Supreme Chef

Chapter 1603 Thunder Creature

Chapter 1603 Thunder Creature (2)

"who is it!"

Hearing this person's words immediately attracted everyone.

"This is the king of the ancient kings. There was his image on the stone wall over there. I remember the pattern on this side of the bone banner..." The man said with certainty.

And after hearing his words, many people recalled carefully, as if they had seen the bone banner of the ancient King of Immortal Kings that appeared on that stone wall.

It's just that at the beginning, they didn't think things in that direction.

The main reason is that they feel that this matter is a bit unbelievable and somewhat impossible.

But at this time, it is really confirmed that this is the ancient King of Immortal Kings.

"How did he turn into Thunderbolt? Could it be that he failed when he crossed the tribulation?" Someone also raised their own doubts.

"No! He must have succeeded, otherwise there would never be his image left on the stone wall."

"But what's going on here?"

"This should be engraved by the Dao of Heaven, the appearance of him after he crossed the catastrophe. Now that the trees smashed the throne, it is naturally a taboo. That's why such thunder falls. This is a kind of punishment and a kind of punishment." It is a kind of test. If Lin Mu dies, it is a punishment. But if Lin Mu wins, the King of Immortal Kings, it proves that the limit has been broken, then this is a kind of tempering and a reward."

"After all, in this world, not everyone has a chance. You can fight with this, the ancient King of Immortal Kings. The benefits of this kind are really limitless."

After hearing this pertinent analysis, everyone nodded in agreement.

In fact, Lin Mu thinks the same way, but Lin Mu thinks further.

Lin Mu didn't know if more Thunder creatures would appear if he killed this one.

You must know that there are [-] stone tablets here, and there have been shadows left behind.

If the kings of immortal kings on these steles were all imitated by the way of heaven.That Lin Mu fights one hundred and seven consecutive battles all the way, and the most powerful king of ancient fairy kings is really terrible.

Looking at the Lei Ting creature that had adjusted again, Lin Mu's heart was also moved, and he directly used the true solution of Lei Dao.


The thunder creature of the ancient King of Immortal Kings, facing the true understanding of the Thunder Dao that was oppressed by the trees, also directly raised his bones, and then slammed it out with an inexplicable Dao.To resist the true solution of Thunder Dao.

This inexplicable way is really strong, and this ancient king of immortal kings is also really strong.The inexplicable Dao principle he activated actually blocked Lin Mu's true understanding of the Dao of Thunder.

Lei Dao's true solution is useless, and Lin Mu can only choose to fight head-on.

Lin Mu held the Shadowless Knife and rushed over.

The collision of the Shadowless Knife and the Bone Banner sparked a thunderstorm, like the end of the world.



The two kept clashing, and the thunder that came out completely split the void, making the scenery here completely blurred.


Lin Mu also went crazy from the battle, with black hair flying, really like a demon god.

The trees are completely opened and closed, and they are also fighting with this ancient king of fairy kings.

This ancient King of Immortal Kings was obviously also good at his physical body, and after such rounds of confrontation, his body was unexpectedly unharmed.

The white bone banner in the hand of the ancient king of immortal kings pierced Lin Shu's shoulder at once, and blood flowed from Lin Shu's shoulder immediately, almost splitting open.


Lin Mu also became ruthless, and directly pierced the chest of the ancient Immortal King with the Shadowless Knife.

Immediately, his chest was completely shattered, and Lin Shu also activated his witch energy, killing him completely.


The ancient King of Immortal Kings exploded, completely turned into Thunderbolt, and returned to Jieyun.

The trees were stained with blood, but they managed to snipe and kill this ancient king of fairy kings.

There has never been a battle between the kings of fairy kings, and everyone who watched this battle was full of enthusiasm.

Especially Lin Mu, who actually split a King of Immortal Kings with his living force.


But before Lin Shu had a chance to breathe, two bolts of thunder fell on the Jieyun again.

These are also two kings of fairy kings from ancient times, and images have also appeared on the mountain peaks.

Seeing these two people appear, Lin Mu's heart sank.

My thoughts may be true, if there are really [-] people, then I am afraid that it will be very difficult for me to survive today.

However, the people of the Zhulin Alliance were extremely happy to see such a scene.They hope that more and more people will come to besiege the forest. It would be best if one hundred and seven ancient fairy kings come together.


At this time, Lin Mu couldn't tolerate too many thoughts, so he had to fight hard.

"Let's go together."

Some people continue to secretly encourage everyone, hoping that everyone can cut down the forest together.

However, this thunder calamity cannot be disturbed at all. Just now, someone moved, and immediately a thunderbolt landed, splitting everyone into calamity ashes.

Lin Mu and two ancient fairy kings fought together.The speed of the three of them has almost reached the extreme speed. Even the first generation Supreme can barely see a little bit of the image.

As for the rest of the people, what they saw was a blur, and they couldn't see clearly what happened inside.

In the end, Lin Mu paid the price, half of his body was almost blown to pieces, and beheaded the two ancient kings of fairy kings.

Such a price is not insignificant, but it can also show how powerful this ancient king of fairy kings must be.



After beheading two ancient kings of fairy kings, Lin Shu also gasped for breath.However, Lin Mu's body had just improved, and three figures came down again.

These three are obviously also once on the throne here, the ancient kings of fairy kings.

This time when the three of them appeared together, Lin Mu felt a deep oppressive force.

However, the three of them did not attack immediately, as if they were waiting for Lin Shu to recuperate.

This is a glimmer of life left by Tiandao, and it is also their pride as the king of immortal kings.

They disdain to take advantage of others, so they wait.

Lin Mu was also polite, and started to heal with all his strength.At this time, Lin Mu didn't care about hiding anything, and activated his exercises with all his strength, absorbing various life essences floating in the sky and earth, and repairing his body.

Seeing the prestige caused by Lin Mu's cultivation, everyone was shocked again.

With such a vast prestige, how many people can reach such a level in practice.

The life essence and immortal essence all over the sky, I am afraid that even the Immortal King can't really bear it.

But Lin Mu is obviously not an immortal king now, and he already has such a vast reputation for cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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