Supreme Chef

Chapter 1562

Chapter 1562
The quadruplets shot, all of which were stunts.However, the combination of forest trees and Wan Dao grinding disc is truly as stable as a rock.

The quadruplets kept making shots, and Lin Mu responded calmly.

The more the four fought, the more frightened they became, because Lin Shu's strength completely exceeded their expectations.They even felt that Lin Shu at this time was even better than that of Nine Obsidian Lord back then.

Indeed, as Lin Mu expected, their state could not last for too long.

Because this is very labor-intensive, even with the deep cultivation of the four of them, it is already beyond their capabilities at this time.

However, Lin Mu's magic immunity at this time showed a certain advantage.

These are attacks by spells, and trees can completely rely on magic immunity to reduce some damage.This gives Lin Mu more opportunities and time to accumulate and accumulate his own strength.

"For so many years, you haven't made any progress. It's really disappointing. Since you don't have any new moves, then you can defeat me!" Lin Mu whispered, and then made a decisive move.

Lin Mu punched like a dragon, accompanied by the roar of the dragon.This is the Blood Spirit Dragon, who taught Lin Mu the Heavenly Dragon Fist.

The prestige of divine beasts has a unique advantage, and it is the most suitable for breaking all spells.

With a punch, it is also like a nine dragon roaring to the sky.

Xuan Jiulong roared to the sky, directly tearing apart the encirclement of the four people.The powerful energy fluctuations completely dissipated.Let the bodies of the quadruplets vibrate violently at the same time.

This time, Lin Mu's target was not one person, but four people.Even if the four of them have the heart, it is impossible to help one person.

Because if this is the case, the other three can only be defeated.


The four of them coughed up blood at the same time, and fine cracks appeared on their bodies, like porcelain that was about to burst at any time.

Obviously this time, the four suffered unimaginable heavy losses.

"Impossible! How is it possible!"

The bodies of the four fell heavily to the ground, also smashing out a huge bunker.

In the bunker, in the eyes of the four people, it was completely unbelievable.They didn't believe that Lin Shu could be so strong.Even the Nine Obsidian Lord back then paid a certain price.But Lin Mu, it seems, did not pay any price.

Lin Mu looked down at the four people and said: "Nothing is impossible. I can only blame you four for not thinking about making progress these years. Still staying in the realm of the past. For practitioners, this is already tantamount to being in the Backed off. You have lost the will to fight. It is really not wrong to say that you are dogs."

"No! Lin Mu, we want you to die!"

Lin Mu's words, like a sharp knife, pierced into the deepest part of their hearts.

What Lin Mu said was right, this tens of thousands of years of following.Let them have long forgotten what is desperate.They think that by following Lord Jiuyao Xing, they can keep their lives safe.They completely lost their fighting spirit, and they didn't even think about breaking through.

The four roared wildly, and then blood and immortal essence were burning, as if they were about to explode themselves.


But at this moment, Wanfa roared.The sky and the earth split open, and a big hand showered down with endless starlight.

These starlights enveloped the quadruplet brothers and instantly extinguished the flames on the quadruplet brothers.

"Nine Obsidian Lord has made a move!" Everyone was a little excited when they saw it.

Nine Obsidian Lord, an invincible existence.A stone that weighs on everyone's heart, so that everyone can only look up.

Nine Obsidian Lord's big hand wrapped up the quadruplet brothers and was about to take them away.

"Take it away as you said, have you asked my opinion?" Lin Mu saw Lord Nine Obsidian, so domineering.It is also annoyed to bring someone directly.

This battle can be regarded as Lin Mu won, but if this is the case, let Lord Jiuyaoxing take him away.That would count as Lin Mu losing.

If people are taken away, everyone will think.Lin Mu is nothing more than the same level of existence as the subordinates of Lord Jiuyaoxing.He even regards Lin Mu as the subordinate of Nine Obsidian Lord.

Although Lin Mu doesn't care about these false names, it will make Lin Mu very unhappy.

Lin Mu made a move to stop him, but the big hand of Xingchen was about to forcibly keep the quadruplets behind.

Everyone was shocked to see that Lin Mu dared to fight against Nine Obsidian Lord.Then they are not optimistic, they don't think that Lin Mu will be the opponent of Lord Nine Obsidians.


The big hands of the stars are shining, and there are endless stars shining down.To block, Lin Shu's shot.

However, Lin Shu did not give up, nor did he retreat.He is still going forward bravely, no matter whether it is Jiu Yao Xing Lord or Shi Yao Xing Lord blocking in front of him.These are not rocks that stop the trees from walking.

Lin Shu's fist was shining, like a round of divine sun, illuminating the entire world.

Shenyang and Xingchen clashed, emitting a dazzling light.Let everyone close their eyes, but even so.Everyone still couldn't help shedding blood and tears, and even some people with low cultivation bases were directly blind.

This is a huge and incomparable power, which shocked everyone.

In the end, Lin Mu succeeded and blocked Xingchen's big hand.The quadruplet brothers were killed.

However, Lin Mu also paid the price, bleeding from the corner of Lin Mu's mouth.At the same time, there were deep wounds reaching the bone on the chest and chest wall.

Although these wounds were only on Lin Shu's body, they disappeared in a flash.But after all, they still left traces, causing Lin Shu to suffer heavy losses.

All the storms subsided, and the place where the trees stood had become a huge basin.

Youdao is raging in the basin, so that no one dares to approach it easily.

"Lin Mu, your life is mine!" Nine Obsidian Lord's voice came from mid-air.

This is a voice from an unknown distance.

This voice made everyone feel shocked, and made everyone have a posture of worship.

This is a kind of deterrence, a deterrent of a born king.

"I'm waiting for you to die!"

Lin Mu didn't admit defeat, and responded directly and forcefully.The sound was also like thunder, spreading far away, covering a piece of divine land.

Lin Mu actually competed against Nine Obsidian Lord, which made people feel a little dreamy and a little scary at the same time.

What kind of person is Nine Obsidian Lord? I have never seen him in so many lives.There are people who can really compete with Nine Obsidian Lord.But in this life, they saw it.He is not the current Emperor Zong, let alone an ancient genius.He rose up in the world and became famous in the world.He is Lin Shu!

"Lin Mu is injured, let's go together, this is the best chance to kill him!" The first generation Supreme of the Dynasty Allied Forces suddenly yelled, and then took the lead, and killed Lin Mu.

Behind him are the most elite soldiers of the ancient dynasty.One after another, the phalanx was crushed down like a giant dragon, enough to destroy everything.At the same time, the strong among the aborigines also entered the arena one after another, preparing to kill Lin Shu.Seek the good fortune of Lin Shu and find the root of escape.

(End of this chapter)

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