Supreme Chef

Chapter 1585 Thunder Incarnation

Chapter 1585 Thunder Incarnation
As soon as such a question came out, the field fell silent instantly.

"Do you still need to ask such a question? Naturally, Lord Lei Zong's thunder path is stronger. The trees are just a few trails, and it is difficult to enter the elegant hall at all."

Immediately, someone from the alliance stood up and shouted loudly.

"But just now, I saw Lei Zong's thunder, it seems that it is not strong enough to kill a first-generation Supreme? According to what you said, it is even more impossible for the tree's thunder to kill a first-generation Supreme. Then it seems that , or God's punishment!"

These words are obviously provocative, but no one in the alliance can find the figure of the person who spoke, so they can only be anxious.

"Master Lei Zong didn't do his best just now. But Lin Mu did his best, how can this be compared?"

"Then let's see what it looks like if Lei Zong tries his best." The person hidden in the crowd continued to say provocatively.

"Hiding my head and showing my tail, I'll let you see what it's like to try my best, come out!" Lei Zong's Son of Thunder opened his eyes, and the light in his eyes shot like thunder, and then he was also in the crowd, pulling the trees out.

"Lin Mu! It really is you!" The members of the alliance gritted their teeth when they saw Lin Mu.

"Death to me!"

The Son of Thunder changed his handprints, as if there was a hole in the air, and thunder was pouring down.

Seeing such a scene, the people below all moved away, not wanting to be affected by Chi Yu.

Facing the pouring thunder, Lin Mu just raised his hand and slapped it out. Immediately, thunder filled the sky, blocking the opening, and at the same time, the thunder that filled the sky disappeared.

"Lei Dao true solution!"

The son of Lei's eyes narrowed, and there was a murderous intent in his eyes.

The two had no extra words, and directly collided with each other.There was a violent collision, and thunder erupted in the sky.

Each arc is thousands of feet long, just like a real thunderbolt.

The Immortal King Ridge that was bombarded by each one made a 'boom' sound, but the Immortal King Ridge was too peculiar, and it was difficult to destroy it here.So it's just a 'boom' sound, but it doesn't seem to be destroyed.


The Son of Thunder yelled, the lightning symbol on his forehead was glowing, with the power of endless thunder, he was attracted to him.

At this moment, he seemed to be transformed into the thunder of heaven, like a real god descending into the world.

"The Son of Thunder is worthy of being born in the midst of thunder and lightning, and his comprehension on the Dao of Thunder is indeed unmatched by Lin Shu."

Lin Mu looked at the Son of Thunder with solemn eyes, and his hands were constantly forming seals.Unleash the true understanding of Thunder Dao.


A dragon-shaped lightning shot out from the forehead of the Son of Thunder, and the thunder dragon roared, making the surrounding mountains tremble, as if they were about to collapse. This was a great terror.

For thousands of years, it has never been heard that anyone can destroy this place.The power of this thunder dragon is really extraordinary.

Lin Shu was also glowing all over his body, and a rune of 'Thunder' appeared in his hand.

This talisman was transformed into a giant axe, which was held by Lin Mu in his hand.Obviously, Lin Mu was about to slay the dragon.


Lin Shu roared, and there was a flash of thunder in his mouth, which made the world pale.


Lin Mu's thunder ax slashed on the dragon's head.

The thunder dragon was in pain and let out a roar. Immediately there was endless thunder, enveloping the trees like an ocean.

However, this did not stop Lin Shu's thunder axe.

The thunder ax pierced through, directly smashing the thunder dragon, and the thunder dragon's head rolled down and dissipated in the air.

A dragon without a head naturally couldn't continue to be fierce. After persisting for a while, its body collapsed and disappeared completely.

Thunder Dragon suffered heavy injuries, and the Son of Thunder naturally also suffered backlash.On the lightning symbol between his eyebrows, blood flowed down.It looked as if the center of the brow had been split, which was very terrifying.

On the other hand, Lin Mu also had extra wounds from the blast, but there was no blood flowing out of Lin Mu's body, instead there was thunder circulating inside.

"This is the incarnation of Thunder, not the real body at all!" Someone discovered the secret, and then shouted in surprise.

This is indeed surprising, Lin Mu and the son of Lei have been fighting for a long time.Everyone thought that this was Lin Shu's real body.

But after playing around, it turned out to be an incarnation of thunder, not even a spirit body.

Even if the Son of Thunder killed the incarnation, Lin Shu would not be affected in any way.

"This tree is too contemptuous of everyone!" Someone was mocking and provoking.

But more people were amazed that a mere incarnation of thunder had forced the Son of Thunder to such a degree.

How strong should Lin Shu's real body be?And looking at it this way, Lin Mu's Thunder Dao cultivation base is obviously higher than that of the Son of Thunder.

The son of Thunder's expression was also very ugly, and he never thought that the one who had fought with him for so long and even injured himself was just Lin Mu's thunder incarnation, not even a spirit body.

"It's boring, I'll leave first if you find out." Lin Mu left a sentence, and then turned into a thunder and left without leaving any trace.

Lin Mu left, and everyone looked at the son of Lei.At the same time, they don't have much confidence in this so-called Lin Zhu alliance.

It's just an incarnation of thunder, and it's playing around with the Zhulin Alliance.

The son of Lei looked at those gazes below, and also snorted coldly, then his body exploded, turning into a thunder dragon and disappearing.

"Spiritual body! The Son of Thunder is not a real body, but a spiritual body!"

Discovering this, somewhat saved the Lin Zhu Alliance's face.

If the son of Lei came from his real body, he was forced to such an extent by Lin Mu.Then this so-called Zhulin alliance has failed too much.

But even so, there were still people below, whispering.

"Spiritual body and incarnation, who is stronger and weaker, anyone can tell. Although the son of thunder is not coming in real body, but the spirit body is always stronger than the incarnation. And the son of thunder may come, it is his strongest What about the spirit body. From this point of view, Lin Mu still has the upper hand and the initiative. It is not a good sign that Lin Mu has just come to let Zhu Lin Alliance stumble like this!"

"Who says it's not! This forest is really a demon king, whoever gets infected with him will be unlucky."

"Let's stop talking about this, and don't get into trouble. They beat them, and we just go to find our chance. Our time is limited. Once they start to do it, our chance will be gone."

There are still some people who are more rational. They enter here to watch the fun is only one aspect.Most importantly, they are here to find their own opportunities.

Lin Mu and Zhu Lin's alliance are just a test right now, if they really meet and start a war.

The [-]-mile Immortal King Ridge will be completely engulfed in the flames of war.At that time, there will be nothing for them at all.They can only stand aside, and even if they don't leave, they are in danger of falling at any time.

However, these words reached the ears of those in the Zhulin Alliance.But it made their faces very ugly.

Everyone pays attention to a good start, and they have a bad start!

(End of this chapter)

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