Supreme Chef

Chapter 1616

Chapter 1616

The sudden appearance of these two words on the mountain peak caused the trees to tremble involuntarily!
Because of his own reincarnation domain, such a change here was unexpected by Lin Mu!
"The Bible of Reincarnation, it's really here!" The senior brother looked at the two words that appeared on the mountain, and an excited expression appeared on his face!

Lin Mu looked at the excited expression on the senior brother's face, and seemed to understand something.But immediately, an even more shocked expression appeared on Lin Mu's face!

The reason why the eldest brother took the body was not because he couldn't gather a stronger physical body, but because he wanted to reincarnate and find the strongest physical body he had back then.Return to the peak directly!
"Is there really reincarnation in this world? If there is, what is reincarnation?"

Regarding reincarnation, there has never been any evidence in this world to prove his existence.

And this world has never seen a reincarnated person appear.

Regardless of the fairy world or the Xiuzhen world, they all believe that everything is empty after death!

'Samsara Mountain' is shining because of the samsara area of ​​the forest, and the light from the two words representing samsara distorts everything.

"Time is also distorted!" For Lin Mu who masters the principles of time, his perception of time is more sensitive than others!
Lin Shu felt the distortion of time, which was different from space!The distortion of time will drive Wan Dao, all warping back to the previous point, or the previous point!
"That's right, this Sutra of Reincarnation should be the Sutra of Time! The word Shun that Dao Zun said about the principles of time should have been brought out from here. A Tao Sutra about time is indeed worth the effort of Dao Zun. to arrange."

In an instant, Lin Mu also thought of a lot and figured out a lot.He understood Daoist's arrangement.

"If this is really a piece, Time Dao Jing! I'm afraid it can really evolve reincarnation!"

Lin Mu was also a little shaken in his heart.

"Or just watching, but it can't change anything!"

Lin Mu really didn't believe that the dead can be resurrected!Or revive in another form!
There is indeed a precedent for the resurrection of the ancients, but that is not the real reincarnation.It's a kind of self-appointment, just like the soul in the elder brother in front of me.

He can also be regarded as a different kind of resurrection.But this is not reincarnation, his soul is still his past soul!And not another person, a whole new soul.


The Samsara Peak appeared, and the elder brother also abandoned the trees and headed towards the Samsara Peak.

He wants to obtain the scriptures of reincarnation, he wants to find reincarnation, find his past body, and make himself invincible in this life!
"You want to get back your past body, you think too much! Since you want reincarnation, I will send you reincarnation completely!"

Whether that's true or not, Lin Mu can't let him succeed.

If he succeeds, he will die himself.Moreover, this is related to the principles of time, and it is the most important piece of the puzzle for Lin Mu to perfect himself!
"You and I join forces to comprehend the scriptures of reincarnation, which is in the common interests of both of us!" The elder brother swayed a large attack while attacking the trees.

Lin Mu raised his hand, and a piece of Dao was blasted out, colliding with the attack of the senior brother, and then said: "But I don't want to share enlightenment with you, and my interests are completely different from yours."

Eldest brother was in a hurry, but Lin Mu was not in a hurry.

Moreover, Lin Mu guessed that the elder brother was so anxious that there might be some problems in his soul.

And this problem is probably not too small, or it means that there is a time limit for him to get his body back.

In short, no matter what it is, the trees can now take care of themselves.As long as you can hold him back.

Lin Mu kept making shots, so he didn't confront him head-on at all, but kept fighting, so that he couldn't find any chance to get close at all.

And Lin Mu also put away his own reincarnation domain. As Lin Mu's reincarnation domain dimmed, the word "Samsara" on the Samsara Peak also dimmed.

Seeing such a scene, the elder brother became even more anxious.

"Boy, you and I work together, and I can give you great benefits, and I can help you become an immortal emperor." The elder brother continued to lure.

Lin Mudao: "I'm not interested. It's just an immortal emperor, it's not what I want to pursue at all."

The elder brother snorted coldly, and said: "My boy, although your talent is good, you are still too far behind to become the supreme. And in this world, it is even more difficult for you to become the supreme, and you are also There is no such opportunity."

Lin Mu calmly said: "You don't need to worry about this. Whether I can become Supreme is my own business and has nothing to do with you. As long as you don't become Supreme, I think everything is fine."

When the elder brother heard Lin Mu's words, his eyes were about to burst into flames, and he said, "Don't be ignorant, boy. You will benefit endlessly by cooperating with me. Even if you become the Supreme, there is a great possibility. And I can even help you achieve what the ancient ancestors could achieve."

Lin Mu's heart was shaken when he heard the senior brother's words, and he said, "Your soul is really not simple. The pharmacist in ancient times is probably also an incarnation of you?"

After hearing Lin Mu's words, the eldest brother also understood that he was in a hurry and slipped away.He also quickly closed his mouth and stopped talking.

"Who am I, you don't need to know. In short, you just need to know, and you will have infinite benefits by cooperating with me." The elder brother continued after a pause.

Lin Mu said: "I really don't need to know, and I don't bother to know. But I know now, I just need to block you."

After a pause, Lin Mu continued: "And if you are really as powerful as you say, you probably don't need to cooperate with me. Now you are a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, do you think I will believe your words? "

"Boy, I want you to die!"

The elder brother was finally irritated by Lin Mu, and he decided to deal with Lin Mu first.

The elder brother raised his hand, and a star river immediately bombarded him.

This is an ancient law with infinite power and enormous power.

Lin Mu raised his hand, and suddenly chains and chains rushed up.



The Taoist chain easily pierced through the galaxy and shattered the planets in the galaxy.

Although the eldest brother has mastered many things, but his body is unable to exert such a huge power.

If it was his soul at this time, coupled with a body like Lord Jiuyaoxing, Lin Mu might be in danger.

But the soul of the elder brother did not dare to get close to the existence of Lord Nine Obsidians.Although his soul has recovered, it is only a soul after all, and the power it can exert is limited.There is no danger in seizing an ordinary first-generation Supreme. If it is such an existence as Lin Shu, then it is unknown who will die and who will live.

(End of this chapter)

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