Supreme Chef

Chapter 1561

Chapter 1561

The four of them didn't believe that Lin Mu could be compared to Lord Jiuyao Xing, so they also charged forward.

In the hands of the four people, the same seal was formed at the same time.This dharma seal does not belong to the current world, it should be passed down from ancient times.

People from the ancient dynasty couldn't help but change color when they saw the handprints formed by the four people.

"This is an ancient sword seal, which enjoyed a high reputation in the ancient capital. In the current dynasty, only some living and long-lived antiques can understand it. The four of them actually understand that if it is bestowed by the Nine Obsidian Lord. Then the Nine Obsidian Xingjun, it is really too scary!" Someone in the dynasty said to himself, expressing emotion.

The trees can clearly feel the changes brought about by their French printing space.

This is an inexplicable change, with a powerful sword intent, condensed in the air, as if it wants to pierce the sky.

Suddenly, a sword that held up to the sky appeared, piercing the sky directly, and breaking a hole in the sky.Infinite starlight slanted down and shone on the Sword of Holding the Sky.Let this sword that lifts the sky appear even more extraordinary.

Facing the sword that lifted the sky, Lin Mu raised his hand casually.

As Lin Shu raised his hand, a ray of light continuously condensed on Lin Shu's fingertips.

Initially, the light was very dim.Then the light began to bloom, and then became more and more dazzling.

In the end, this light overwhelmed everything, causing the sun and the moon in the sky to lose their brilliance.

The sword that held up the sky also lost its luster.

"This is!"

The ancient party was shocked once again, even more shocked than seeing the handprints used by the quadruplets.

"This is the sword from the ancient battlefield of gods and demons. This sword cut through the galaxy, causing countless gods and demons to fall to death. It completely dimmed a star field. How did he learn it!"

On the side of the comprehension world, there are also people who are shaking.

Because this is the first time Lin Shu has performed perfectly. Although it was equally peerless before, it was not a complete display.

"This seems to be the peerless sword of Jianzong, but Lin Mu seems to have mastered it more perfectly. According to legend, the sword emperor of Jianzong, the sword emperor, is because he has watched a certain kind of peerless sword technique. In the end, he became the immortal emperor based on this. In the end, Jianzong was established. Could this be the peerless sword!"

"If this is really the case, it is really too terrifying. No wonder some people say that if you can grasp the trees, you can build a powerful sect. Not to mention anything else, you can build a powerful sect with this sword alone. Emperor Zong is the same as Jian Zong!"

The quadruplets were also shocked when they saw the condensed light in Lin Mu's hands.

Because this sword intent is too vast, as if it contains a universe.In front of Lin Mu's sword intent, they felt that they were extremely small.It was like a dwarf facing a giant who lifted the sky.


In the end, the two sword intents collided together, and the quadruplet sword intents only stalemate for a moment, and then all of them were shattered, turned into powder, and finally dissipated.

Although Lin Mu's sword intent was dim, he was still counterattacking and rolling straight into the sky.

"not good!"

Seeing this, the quadruplets quickly dodged, they didn't dare to fight recklessly.

The four fled in all directions for the first time, and Lin Mu's peerless sword intent pierced directly into the sky, finally cutting a star into two.

Seeing such a scene, everyone was shocked.The power of a sword is actually so powerful.Can't help but be amazed.

Such a sword can cut down the stars, if it is cut on the human body, it can definitely kill the fairy king easily.

When the sword ended, the trees did not stop, thunder wings appeared behind him, and the speed rules under his feet also emerged like lotus flowers.

The four are separated, which is a good opportunity for Lin Mu.

Lin Shu's thunder wings spread out, and then he disappeared in place.

When Lin Shu appeared again, he had already appeared in front of one of them.

Witch God Fist!
The forest tree's coming up is a killer move, the fist smashes the ground, causing magma to spew out from under the ground.In the sky, it seemed that fire was descending from the sky.

"not good!"

The four brothers have the same mind, one of them was robbed, and the other three naturally had a feeling.

"Hey! After all, he still lost to Lin Mu. Someone wants to end the curtain like this!"

Lin Mu's fist clashed with his fist.

However, one of the quadruplets did not die.He was just shocked, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.But it didn't fall away.


Such a scene not only shocked outsiders, even Lin Mu felt a little shocked.

Even the Immortal King couldn't block the punch I gave with all my strength just now.But he stopped it, which is indeed a bit unbelievable.

Taking advantage of the moment when Lin Mu was in a daze, the four brothers gathered together again.Once again become a whole.

Lin Mu opened his eyes and found a clue.

It turns out that the four brothers not only share the same mind, but even their cultivation and immortality.

This is the common innate principle of the four of them, which can instantly concentrate the cultivation and strength of the four of them on one person.

And the reason why that person was able to delay this catastrophe just now was obviously using this innate treasure technique.

Such a gifted treasure technique is indeed somewhat strange.It seems very tasteless, but in these quadruplets, it is not only tasteless.On the contrary, it can still play an unimaginable effect.

Even this can completely become a gifted treasure technique that kills people invisible.Let people simply, hard to guard against.


One of them was almost robbed, which completely angered the quadruplets.

The four people attacked at the same time, and then formed a circle, and then the circle was spinning at a high speed.

Soon the circle formed a storm, and the storm swept across the entire land.

This is the storm of Taoism, extremely fierce.In the middle of the storm, there is a power that can tear people apart.

This is a kind of terrifying energy. Back then, they relied on such a trick, which almost made Lord Nine Obsidians pay a heavy price.

Such a storm, even Lin Shu's impeccable real body, would feel the pain of tearing.

Lin Mu subdued with both hands, and then the Wanfa Mill appeared, and then Lin Mu completely turned into a mill with his own body.

The trees turned into millstones, like a rock, no matter how fierce the storm was, the trees would remain motionless in the center of the storm.

Seeing the four people's unique moves, they couldn't do anything to Lin Mu, and the four of them also became ruthless.

The four shot quickly, launching all their strongest offensive tricks.

Lin Mu saw the tricks, and kept confronting the four of them.

Lin Mu didn't believe that the four of them could maintain this state for a long time.As long as they feel a little weakened, that is their chance to fight back.

Thunderclaps and flames that burned the space constantly appeared in the storm, making people outside look terrified.

Such a confrontation shocked everyone.This kind of confrontation completely surpassed the category of ordinary fairy kings.

(End of this chapter)

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