Supreme Chef

Chapter 1617 Long River of Time

Chapter 1617 Long River of Time (1)

Seeing that he was complete, the elder brother couldn't do anything to Lin Mu, and Lin Mu himself was as slippery as a loach, so he was very anxious immediately.

His situation was similar to Lin Mu's speculation.His situation is actually very bad.

He has been planning for a long time.The first is to restore one's soul, and the second is to prepare to go back to the past and find one's original body through the reincarnation scriptures.

Originally, his plan was good, but a forest tree turned out.Whether it was when he was summoning the soul, or now he was preparing to obtain the scriptures of reincarnation.

The trees will step in and destroy their own arrangements.Lin Mu is just like his nemesis, whenever he is critical, Lin Mu will appear.

In order to ensure the perfection of his soul, although he took it away, he didn't completely take it away.

Because of complete loss, even if you find your original physical body, it will not be perfect.

He has been planning for so long, just to attack the Supreme, the one who is truly detached, and who truly coexists with the heaven and the earth.

So he does not allow his body to have even the slightest blemish.If he hadn't been forced into a desperate situation, he would never have completely seized the house.

But without completely taking the house, he also has to face a time limit problem.

This time is limited, if it exceeds that time, he will either completely take it away, or leave this body.

It is not what he is willing to do to completely lose his body, but he is even more unwilling to do it without this body.Because this is too dangerous, Lin Mu is not an ordinary master.He who only has a soul body may not be Lin Mu's opponent.

"Ah! Kid, you are too deceitful, today I will take you to experience reincarnation!" The senior brother was really pushed, and forced to activate the secret technique.

Following his urging to activate the secret ** back', the word "return" appeared on the mountain peak again.

These two glaring lights once again distorted the long river of time.

Before Lin Mu could react, he was swept into the river of time by the light.

Experiencing the long river of time is not a fun thing, and it is very dangerous.If you are not careful, it will be beyond redemption.

Lin Mu didn't expect that this big senior brother would be so crazy that he would take him along with him and travel against the long river of time to find his original body.

This is the behavior of a real lunatic. It is very dangerous to be alone, let alone bring another person.

But at this time, both of them had already entered the long river of time, and it was too late to say anything.


The elder brother also worked desperately, directly urging the secret method to make time start to reverse.

Fragments of past pictures appeared in front of Lin Shu's eyes.These picture fragments represent things that actually happened in the past.

This is indeed incredible, but these fragments can only be viewed.However, it cannot be changed. If it is changed, unexpected and horrible things will happen.

Even if these fragments rubbed his body.They will all fall directly, and there is no possibility of surviving at all.

So Lin Mu had to be careful, but fortunately, Lin Mu knew the rules of time, and he could temporarily guarantee his own safety by using the reincarnation domain.

But even though that senior brother was right in front of his eyes, and he was pushing the secret method very hard.Lin Mu had plenty of opportunities to attack him, but Lin Mu didn't dare.

Because this is in the long river of time, any fluctuation may change history and at the same time obliterate oneself.

Lin Mu can only act as a spectator in the long river of time, and can't change anything at all.

However, Lin Mu was also curious about what kind of means the big brother in front of him had to make him so confident in finding his body back.

Without entering here, Lin Shu still doesn't know the danger here.Now that he has entered here, Lin Mu is too aware of the danger here.

Unless the elder brother has fully figured it out, time rules.Otherwise, his return like that would definitely not be successful, and he himself would die here.

The picture soon became unfamiliar, and it seemed that the fairyland was not the current fairyland.

Lin Mu saw the scene where the cultivation world and the fairy world were connected as one.

"This should be the ancient times. In the ancient times, the world of cultivation and the world of immortality were completely integrated. At that time, the world of immortality and the world of cultivation were indistinguishable from each other." Lin Mu muttered to himself.

Lin Mu originally wanted to see how the ancient times ended.But this scene, just flashed past.

It takes a lot of energy for the big brother to perform the secret technique.At this time, countless fine cracks had appeared in his body that had been stolen from him.Like porcelain, his whole body seemed about to explode.

"Pfft!" He was coughing up blood. Obviously, this body was already at its limit.

The picture continued to fly back, and finally the picture was frozen in an ancient land where the trees were completely unknown.

Lin Mu didn't know which time this belonged to, and he didn't know where he belonged.

But it's been a very, very long time here.

There is only one lonely tomb, surrounded by weeds, it is not as luxurious as an ordinary person's tomb.

"That's resurrection soil!"

Lin Shu stared at the black soil covering the tomb, and said with a horrified expression.

The resurrection soil is the legendary divine soil.

There are not many in this legend.The physical body is buried inside, which can guarantee that it will never decay.At the same time, it can also guarantee that the vitality of the physical body will not die.As long as the soul can return to the body, it can immediately reproduce the prestige of the year.It is the first-class fetish in the world.

According to the legend, there are not many of them, but the entire tomb in front of me is actually made of resurrected soil.It can be seen how extraordinary the identity of the owner of this tomb is.At the same time, the strength of the owner of the tomb was extraordinary.

The place where the land of resurrection can be found is definitely not a good place.Which of these places is not a deadly place, and so many resurrection soils can be collected, it can be seen that there are definitely not a few places he entered before his death.


The elder brother's body, after arriving here, finally couldn't hold on anymore.He exploded completely, and the original ancient soul appeared.

His soul power is too outstanding, and at the same time too powerful, even in this long time, it can suppress the long time.


The soul made a move, which directly triggered the scriptures of reincarnation hidden under the Samsara Peak.

For this place, he obviously knows much more than Lin Shu.

On the ground floor of Samsara Peak, a piece of jade slips with a simple shape emitted a blue-gray light.

When these rays of light appeared, they were like a bound bandage, and they actually temporarily stopped the long river of time.

Then the soul began to recite, the resurrection mantra.

And seeing this, Lin Mu also understood what his plan was.

(End of this chapter)

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