Supreme Chef

Chapter 1615

Chapter 1615 Reincarnation Peak

The mountain peak is bare, without a single scripture on it.Similarly, there is no vegetation growing on it.This is a bare mountain, but if the mountain appears outside.It is not surprising, the key is that it appears here.

The surroundings are all mountain peaks piled up with scriptures, and here is a mountain piled up with earth and rocks, so it's hard not to attract attention.

Lin Shu walked around the mountain and found nothing special.

However, Lin Mu believed that the scripture villain's feelings could not be wrong.There is definitely a piece of supreme scripture hidden here.A piece of scriptures that would be arranged for a long time by the Supreme Being.

"Sure enough, I was still being followed, but I didn't expect that it would be you." The elder brother who entered this place before came out from nowhere, looked at Lin Mu and said.

Lin Mu looked at the elder brother who came out, and said, "Actually, I never thought that you failed in summoning your soul."

After Lin Mu entered here, he also wanted to understand why he felt that the senior brother's technique was familiar.

Because Lin Mu has seen this technique before, and he has seen it for a short time.

When Lin Mu was looking for the best immortal veins, he had seen such a void blood sacrifice formation.

This is the real body of Xing'er's father that Lin Mu met in the cultivation world before.

It's just that Lin Mu didn't expect that he failed in summoning the soul, and at this moment he could only use other people's bodies to exist.

The eldest brother looked at Lin Shu, snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "Failure? How could I fail? How can you understand my arrangement like an ant. But you took the initiative to send it to your door today, and we will settle it. cause and effect?"

Lin Mu looked at the elder brother and said: "You, a person who can only take away your body, how can you understand the cause and effect with me. But today, I can send you on your way completely, so you don't need to take away your body again in the future." .”

The elder brother sneered again and again, and then shot directly.

The elder brother made a move and slapped it out with a palm, and suddenly a five-element mountain appeared on top of Lin Shu.

The Five Elements Mountain is made up of Wuzhi Mountains that look like rootless fingers, each of which represents a five-element element.

Such a Five Elements Mountain can definitely crush the Immortal King to death easily.But senior brother, he can easily raise his hand to condense.

This obviously shouldn't be the power it should have after seizing the house.


When the Five Elements Mountain fell down from the sky, it also crushed the sky.However, Tushan, who was all in support, was not affected in the slightest.

Facing the oppressive Five Elements Mountain, Lin Mu went all out to fight against the Five Elements Mountain.

This Five Elements Mountain looks very simple, but in fact he is not simple at all.If you want to break it, you must smash the five elements at the same time.

Otherwise, if you can't smash it at once, just smash one.It will cause the entire Wuxing Mountain to collapse, and the explosion that will be triggered at that time is not fun.

Lin Mu punched, and five fist lights burst out at the same time, each corresponding to one of the Five Elements Mountains.


Five fist lights collided with five mountain peaks at the same time, triggering a big explosion.

However, this big explosion did not cause a chain reaction, it was not the kind of devastating explosion where the five elements collapsed.

At this time, Lin Shu has reached the level of the Immortal King, and is still a king beyond the Immortal King.The use of immortal essence and the use of dao principles can be said to be the pinnacle.

So Lin Mu can do it, just like that.

The elder brother looked at Lin Mu, nodded, and said, "That's right. At your age, it is very rare to have your cultivation and strength. Even in ancient times, it is very rare."

Lin Mudao: "It is probably very rare to have someone as despicable and shameless as you in ancient times."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he turned around directly, and the chaotic fire burned the void, burning hundreds of golden-winged turtles to ashes.

The elder brother looked at Lin Mu and said, "The reaction and adaptability are also good, it's worth my effort to deal with it."

"Big words!" Lin Mu snorted coldly.

Then the two fought together again, this ancient soul is indeed very extraordinary.

Although it is a seizing house, the strength it displays is no worse than that of Lord Nine Obsidians.

From the very beginning, Lin Mu fell into a bitter struggle.

And Lin Mu felt that if there was no soul-suppressing talisman in his sea of ​​consciousness that made him afraid.

I am afraid that at this time, I have already lost.After all, this ancient soul, after summoning his soul, his strongest thing is his soul coercion.

This kind of coercion, even if Lin Mu was promoted to become the Immortal King at this time, he could not resist it.

After all, this is an ancient and powerful soul. God knows what level he has reached.His soul coercion is truly terrifying.

In fact, the elder brother of the ancient soul was no less shocked than Lin Mu.

Now that the battle has been fought, he has already grown his hair.

After all, he is limited by this body, and cannot fully display the full power of his soul.

But this senior brother is also a first-generation Supreme after all, and the physical limit he can bear is also very terrifying.In his opinion, this should be enough to kill Lin Shu.But in fact, he has been standing until now, and he has not taken advantage of half of the reading by chance.

Even to some extent, he is still at a disadvantage.

After all, Lin Mu's physical body is unparalleled, and the first-generation Supreme that he took over by himself is not as powerful as Lin Mu.


The senior brother suddenly stretched out his own domain, wanting to catch Lin Mu by surprise, and control Lin Mu in his own domain first.

The most powerful method for this senior brother who has seized his home is his domain.

The path he took was different from others, and he combined his own principles with Domain.In this way, whether it is a separate domain or a separate way in the early stage, it is actually not very strong.

But this next time is for this soul that has existed since ancient times.It's not really a problem at all,
This kind of road is not a problem for him, he just made a little modification to make this road completely perfect.

At this time, he opened his domain, and Lin Mu was immediately trapped in it.

After his transformation, the domain has great power.

Lin Mu was trapped in it at this time, and there would be Taoism chains constantly, rushing out from a certain place, trying to penetrate Lin Mu's body.

This ancient soul not only solves the problem of compatibility, but also arranges more Taoisms in it, blending into the domain of Taoisms, and like an independent world, it makes Lin Shu feel at a loss.

Faced with such domain attacks, Lin Mu also opened up his own reincarnation domain.

But as soon as Lin Shu opened up his own reincarnation field, some changes appeared in this bare hill.

"Reincarnation!" Two blurred words appeared on the mountain bag.

(End of this chapter)

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