Supreme Chef

Chapter 1577 3 Living Stones

Chapter 1577 Three Life Stone (1)

Seeing the void closing, Lin Mu looked around at those who blocked him, and said, "Is there anyone still trying to stop me now?"

The biggest support is gone, and these people blocking Lin Shu are just sending them to death.

"If you don't dare to stop, get out, or you will be killed without mercy!" Lin Mu snorted coldly, his tone full of murderous intent.

Lin Mu's words made everyone around feel depressed.But what can they do.Without the backing, they are no match for Lin Shu when tied up.

"I don't want to get out! Do you want to die!" Lin Mu sneered, not saying that they took them seriously.

Someone wanted to make a move, but eventually gave up.Because they knew that if they were defeated, they were not Lin Mu's opponent.

Everyone dodged a passage, and Lin Shu and Goatee left under the attention of everyone.

After Lin Mu and Goatee left, everyone gritted their teeth.This is a great shame, but they can do nothing but endure it.After all, without their backing, they are no match for Lin Mu at all.

Lin Mu and Goatee left here all the way, and Goatee also took out the base leading to his ancestral land, and then directly mobilized and left here with Lin Mu.

When Lin Mu entered the ancestral land of the Shensuanzi clan, he also received the most solemn welcome.

The ancestral land of the Divine Operator family is very extraordinary. Apart from being a blessed land, it can easily deceive the heavens.And the luck here is extremely long, living here will definitely make your luck burst.Of course, it is also because the secrets of heaven can be deceived here that there are the oldest living antiques.

"Thank you, Xiaoyou Lin, for what you have done for my family of fortune tellers. Xiaoyou Lin, you are the most honorable guest and benefactor of my family of fortune tellers." An old man whose age could no longer be seen came to Lin Mu with a walking stick .

The old man looked old, but Lin Shu could feel it.He is not really old, but he is using this state to extend his life and keep his body at the lowest consumption all the time.

He said a lot of good things, Lin Mu naturally knew what he wanted.

Lin Mu also took out the compass and said, "Is this the ancestral artifact of your clan? I have now returned it to Zhao."

The old man saw the compass in Lin Mu's hand, and when he took it, his hands were already trembling.

The ancestral artifact has been lost for too long, and today the indulgence has returned.

Lin Mu suddenly thought of something, and said, "That's right. In this ancestral artifact, there is a remnant soul of your ancestor."

"What! The old ancestor's remnant soul is still there!" Hearing Lin Mu's words, the old man couldn't help shaking his hands, and his eyes widened.

"Here! I'll wake him up!"

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he also used his spiritual sense to communicate with the seniors of the fortune-telling family.

Hearing Lin Mu's call, he also woke up from his lethargy.

"This is the ancestral land of my fortune-telling family. I'm really back home." He just woke up and shouted excitedly.

This is a wave of spiritual consciousness, and none of the weak people present can naturally perceive it.

Hearing the sound transmission of the divine consciousness, all the members of the divine fortune-telling clan present respectfully knelt down.

And that old man held the ancestral artifact respectfully with both hands, and said: "Unworthy descendants, please welcome the ancestor back home!"

"Welcome Patriarch to go home!"

After the old man finished speaking, all the people behind him, whether it was the old man with gray beard or the child who just learned to walk, all knelt down on the ground and bowed down.

Among the ancestral artifacts, the senior of the fortune-telling family was also relieved to see his descendants kneeling on the ground.

"Haha! Good! Good! Get up!"

Everyone got up, and the ancestor among the ancestors said to the old man, "You are of the same blood as me, and you are my descendant."

The old man said respectfully: "Back to great-grandfather, the boy is your eighth generation heir."

Lin Mu also felt goosebumps all over his body when he heard an old man whose age could no longer be seen calling himself a boy.

"Good! Not bad!" the ancestor also praised.

The patriarch paused for a moment, then seemed to think of Lin Mu, and said: "I was able to get out of trouble this time, thanks to Lin Xiaoyou's help. From now on, Lin Xiaoyou will be the most honorable benefactor of my fortune teller family. Anyone who dares to offend Lin Xiaoyou will be my fortune teller." Enemy of the Zi Clan."

"Yes! I will abide by the decree of the ancestor!" Everyone responded.

When Lin Mu heard this, he was also very happy.

In this sacred land, the status of the fortune teller family is also very lofty.And few clans dare to provoke them.

One, of course, is because there is one of the oldest old antiques among the fortune-telling family.This is a threat to everyone, and the fortune-teller family cannot practice in the outside world.But in the sacred land, the talents of the fortune teller family are very good.

Coupled with their natural affinity with Tao, coupled with their powerful calculation ability.Therefore, the strength of the divine operator family in the sacred land is absolutely top-notch.

Especially this old man who is alive is the most famous top powerhouse among the three thousand sacred lands.

The second, and the scariest thing, is the family of fortune tellers.It is completely possible to pass their calculation method without bloodshed.Completely kill your entire family.As long as the fortune-telling family deduces the luck of the other family, then only a little intervention is required.Counting their luck, everyone in their clan will be robbed inexplicably.

In the end, of course, is extermination.

This is the scariest thing, to eliminate a family completely without bloodshed.

Of course, this also requires paying a high price. It is a kind of business that kills one thousand and loses eight hundred.

But none of the clan dared to really persecute the fortune-telling clan. If you were really in a hurry, the fortune-telling clan would really fight against you.At that time, they really couldn't find a place to cry.

"Little friend Lin, I want to enshrine the ancestral artifact back to the original place first, and help the ancestor to become stronger by the way, so I will not accompany you for the time being. I, the fortune teller family, have no secrets from Xiaoyou Lin, and all places are open. Xiaoyou Lin, you can Come and go on your own." The old man said to Lin Mu respectfully.

Lin Mu said: "I have a few friends who are still outside, I wonder if I can let them come here?"

"Of course, Xiaoyou Lin's friends are our friends." The old man agreed to Lin Mu's request without even hesitating.

Lin Mu cupped his hands and said, "Then thank you, Senior."

"Lin Xiaoyong is too polite."

Among the fortune-telling family, it is still very safe for the time being.So Lin Mu also prepared to let Wu De and the others come here for a while.

One month after Lin Mu sent the news, Goatee brought Wu De and the others back at the designated place.

Gu Xuan and Liu Yiyi were very excited to see that Lin Shu was safe and sound, and at the same time very excited.

But Wu De and Xue Linglong are full of interest in the ancestral land of the Divine Operator family.After all, the ancestral land of the Divine Operator clan is considered to be one of the oldest and most well-preserved places among the sacred lands.

"Little friend Lin, I don't know if you've heard of the Three Lives Stone?" The old man of the fortune-telling family asked Lin Mu after he settled the ancestor artifact and ancestor.

(End of this chapter)

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