Supreme Chef

Chapter 1576

Chapter 1576
This is a reality and a fact.

But the truth is, the two of them were oppressed, unable to move at all.It is not easy to protect yourself.As for rescuing Lin Shu, the two of them were just thinking about it.

But Lin Mu is fearless, he has a soul-suppressing talisman, and this kind of soul oppression can't hurt him.

On the contrary, Lin Mu was worried, and he shot Gu Jian and the other two.If the two of Gu Jian died, Lin Mu would be truly helpless.

The huge oppression of the soul directly broke Lin Shu's sea of ​​consciousness, and blood flowed between Lin Shu's brows.

Just when Gu Jian and the other person thought that Lin Shu would surely die, the phantom in mid-air suddenly screamed in terror.

"No! You can't do this!"

The phantom howled miserably, but it was useless.The soul-suppressing talisman devoured his soul energy in big mouthfuls, and then expanded the forest's sea of ​​consciousness.


In the end, the phantom can only blow up a section of his own soul, and only in this way can he escape from trouble.

A section of the soul was blown to pieces, and the phantom was also severely injured.This made his attack come to a standstill.


The three of them didn't need to discuss at all, they just activated the extreme speed at the same time and left this place.

After leaving, the three of them also chose a direction to escape.I have escaped from this place, and the rest is to settle down to my own destiny.

Lin Mu is going to save the ancestors of the God operator family.Although the ultimate immortal vein has not been destroyed, it is being consumed rapidly at this time, which is the same as being shaken.It should be enough to save the ancestors of the God operator family from trouble.

As for the phantom in mid-air, Lin Mu didn't have to worry too much.

Now is the most critical time for him to call back the soul, although he has put him together, but he would not dare to rush out to catch himself at this time.So your own safety is still very guaranteed.

Lin Mu rushed out all the way, and also returned to the ancestors of the Shensuanzi clan.

Without saying a word, Lin Mu punched directly on the stalagmite.


The forest tree shook the stalagmite, causing fine cracks to appear under the stalagmite.


Lin Shu roared loudly, and then punched again, urging [-] Daozhe to hit the stalagmite.


This time the stalagmite was completely cracked and turned into countless fragments.

As for the body of the ancestors of the Shensuanzi clan, just after encountering the wind, they were instantly weathered and turned into a pile of powder.After all, after such a long time, his physical body could no longer support it.

However, the ancestral artifact was safe and sound, Lin Mu raised his hand to grab the ancestral artifact, and then said through voice transmission: "Senior, you have no retreat route, we have to hurry up and run away now."

The ancestor of the fortune teller family said, "I will tell you the route."

As soon as Lin Shu started running, the desert soul scorpion on the other side began to erupt. It directly swept the entire oasis in the form of a blowout, and at the same time swept the entire desert again.

Of course, in addition to the desert soul scorpion, there are also a large number of various poisonous insects, and there are also golden-winged turtles hidden in it.

Obviously, this magic voice is very good at controlling these poisonous insects.

Although Lin Mu is already a perfect body and has armor on his body, but facing the poisonous insects like a storm, Lin Mu still feels a little afraid in his heart.

But fortunately, the ancestor of the fortune teller family, although he has been asleep for a long time.But at least he wasn't stupid, the route he deduced was not wrong.

Lin Shu galloped all the way, playing the fastest speed.It also rushed out of this desert, and was about to reach the outermost edge of the entire summoning platform.

It's safe to be there.

However, various screams would be heard from behind Lin Mu from time to time, and these screams came from those who came here to hunt for treasure.

This time, the ultimate immortal veins were directly exposed, attracting millions of treasure hunters.

But none of them knew that this was a dead end.As many as they come, they will die.

Lin Shu ran wildly all the way, and the poisonous insect storm was also mainly coming towards him.However, in terms of speed, it is still not as fast as Lin Shu.

In the end, Lin Shu galloped all the way and successfully escaped from this place.

"How is Xiaoyou Lin?" Goatee immediately stepped forward to ask when he saw Lin Mu coming out.

But before Lin Mu could answer, the phantom traversed the sky, looked at Lin Mu and said, "I won't spare you, junior, just wait for your death!"

The voice of the phantom was so powerful that it shocked everyone's eardrums.Even some people with weak cultivation bases vomit blood directly.

Lin Shu was also shaken by the demonic roar, and his blood was floating.

"Who is it?" Goatee asked.

Lin Mu said: "I'll explain this to you later, now take me to your clan's territory, the ancestor artifact has been found."

"Really?" Goatee was overjoyed when he heard that.

Lin Mu said: "Of course it's true, if you don't want me to be here and expose your clan's ancestral artifacts, lead the way now!"

"Lin Mu, you can't go!"

Lin Mu wants to go, but not everyone wants Lin Mu to go.

So many people went in, only Lin Mu came out alone, and the Mo Xiao was so angry just now.Obviously it was Lin Shu, he got something in it, that's why he was so angry.

"If you don't want to die here, get out of here!" Goatee was also angry.

Lin Mu found the ancestral artifact and had to take it back to the ancestral land immediately, how could he stay outside.

"You can go, but Lin Shu can't!" Those people forced them to come up, and there was a posture of tearing Lin Shu apart if Lin Shu didn't hand over his things.

Lin Mu looked up to the sky with a long smile, and said: "You guys are too overestimating yourselves, just because you want to keep me. I don't want to kill people today, and I don't want to laugh anymore. If I don't get lost, I'll let you all die here."


Just as Lin Mu finished speaking, the void was completely split open, and then a huge light palm fell down.

This is obviously not an attack that can be launched in the Xuanxian realm.This was obviously planned long ago, and there were already masters waiting, ready to capture Lin Shu at this time.

But before Lin Shu could fight back, there was a copper coin that shone like the sun in one part of the Loess Realm, piercing through the darkness and space, and went up to meet it.



The copper coin passed through the light palm easily, and then the light palm exploded completely in an instant.

The light palm turned into powder, and there was also an old voice, echoing in the sky above the loess world.

"I'm not dead yet, if I want this old man to calculate your family's luck, you can just do it on the territory of my divine fortune-telling family!" These words are so domineering that they will directly calculate the family's luck.

Hearing this sound, the void was also filled again.Obviously, the person who made the move in the dark had already retreated.

After all, this is related to the luck of his own family, and he dare not take such a risk.

(End of this chapter)

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