Supreme Chef

Chapter 1604 The Emperor Shows His Power

Chapter 1604 The Emperor Shows His Power (1)

Lin Shu's injuries from crossing his legs on the spot are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.


An hour passed, and the three ancient immortal kings also moved at the same time.

And Lin Mu has completely recovered at this time, and Lin Mu's fighting spirit is also constantly rising.

This was a very rare experience for Lin Mu.Face the ancient fairy kings, experience their methods, and experience their fighting styles.

The four of them stood together, and in an instant, the sky was completely split apart, and all the scenery was completely blurred.

The sparks from the four people's battle caused the collapse of mountains outside the Land of Kings.

Everything in the Immortal King's Soil is extremely hard.And there are inexplicable laws to protect, no one here can easily destroy every plant and tree here.

But they are not ordinary people, they are all kings of fairy kings.They are the kings of this sacred land, the kings of all fairy kings.

They represent the supremacy among the fairy kings. They have the ability to destroy mountains and peaks.

The four fought to the point of madness, and wounds appeared on Lin Mu's body again.Every wound on Lin Mu's body was extremely terrifying.

On the opposite side, there were also some wounds on the bodies of the three Immortal Kings.

Lin Mu's potential was fully stimulated, and at this moment, the treasures in Lin Mu's body were also fully developed.

Each of the acupuncture points on Lin Mu's body is bursting with rainbow-like auspicious energy.

These auras tore apart the sky, and at the same time shattered the immortal essence here.



The figures of the four people and the image here are all blurred.The sky is already covered, and the battle is torn apart.

This is a scene of the end of the world, which makes everyone feel very scary.


Lin Shu was roaring wildly, with fighting spirit gushing from his mouth.

These fighting spirits were like the sharpest divine swords, and directly rushed away the shoulder of a fairy king who was facing the forest.


Lin Mu no longer gave him a chance to fight back, he stopped, and the whole person flew out.


The Shadowless Knife in Lin Mu's hand pierced into the opponent's body at once.Then Lin Mu's arm trembled, crushing him completely.

A king of fairy kings fell like this.

But Lin Mu also paid a huge price, although Lin Mu beheaded one of them.

But the weapons of the other two also pierced through the ribs of the forest.

The trees were pierced, and the blood gushed wildly.

Lin Mu felt the pain again.


The witch energy in Lin Mu's body was surging, and Lin Mu's eyes became completely blood red at this moment.

Lin Mu used his flawless real body to completely clamp the two weapons.

Then Lin Mu held the sword in his right hand and clenched his fist in his left hand, attacking at the same time.Directly towards the remaining two, he greeted them.



The Shadowless Knife pierced the sea of ​​consciousness of one of them, and the Wushen Fist also blew up the body of the other.

The king of the two fairy kings fell directly like this.

Seeing that Lin Mu beheaded three more Immortal Kings, everyone held their breath.

They couldn't believe it, what they saw before their eyes.

After a while, the king of the six immortal kings fell like this.


After beheading six people, Lin Mu also began to seize the time to recover from his injuries.

The battle with the three of them also caused indelible damage to Lin Mu's body.

Many wounds simply cannot heal in the first place.There is the will of heaven at work, and the wound will be torn open again almost at the moment of healing.


But just as Lin Mu healed the wound on his body, another bolt of lightning fell, and then four figures appeared in front of everyone.

These four figures are completely different from the six figures just now.

Their bodies are surrounded by imperial aura, which hovers around their sides like a dragon.

This makes them look even more heroic and extraordinary.

"Four great emperors, how they looked when they were young!"

Seeing this, everyone also understood that what appeared this time were the four great emperors who had walked out of here.

These are four peerless ruthless people. They have created too many brilliance and miracles.

They are the four closest to the Supreme after the end of the ancient times.

It can be said that the glory of the world is at least half of the credit of the four of them.

Their deeds have been extolled until now.

Lin Mu looked at the four people on the opposite side, and there was also hatred in his heart.

But in fact, Lin Mu should also thank the four of them.

Without them, the joint shot.It is impossible for Lin Shu to reach the earth, and if he does not reach the earth, Lin Shu cannot find the Supreme Yin-Yang Jue, the real method of cultivation.

Naturally, he would not have the glory of today, and Lin Shu was also a genius in heaven.The speed of cultivation is also extremely fast.

But if he continued to practice according to the cultivation method of that day, Lin Shu would at most reach the realm of the Immortal Emperor, and that would be the end of it.

As for the limit, even breaking the limit, don't think about the trees.


The four great emperors still seemed to want to get rid of Lin Shu and then hurry up, so they appeared without giving Lin Mu a chance to rest.

The four shot at the same time, interweaving a large piece of light.

These divine lights are the sharpest swords.They can easily cut off the void, and can easily kill all enemies.

After all, they are great emperors, even if they were young emperors, no one can underestimate them.

The talent of the four of them, even in ancient times, cannot be underestimated.

It is true that when they entered the Divine Land, they had powerful opponents who were in the same era as them.

These people may be the current five-time champion, six-time champion.But in the era when they entered the divine land, no matter what the reason was.

In the end, these four great emperors were chosen by Heavenly Dao.They became the last kings, the last champions.

At the same time, after they left the sacred land, they directly created an era.They are the emperors of that era, and in their era, anyone can only surrender at their feet.

But Lin Shu doesn't accept it, and Lin Shu won't accept it either.

Trees are to fight, and to be conquered.

Lin Mu wants to defeat them, not only to defeat them in the past, but also to defeat them in the present.Of course, if they are still alive in this world now.


(End of this chapter)

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