

Chapter 1201 The Ruins in the Restricted Area (1)

After Lin Mu made up his mind, he immediately deviated from the route on the jade slip and started to walk in the direction he chose.

However, Lin Shu just deviated from the original route, within a distance of less than [-] meters, but couldn't help but tremble all over, as if struck by lightning.

Of course, the tree wasn't struck by lightning, but the tree was hit by the immortals in the restricted area.

After deviating from the route, Lin Mu also felt the rage of Xianyuan in this restricted area instantly.

The immortal essence here is unusually strong, almost comparable to Feisheng Pond.But if it's just immortal essence, it doesn't matter, but the impurities in this immortal essence are equally terrible.

The impurity contained in this immortal essence is not other things, but an idea, an extremely desolate and ancient idea.

This idea is very vast, and the ancient atmosphere makes people seem to grow old in an instant.

The powerful thoughts constantly impacted Lin Mu's sea of ​​consciousness, and Lin Mu felt as if he was about to fall into a cycle of reincarnation.


Just when Lin Mu was about to lose control and felt that he was about to be reincarnated, the soul-suppressing talisman also burst out.

The soul-suppressing talisman glowed, disintegrating all thoughts in an instant.


The soul-suppressing talisman saved his life again, which also made Lin Mu breathe a sigh of relief.

At the same time, Lin Mu also understood how hasty his decision just now was.

If there is no soul-suppressing talisman, I would have deviated from the original route, and I would have already fallen into reincarnation and would never be reborn.


Just when Lin Mu was about to move on, with a thought, he also felt a call coming from ahead, and this call seemed to be related to the soul talisman.

"Could it be that the last soul-suppressing pearl is here?" Lin Mu also murmured.

The soul-suppressing talisman consists of three soul-suppressing beads. Lin Mu got one from the earth and one from the cultivation world. Logically speaking, the last one should appear in the fairy world, but Lin Mu did not expect that it would appear in In this mysterious forbidden area.

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Shu still flew in the direction of the call.With the protection of the soul-suppressing talisman, Lin Mu doesn't have to worry about reincarnation.

Lin Mu walked cautiously, this is not the cultivation world, if one of them is not done well, his life will be gone.

It took a full half a month before Lin Mu saw the place where the call came from.

"This is……"

Lin Mu looked at the large ruins in front of him, and was also stunned.

This is a forbidden zone known as no one, but there are a large number of ruins here, how can this not be shocking.

If Lin Mu spread such news, it would definitely shock the world. A group of buildings were found in the no-man's forbidden zone, which would definitely be a news that shook the entire fairy world.

The ruins here have long been weathered and look bad. It can be seen that the time here is definitely far away from the present, and it may even not be a building of this era at all.

Lin Mu came to these buildings, and from these buildings, he felt a kind of vicissitudes that did not belong to this era.

"This is... Xiangangyan!"

Lin Mu picked up a severely weathered stone from the ground, and his eyes couldn't help but change.


Because of excessive force, Lin Shu crushed the fairy rock in his hand all at once.

Xiangangyan is the best fairy material for building. Xiangangyan itself cannot be used to make fairy artifacts, but it is the best material for building houses.

Xiangangyan is extremely tough, even after tens of thousands of years, it will not be weathered or dilapidated.

But at this time, the Xiangangyan has been weathered like this. It can be seen that the time of existence here may be farther away than I imagined.

"Who built this place?" Lin Mu was shocked when he saw such a large ruins.


Suddenly Lin Mu noticed the ground under his feet, then bent down, grabbed a handful of soil on the ground, and held it in front of his eyes.

"This soil seems to be the same as that of the Scarlet Plain." Lin Shu said as he gently rolled the soil here.

"This is the Scarlet Plain!" Taoist Guang, who was silent for a while, suddenly said.

Because of the upgrade of Liushuang Tianhuo and the addition of Chaos Fire, the extraterritorial divine fetus has been formed in advance. These days, Daoist Guang has been nourishing the soul in the extraterritorial divine embryo, so he has never shown up.

"Senior, have you completed the fusion?" Lin Mu asked quickly when he heard Taoist Guang's voice.

Daoist Guang said: "Not yet, it's almost there."

Lin Mu responded, and then asked, "But senior, how did you know that this is the Scarlet Plain?"

Dao Guang said: "I doubted it before, but now I am sure."

Lin Mu asked in puzzlement, "Senior, did you doubt it before?"

Guang Dao said: "Do you know why this place is mysteriously banned, or why no one is forbidden?"

Lin Mu said: "Isn't it because it's dangerous and no one can come?"

Taoist Guang nodded, and said, "Since there is no one to go, do you think someone might go fifty thousand miles deep?"

"Isn't it possible?" Lin Mu asked back.

Guang Dao said humanely: "It's more than impossible. I have seen ancient great powers, who just entered one step and turned into thick blood. There is also a half-step Supreme, who disappears inexplicably after a hundred miles, and even the disappearance of the Supreme may have something to do with it. You Do you think someone can go [-] miles deep and come out safely, and bring back a map?"

After hearing Taoist Guang's words, Lin Mu also felt that this place should not be a mysterious area, but where is this place?

Guang Dao said: "If my guess is right, this place should have been the Scarlet Plain countless epochs ago. And the reason why this place has become what it is now, I think it should be that there is a powerful person who entered the mysterious area, which led to the leakage of the mysterious forbidden area. A trace of breath caused the blood-colored plain of [-] miles to become like this!"


After listening to Taoist Guang's words, Lin Mu also took a deep breath.

A trace of leaked breath turned Fifty Thousand Miles into this, into a restricted area like the mysterious restricted area, and how terrifying the real mysterious restricted area should be.

Lin Mu looked around, feeling a chill in his heart.

In vain, these people thought that this place was a mysterious restricted area, and hoped that some peerless treasure would be born, but who knew that this place was only the Second Heaven, only contaminated by the aura of the mysterious restricted area.

"Looking at the layout here, it should be an ancient altar, which has been extremely long since the present age." Taoist Guang continued.

"An ancient altar? Sacrifice or something?"

Just as Lin Mu blurted out the question, a flash of inspiration came to his mind, and he thought of the answer.

"Soul-suppressing beads! This is the place where the ancient ancestors worshiped the soul-suppressing beads!" Lin Mu blurted out.

"That's right! This is indeed the place where the ancient ancestors worshiped the Soul-Suppressing Orb, and the Soul-Suppressing Orb has been worshiped here for a long time. Every plant and tree here has been contaminated with the breath of the Soul-Suppressing Orb, so you will Be summoned." Taoist Guang said.

Lin Mu looked around, but it was clear at a glance. It didn't look like there was a soul-suppressing bead at all, and he said to himself: "The soul-suppressing bead has appeared here, so it proves that it is in the fairy world, but where is it now?"

The three soul-suppressing beads are collected, and it is said that they can be the key to open the underworld. The underworld is a legendary world that controls life and death. There are shocking secrets hidden in it, and it is related to the legendary eternal life. No one wants to enter to find out of.

"I decided to complete the final fusion here. There is the breath of the soul-suppressing orb here, which can help me strengthen my soul, and it is safe enough. It is impossible for me to stay in the chaotic world after fusion. This place allows me to quickly recover my cultivation. For." Daoist Guang said.

Although Lin Mu was a little reluctant to leave Taoist Guang, what Taoist Guang said was true.Once Taoist Guang completes the fusion, he will no longer be in the chaotic world.I can't even protect myself, let alone protect Daoist Guang.

"Don't worry, when my cultivation base recovers, I will definitely go to you and help you get revenge!" Taoist Guang said relaxedly.

Lin Mu also smiled, and said: "Then I will wait for the return of the senior."

The most important thing immortals lack is time. Even if the trees wait for thousands or tens of thousands of years, so what, the difference is only temporary.

(End of this chapter)

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