Supreme Chef

Chapter 1581

Chapter 1581
The Tao of Time has become a rudimentary form, and it can truly run through the three thousand Taos, and it has truly become a keel, supporting the entire three thousand Taos.

And when all this was done, Lin Mu's expression returned to calm.

"Boss, what did you see?" Just now, Lin Shu shattered the picture of the future, and for a moment, a dazzling light appeared.

But they couldn't see the Blood Spirit Dragon clearly.

Lin Mu's eyes brightened, and he said, "I've forgotten it. But I believe that no matter what it is, I can use my fists to create the future I want."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, there was also a movement in the sea of ​​consciousness.The contract that the blood spirit dragon made with him back then appeared before Lin Mu's eyes.

"This contract should end. I can't restrict your development." After Lin Mu finished speaking, he also had a thought, and the contract completely disappeared.

Without the shackles of the contract, the blood spirit dragon also felt a burst of relief.

However, the termination of the contract does not mean that the blood spirit dragon will leave the forest.In fact, the blood spirit dragon can no longer live without trees.

Xue Linglong was in a good mood, but the contract between the old monk and himself appeared in front of him, saying: "I am happy today, so I will give you back your freedom."

After the blood spirit dragon finished speaking, the contract also disappeared.

"Amitabha! Thank you, Lord!" The old monk thanked him sincerely.

However, like the choice of the blood spirit dragon, he will not leave.At least not for the time being.

"Patriarch, there is a crack on the Sansheng Stone, why don't we go in and take a look? The Sansheng Stone is not to be lost! The Sansheng Stone is the only thing that can deceive the heavens!" A clan elder pleaded in front of the clan leader.

The patriarch of the Divine Fortune Clan waved his hand and said: "The ancestor has already said it. My Emperor Clan of the Divine Fortune Clan has already spent their lives to make a prophecy. The person who can break the Three Life Stone is the one who can lead the future. At the same time The one who will lead my fortune teller family through the end times."

"But the patriarch, the Sanshengshi..."

The patriarch said: "This life is already the end of the world. Even if we keep the Sansheng Stone to deceive the secrets, what's the use? The way of heaven will fall, and the secrets of the heavens will not escape the end of the world. It's better to use him to find the real person who should be robbed, so I can count There is still a glimmer of life for the Zi clan."

After a pause, the patriarch said: "Besides, the Sansheng Stone is not completely broken now, so why panic?"

In fact, at the beginning, the patriarch was unwilling to try to blast away the Sansheng Stone when he heard the ancestor wanted to let Lin Mu go.

But after the ancestor told him what he said to everyone just now, he understood in an instant.

The way of heaven will fall, and there will be no eggs under the overturned nest.

At the end of the day, they may all die.What's the use of leaving a stone behind, it's better to use him to find the real person who should be robbed.

"Senior Patriarch, I'm really sorry." Lin Mu came out and apologized earnestly.

The patriarch also smiled slightly, and said: "Little friend Lin, it's okay. Being able to help Xiaoyou Lin will break through the confusion. Even if it is my family of fortune tellers, I will have a good relationship with you, Xiaoyou Lin."

Lin Mu nodded solemnly, and said: "Senior, don't worry, in the future, if there is anything I can do for the fortune tellers, this junior will do my best."

Hearing Lin Mu's assurance, the patriarch also showed a dry smile.

I paid so much for this sentence.Now that Lin Mu said it himself, he felt relieved.

In the next period of time, Lin Mu and the others borrowed the ancestral land of the fortune-telling family and began to consolidate their cultivation.

The time to enter the sacred land is not too short, but the whole journey is spent in fighting.

It's really never happened once when I really sorted out my cultivation in such a quiet way.

Now that they have this opportunity, Lin Mu and the others certainly won't give up.

Lin Mu spent a month sorting out his cultivation base from beginning to end.

Especially after stepping into the realm of Xuansheng, his cultivation and his future path have all been reorganized.

This kind of combing is also of great benefit to the trees.Although the cultivation base has not changed, it can at least increase Lin Shu's combat power by [-]%.

When the cultivation base reaches the level of Lin Shu, it is very scary to increase the combat power by one level, let alone two levels.

Of course, in addition to sorting out their own strength, Lin Mu also helped Liu Yiyi and Gu Xuan stabilize their cultivation.

The family of Divine Operators has existed for quite a long time, and there are naturally some ancient books in the family.

Lin Mu also searched for something related to Wan Lingtong, and checked it carefully.

When people from the fortune teller family knew that Gu Xuan was actually Wan Lingtong.There is no doubt about the future of Lin Mu and his group.

Even the Wan Ling Tong, which has never been seen in ancient times, has already appeared, so there is nothing to say about it.

Through these ancient books, and after consulting the ancestors and patriarchs of the group of divine calculations, Gu Xuan has a deeper understanding of her Wanlingtong.

Of course, for the patriarch, let yourself preach to the fortune teller clan and the younger generation.Lin Mu didn't refuse either, after all, the fortune-teller clan had helped him so much, and it was normal for him to repay a little.

Lin Mu stayed in the ancestral land of the Shensuan family like this for a year.

This year, for Lin Mu, is a rare and comfortable time after entering the divine land.

But although he was at ease, Lin Mu never stopped practicing.The end of the world is approaching, if you want to live, you can only walk faster and higher than others.

"Brother Lin, Brother Lin. I was walking outside and heard some news about you." A fat man with a thick head and a thick head ran up to Lin Mu and said, panting.

This is the fourth generation descendant of the patriarch, don't look at the head of a tiger.But the talent is extremely high, especially in divination, it surpasses the sages.

Even the ancestor was very amazed, he accepted him as a disciple himself, and taught him all he had learned.

The ancestor stayed in the ancestral artifact for so long, and his cultivation might not be enough.But when it comes to divination, there is probably no one in this world who can compete with him.

So being able to be accepted as a disciple by the ancestor himself is enough to show the talent of this little fat man.

Lin Mu patted the head of this tiger-headed little fat man, and said with a smile: "Have you heard any news about me? Judging by your appearance, it shouldn't be good news? Is someone starting to target me again?"

The little fat man said: "Brother Lin, you are really good, even better than me in divination."

Lin Mu laughed and said, "Are you praising me or hurting me? I still know a little bit about my reputation outside. As long as there is news about me, most of it will not be good news. What is the news, tell me quickly."

The little fat man said: "Someone from the outside world has organized a Lin Zhu alliance against you."

Lin Mu smiled slightly and said, "It's still the same, nothing new."

The little fat man shook his head vigorously and said, "Brother Lin is different this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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