Supreme Chef

Chapter 1621 The road ahead

Chapter 1621 The road ahead
Life has always been a thing full of miracles.

No one can tell clearly what the origin of the first life in this world is, where it is, and how it came about.

However, one thing has always been recognized by everyone, that is, life cannot be produced out of thin air.

Although the scripture villains can move flexibly, they can walk freely.But in fact, he is not alone, but just some runes.It is unconscious, the characteristic of life.

Life can continuously evolve and cultivate, whether it is a human monk or a monk of other clans.At this point, life is indistinguishable.Even if a plant of grass becomes refined, it must first be sure that such a plant of grass is a living body.

But the scripture villain is not, and it always will be.It cannot grow up, nor can it evolve, and most importantly, it cannot cultivate according to its own wishes.

But at this moment, the scripture villain is different.Lin Mu felt a breath of life from it.

If the villain of the scriptures can really become an adult, it may subvert the understanding of everyone in the entire fairy world.

Of course, this will be an indescribable opportunity for the scripture villain and Lin Shu.

The scripture villain can get rid of the inhuman body, and really start to practice alone.And Lin Mu once observed the process of creating life out of thin air, and the benefits are even more indescribable.

Because the way of heaven monitors all life, Lin Mu witnessed the birth of a life, isn't it the same as the way of heaven.

"Why are you two looking at me like that? I didn't swallow the scriptures alone, I brought back all the valuable ones." The villain of scriptures trembled when Lin Mu and Liu Yiyi looked at him with a little hair.

Lin Mu didn't care about the mountains of scriptures, and said, "What have you devoured here?"

The scripture villain said: "I haven't eaten anything except the scriptures here. Besides, I can't eat anything."

Lin Mu originally thought that the scripture villain swallowed something, which made him change now.

But at this time, it seems that this is not the case.The scripture villain has not devoured anything special.

Lin Mu stared at the scripture villain, and thought carefully for a long time, but still had no clue.

If the source of this matter can be found, there will definitely be more important gains in the cultivation of trees.

Lin Mudao: "Among the ancient books you've read, are there any scriptural records about creating life out of thin air?"

The scripture villain listened to Lin Mu's words, and then it also fell silent.

The scripture villain thought about it carefully for a long time, and said: "There are so many articles, but in fact, all the articles have only one central idea. The beginning of life is endowed by heaven, and the subsequent evolution is beyond the control of heaven. "

When Lin Mu heard what the scripture villain said, he also began to mutter to himself, repeating what the scripture villain said just now.

Soon Lin Mu had a bold guess that life was endowed by the Dao of Heaven, but the Dao of Heaven could not completely control life.

It seems that it can be understood in this way, the way of heaven itself is a life, and the first life in the world now seems to be its cells.

These cells have been replicated in various ways and become different lives.

After countless generations of evolution, although this cell is still that cell, the genes inside have been recombined.This made Tiandao lose complete control over life.

As for the current situation of the scripture villain, it is also related to its own situation.It is born in scriptures, and those scriptures themselves represent the way.

And the scripture villain devoured so many scriptures, obviously there are all kinds of scriptures.

And the scripture villain gathered them together, which is equivalent to reappearing the way of heaven, which is somewhat similar to my fellow practitioners of ten thousand dharmas, but it is not exactly the same.

Lin Mu's ten thousand dharma fellow practitioners were assembled according to Lin Mu's own thoughts.

But the scripture villain's fellow practitioners of all dharmas are completely in accordance with the essence of the way of heaven.

Therefore, it can be said that there is a miniature way of heaven in the body of the scripture villain.And the way of heaven itself has life, so the scripture villain will also become a life.

After Lin Mu figured this out, he was also ecstatic.

Explaining everything that the scripture villain is going through now may make people feel dull.But if you savor it carefully, you will be able to truly understand what is the real meaning of doing so.

For tens of thousands of epochs, the monks who have been sitting here have been going against the sky, fighting for their fate.For the sake of longevity and heaven, never fall into reincarnation
But you are still not on the same level as Tiandao, so how can you win.Only when you truly develop the treasures and potentials in your body, and turn your body into an existence like the Dao of Heaven, will it be possible to overcome.

Otherwise, there will always be first-class levels that go against the sky, and sooner or later they will lose to the main body.

Such a change of scripture villain helped Lin Mu understand the path he would take in the future.

And Lin Mu seems to understand that this is the path of detachment that everyone has been pursuing.At the same time, it is also the realm behind the Supreme Realm.

Dao Zun arranged these things back then, probably not only for the scriptures of reincarnation, but also for finding the way behind the Supreme Realm.

Dao Zun back then may have reached the extreme.But he still wants to continue to be detached and continue to walk.

So he arranged a mountain of books, and he wanted to see how he died out of thin air.He needs to understand the operating rules of the Dao of Heaven, and only when he understands it can he attack and defeat it.

I have to sigh that Dao Zun's wisdom was unparalleled back then.He was able to think of such bibimbap, but Dao Zun couldn't wait for this moment in the end.But this was cheaper for Lin Mu, who directly picked up a ready-made one.

"If I can find your old man's grave in the future, I will definitely offer you two more sticks of incense." Lin Mu said sincerely to himself.

This is indeed worthy of Lin Mu offering two more sticks of incense to the Taoist priest. Such a huge benefit, such a thorough understanding, is all arranged by the Taoist priest before.Not to mention offering two more sticks of incense, but a few more kowtows, it should be done.

But even though I figured it out, how to take this road was extremely difficult.

First of all, let's not talk about cultivating all kinds of dharmas together. Even if you want to cultivate one Dao, it is very difficult like the Heavenly Dao, let alone the three thousand Dao.What's more, how many different permutations and combinations of these three thousand principles will be produced, and what is the most perfect combination of heaven and earth, these need to be constantly tried.

Of course, this kind of attempt does not mean that you try it casually, it needs to be tried at the cost of your life.

"Okay, let's leave here, there is no value here anymore." After Lin Mu thought about all this, he was also ready to leave here.

"Okay!" The Jingwen villain and Liu Yiyi agreed, and then followed Lin Mu to prepare to leave here.

However, before leaving, the villain of scriptures still absorbed the remnants of these storms and absorbed several mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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