Supreme Chef

Chapter 1580 Bury the past and the future

Chapter 1580 Bury the past and the future
Lin Mu hesitated for a moment when he heard Xue Linglong's words, and also stood in front of the Sansheng Stone.

The forest trees mobilize the Dao Principle, and they are also infused on the top of the Sansheng Stone.

"no response?"

Staring at the empty Sansheng Stone, all three of Wu De were taken aback.

But Lin Mu is not surprising, whether it is a magic fortune teller in the cultivation world or a magic fortune teller here.They all say that their own fate is not countable, and it is quite normal that there is no reaction on the Three Lives Stone.

"There is a reaction! There is a reaction!" Just when Lin Mu was about to give up, the Blood Spirit Dragon also shouted.

Hearing the voice of the blood spirit dragon, Lin Mu also looked at Sanshengshi.

The Sansheng Stone really responded, and a picture appeared on the Sansheng Stone.But that picture is not real.Very vague.

"Why does it look a bit like a coffin?" Wu De muttered after watching it for a long time.

Wu De often does the kind of things that are ancestral tombs, so he is quite familiar with coffins.

Lin Mu stared at the picture on the Sansheng Stone, his brows were also tightly locked together.

"It's really a coffin! But this coffin is so evil that people dare not approach it!" The picture was clear, and the Blood Spirit Dragon was confirmed.

"But how could it be a coffin?" Although he knew what it was, the Blood Spirit Dragon was confused instead.

Lin Mu didn't answer or speak.Lin Mu had seen this coffin before, it was the one in Soul City.It's just that Lin Mu doesn't know what his past has to do with it.

Lin Mu ignored it, but continued to urge Dao Principle to make the picture move forward.Lin Mu wanted to see what his future was like, because Lin Mu didn't see himself in the future of Wu De and Xue Linglong.

This is very unusual.

The future of Lin Shu is still blank at the very beginning.The final picture was also fixed on a coffin.The picture is completely frozen, without collapse or destruction.

"Why is it another coffin? What's wrong?" The Blood Spirit Dragon was also puzzled.

"The past is ruined! The future is ruined! The past cannot be seen, and the future cannot be investigated!" Wu De said in shock.

"What do you mean?" Xue Linglong looked at Wu De and asked.

Wu Dedao: "I don't know, I read this in an ancient book. But such a person should not exist in the world."

"Why?" Blood Spirit Dragon continued to ask.

Wu De swallowed and said, "Because such a person is dead in this life. Do you think a dead person will exist in the world?"

Xue Linglong also felt cold when he heard Wu De's words.Then he was also terrified, and said: "But the boss is not dead? The boss is standing in front of us alive."

Wu De shook his head and said, "I don't know how to explain it. I just saw some sporadically, and I don't understand."

At this moment, Lin Mu looked at the coffin of the future on the Sansheng Stone, and his heart was full of resentment.

"Boss' condition is not good, should we wake him up?" Xue Linglong sensed that Lin Mu's mood was not right, so he said hastily.

Wu De also looked solemn, and said: "I'm afraid we don't have this ability. Lin Mu's path is different from ours, and his path is even more difficult. Even if the three of us work together, I'm afraid we can't wake him up, we can only rely on himself."

"This can't be my future, the future is in my hands, my future will not be ruined!" Lin Mu roared in his heart.

Lin Mu doesn't believe that this is the future, Lin Mu doesn't believe that his future will only be a coffin in the end.

"If the future is ruined, then I will create a future!" Lin Mu was determined in his heart, and then he also punched the Sansheng Stone.

Lin Shu punched down, and the Sansheng Stone shook.Even the ancestral land of the entire divine operator family was shaken.


The patriarch stopped the few people who were about to leave.

"The ancestor said, don't disturb them." The patriarch said calmly.

The three of Wu De were standing beside Lin Mu, and the impact was even greater.

The three of them could barely stand on the ground, their bodies shaking unceasingly.

However, the Sansheng Stone is too hard to be shaken by manpower.


Seeing that Lin Mu's fist was bleeding, Xue Linglong also wanted to stop it.But it was blocked by Wu De.

"He can only come out by himself, none of us can help him." Wu De said to Xue Linglong.

After hearing Wu De's words, Xue Linglong could only suppress the urge to help.I can only look at the trees, and carry out self-salvation there.

Lin Shu was completely crazy, punching and punching the Sansheng Stone.

Lin Mu has an obsession in his heart, and he must create a future.Whether it's for yourself or for those around you.In this future, Lin Shu will be revealed.




The Sansheng Stone vibrated, and the entire ancestral land trembled.

This made the people in the ancestral land of the fortune teller think that the end was coming.However, the patriarch personally presided over it, and everything quickly calmed down.

But everyone wanted to know, what happened to the Sansheng Stone?
How could there be such an accident.Who is it that possesses such heaven-defying power to bombard the Sansheng Stone, the number one strange stone in the world.

Blood was continuously flowing from Lin Mu's fist, and the bones were slightly deformed, but Lin Mu still didn't seem to notice it.

The state of Lin Mu made Xue Linglong worry, not only because of the contract between the two.


I don't know how many punches were bombarded, and finally Lin Mu's fist was shining.Lin Mu concentrated three thousand principles, witch energy, and all his strength, and delivered the final blow to the future above the Sansheng Stone.

This time the bombardment directly shattered the picture of the future on the Sansheng Stone.At the same time, a penetrating crack opened on the Sansheng Stone.


From that crack, a golden Tao leaked out.These Taos are all, attracted by trees.It was directly absorbed by the trees.

"These are Dao Ze gold liquid, absorbing them is equivalent to directly absorbing Dao Ze!" Wu De's eyes widened, but he still held back and did not rush forward to fight for it.

There is not much gold liquid in this way, only a small amount leaked out, and then it disappeared.

But the crack didn't go away.

The forest trees absorbed the Dao Ze gold liquid, and the time rules on the Dao foundation began to glow at this moment.Then all the Dao Ze Jin Ye are integrated into the time rules.

Incorporating the time rules of Dao Ze Jin Ye also began to undergo essential changes.

This is a substantial change in the evolution from rules to Taoism, the three thousand Taoisms in Lin Shu's body.Except for time, everything else already has the embryonic form of Taoism.Only time is still the rule. Now with the help of Dao Ze Jin Ye, the most critical evolution has been completed, from the rule to the embryonic form of Dao Ze.

(End of this chapter)

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