Supreme Chef

Chapter 1584

Chapter 1584

The person next to him sneered when he heard this person's puzzlement, and said, "Don't you understand this? This is the hole they dug for Lin Shu, and now they are waiting for Lin Shu to jump. They declared There is only one person, but can one person really be safe? The growth rate of the trees has reached the time when everyone has to be careful.

If they fail this time, will they have a second chance?A second chance was clearly out of the question.But this time Lin Shu escaped, waiting for Lin Shu to continue to grow up.Perhaps only Lin Shu's butcher's knife was waiting for them. "

He said these words very carefully and in a very low voice, but Lin Shu was next to him, so it was difficult not to hear them.

"Why didn't Gu Jian come? The conflict between Jianzong and Lin Mu doesn't seem to be shallow?" someone asked.

"Gu Jian is a lonely person. Someone invited him. But he dismissed him. He felt that if he wanted to kill Lin Shu, he alone would be enough. He didn't need to join forces with anyone."

"Gu Jian is really confident. Is this the demeanor that a master should have? And it's not a legend. Has Gu Jian fought against Lin Mu? Whoever loses wins?"

"You'd better not talk about this topic here, or you won't even know how to die."

"Please let me know, brother!" The speaker heard that it was a matter of life and death, so he hurriedly bowed his hands and sincerely asked for advice.

"Perhaps you don't know that this time, the Lin Zhu Alliance is planning to use Lin Shu to kill millions of monks in the Loess Realm as an excuse. So you say that you are now mentioning the matter of Lin Shu and the ancient sword fighting in the desert. Isn't it the same as telling everyone that this matter has nothing to do with Lin Mu, and is there anyone to prove it?"


Hearing this, the person who spoke just now couldn't help but gasped.

In this way, I really walked through the gate of hell just now.

When Lin Mu heard this, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.Lin Mu has seen too many shameless people, but this is the first time he has seen so many shameless people.

"The matter in the yellow sand, someone has already said it. Is it a hidden behind-the-scenes manipulator?"

"The majority of those present at the time were members of the Zhulin Alliance. Today they can say this, and tomorrow they can also say that. How should I put it, isn't it just a matter of their lips touching their lips? Such things, you I know it well enough.”

"Actually, let me tell you that Lin Mu is a genius. Such a genius should be vigorously cultivated, and it might play a decisive role in the last days!"

"Such a devil needs to be cultivated vigorously. Is this going to ruin the entire fairy world? It is damned to make such remarks!" After the voice fell, a first-generation supreme also made a move, and directly raised his hand to tear the words that had just been spoken. people.

This is a first-generation Supreme from the side of the fairy world. Judging from his clothing, it should have something to do with the ancient dynasty.

"A monster like Lin Mu, everyone can get it and punish him. There are still people who want to cultivate it vigorously. What kind of intention is this? Do you want him to destroy more passages in my fairy world!" He stood in place and looked around the great gods He asked, so that everyone dared not look up at him.

Lin Mu squeezed a seal in the palm of his hand in the dark, and then in the void, a thunderbolt suddenly fell, and went straight to the first-generation Supreme Heavenly Spirit.


It was also an instant when the thunder fell, turning the first Supreme into ashes.

All this happened too fast, before everyone could react, everything was over.

Looking at the ash on the ground, everyone had to react for a long time before they came to their senses.At the same time, they also accepted the fact that a first-generation Supreme had just fallen in front of them.

"It was the thunder of punishment just now. It was the thunder of a person who has committed a serious crime." Someone recalled it, and then whispered secretly.

"It's to punish Lei Ting, and he just learned how to write and wants to kill Lin Shu!"

"Is it against the law of heaven to kill Lin Shu, so that the law of heaven sent down this punishment thunder!"


There was a lot of discussion among the crowd, but Lin Shu, the instigator, had quietly left.

Staying here will only expose you.And the person who insulted his reputation is already dead.Still died in such a way, Lin Mu believed that even if he died, he would be cast aside for a long time, and this was enough for Lin Mu.

As the saying goes, people's words are terrible, if one person speaks, many people will start to spread rumors.As a result, various versions of rumors have begun to spread.

Some people say that Lin Mu is the savior of the world and cannot be killed, otherwise he will be punished by God.

Some people say that Lin Mu is a taboo person and cannot be killed, otherwise he will be punished by heaven.


In short, there are all kinds of things to say, but on the whole, they all tend to be on the good side.

This is not the result that the Zhulin Alliance hopes to see.They want Lin Shu to die, and they want to die so that everyone can't find any faults.

So some people began to jump out and refute these reasons.At the same time, some people have also realized that the arrival of the trees seems to be much earlier than they expected.Lin Shu has already entered Xianwang Ridge now.

This is both good news and bad news for them.

It is good news because the tree has come, but it is not good news because the tree has come too early.Many of their arrangements have not been fully arranged.

But there is one thing that they can explain more easily.

That's about the death of the first supreme being, now that Lin Mu has come.Then the death of the first generation of supreme beings was naturally caused by Lin Mu, and at the same time, they could confidently push it to Lin Mu's head.

They think so, and they do it at the same time.But most people still didn't buy it, because they couldn't explain the punishment of Thunder.

In the end they had to bring out a very authoritative person to explain.

That is Lei Zong's ancient genius, who claims to be born with lightning affinity and born in lightning.

This is indeed a man born with lightning, and he has a lightning rune on his forehead.This is inborn, not acquired.

The lightning rune is very magical, and there are even thunders brewing and flowing on it.

After he came out, there wasn't much nonsense.It just directly simulated the scene of how Lin Mu killed the first generation Supreme.

Seeing this Son of Thunder, he easily released the same punishment Thunder.The people below believed it. After all, Lin Mu knew the method of thunder, and everyone knew it.

"Dare to ask his thunder path and forest trees, which one is stronger and weaker!"

(End of this chapter)

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