Supreme Chef

Chapter 1586

Chapter 1586

Although it is said that it is a bad start, but they have confirmed one thing.That is, Lin Shu did enter Xianwang Ridge earlier than all of them expected.

Immediately, the members of the Zhulin Alliance also announced the blockade of all passages, and anyone can only enter but not exit until the forest is found.

Eight hundred li Xianwang Ridge stretches across here.But for the immortal, this is not magnificent.But it is still very difficult to really find a person here, in Eight Hundred Miles of Immortal King Ridge.

In Xianwang Ridge, there are many forbidden places that are inaccessible.Not everyone can set foot here, and there are many places where even the top powerhouses may die inexplicably.

Xianwang Ridge hides too many mysteries, although it has been explored by predecessors for countless lifetimes.But there are still many unknown secrets in Xianwang Ridge.

Therefore, although the Zhulin Alliance intends to turn Xianwangling upside down.But this is obviously an impossible task.

There are too many heroes buried in the eight hundred miles of Xianwang Ridge.No one can say that they can explore every inch of Xianwang Ridge.

At this time, Lin Shu was retreating in a rather strange place.

There are all kinds of wonderful places in Babaili Xianwangling, and each wonderful place breeds a unique way.

These lands of Daoism are the most important resources for Xuanxian to attack the Immortal King, and there are many such places in Babaili Immortal King Ridge.

The place where Lin Shu was at this time was a silent space.

However, very few people dare to set foot here, because there will be inexplicable and destructive thunder here.These thunderbolts are different from Heavenly Tribulation, which at least has a glimmer of life.As for Thunder here, the glimmer of life is almost impossible to check.

Ordinary people set foot here, it is easy to fall.So this is a forbidden place in Xianwang Ridge. Even for Lei Dao monks, this is a forbidden place. Few Lei Dao monks will easily set foot here for Lei Dao.


Suddenly, a tiny golden lightning flashed in the void.This lightning is like a little snake, not only does it look powerless, but it makes people like it.

But it was just such an insignificant lightning, but it turned the forest tree over and went out.At the same time, Lin Shu coughed up blood, and the skin on his body was scorched black.

One must know that Lin Mu is already at the peak of the Immortal Body, and he has also achieved the Perfect Body.There is no weakness at all on his body, and if he goes one step further, he is truly transcendent and sanctified.The Eucharist is accomplished.

But even so, they were all sent flying by a small golden lightning.It can be seen that the power of this lightning, if it hits someone else, it may have fallen directly.

Lin Mu was not affected too much. He got up from the ground and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.At the same time, run the exercises to remove the dead skin on your body, so that your real body will be safe and sound again.

Obviously this is not the first time Lin Mu has been hurt like this.

"The Dao of Thunder here is really much richer than anywhere else. Even if I am in the realm of Profound Sage, I still can't fully grasp the Dao of Thunder here." Lin Mu muttered to himself looking at the void here. .

In the Xuansheng domain of the forest, one can clearly see through the principles of Taoism.This is the biggest convenient method for Lin Shu to attack the king of the previous king.

And Lin Mu came here to master Lei Dao first.

The way of thunder is second only to the way of time, and the closest to the origin of the way of heaven.Because it replaces the law of heaven, Lin Mu wants to complete him first.

Then use Lei Dao as an opportunity to get a glimpse of the origin of the Dao of Heaven, so that it will be much easier for other Dao to grow.

But the idea is good, but the thunder path here is too complicated.Lin Mu tried several times to simulate, but failed, and every time he failed, he failed miserably.

Of course, the trees are not without any gains, there are still a lot of gains, and the time is still a bit far from my goal.


Suddenly, Lin Mu's divine sense moved, and in Lin Mu's divine sense, there was also a strange fluctuation from Lei Dao.

This is one of the harvests of the trees, which have been split several times.Forest trees can also use the mineway to explore this area.

In the Immortal King Ridge, spiritual consciousness is greatly suppressed.But the Tao will not be suppressed. Whoever masters the Tao will be more profound, and whoever can see more and see farther.

Forest trees can now see farther than others.

In Lin Shu's divine sense, a cave appeared, densely covered with thunder.However, being covered by the formation, I didn't notice it.But now, it was because there were some problems with the people in the cave, so there was a disturbance, which was discovered by Lin Mu.

"Who would be here?" Lin Mu rubbed his chin and said to himself.

"In this kind of place, except for Lei Zong, the son of Lei, I am afraid that no one with such pursuits will come here at the risk of his life. But since you are here, you should stay forever." Soon Lin Mu In his heart, he already had the answer.

Since the son of Lei is a member of the Lin Zhu Alliance, he is also the first to stand up and want to kill him.With emotion and reason, Lin Mu shouldn't be polite to him.

The movement of the trees here will not be restricted, although along with the walking of the trees, there will often appear in the void, destroying the thunder.But Lin Mu didn't care, as long as it wasn't the little golden thunder just now, it wouldn't hurt Lin Mu.

The trees are jumping in the middle of the mountains like walking on flat ground.

Finally, I saw that hidden formation.

Lin Shu operates his own eye of the law, and also uses the thunder way to break through the falsehood here.

Lin Mu looked at the place in front of him, this place was covered by thunder, and he sighed, "It turns out that this is the paradise here, and it is only here that we can truly understand the mystery of the way of thunder. This son of thunder It really gave me a big gift."

This cave is the core of the entire area.Here you can feel the thunder path more clearly, which will make it easier for Lin Shu to comprehend, and at the same time, he will be less injured.

"Son of Thunder, come out, an old friend is here!" Lin Mu would definitely not be polite to his enemies.Naturally, I won't knock on the door or anything, and I will use it directly. The Heavenly Dragon Eight Sounds of the Blood Spirit Dragon will directly use the sound waves to interfere with the Son of Thunder who is retreating inside.

As for whether the son of Lei is dead or alive, and whether he will be affected in any way, this is not Lin Mu's consideration.Lin Mu seldom does such a thing as repaying a complaint with virtue.

(End of this chapter)

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