Supreme Chef

Chapter 1622 Rise of the Useless

Chapter 1622 Rise of the Useless
Lin Mu took the scripture villain and Liu Yiyi and finally left this treasure-hiding land.

The biggest opportunity here, Lin Mu has already obtained, and the changes brought about by the scripture villain, Lin Mu has also penetrated, so there is no point in staying here.

Lin Mu took Liu Yiyi and the scripture villain to search everywhere in this sacred land, and a year passed quickly.


There was another heavy sound of the evening drum, which spread throughout the entire divine land.Everyone knows that there is still one year left before this trial is over.

Everyone is sprinting faster, looking for the last chance, sprinting to the highest position, so that they can have a little more possibility of surviving in the end times.

In the next few months, Lin Muliu Yiyi could continuously see someone attacking the throne of Immortal King.

It can be seen that this life is indeed very brilliant, and in the sacred land, many treasures that have not been opened in the past have all appeared at this time.Among these treasure lands, some are comparable to the land of kings.

The king of fairy kings, who had never been born in the past few lives, actually felt like a hundred flowers blooming in this life.

Moreover, Lin Mu believes that besides what the world has seen, there must be some top geniuses who have completely deceived the secrets and have already entered the realm of the king of fairy kings.

Just like Nine Obsidian Lord, he has already entered that level, but no one knows it.

However, although there are quite a few people who have become kings of immortal kings, none of them stepped on the throne of kings of immortal kings like forest trees and brought down the sky-defying thunder.

After all, they are all accepted by the rules of heaven, not Lin Shu, who are not allowed by the rules of heaven.

"There are still a few places, we have no way to explore one by one. We can only choose one or two places, the most worthwhile places to go." There is still a year left, and Lin Mu has to make a choice.

"You decide, I'll listen to you." Liu Yiyi looked at Lin Shu, where her eyes were fixed, and then said.

Lin Mu looked at the understanding Liu Yiyi, and said, "Don't worry, I will be very careful. I won't take any risks, let alone you are by my side."

Liu Yiyi nodded and said, "Okay."

The place Lin Mu was staring at was the place marked by the ancestors of the fortune-telling clan.

And the dangerous places are specially marked, because there may have been Supreme Beings there.What is in it, the ancestor of the fortune teller family, is just a guess.

He speculated that there was an immortality medicine there, but he couldn't be sure whether it was true or not.But there is one thing he can be sure of, that the Supreme has once shed blood there.Because according to the estimated records, the supreme being who entered there once shed a drop of blood.Everyone in the entire Divine Land has seen it.

But where the drop of blood is now, no one knows.And no one will go to investigate, where the supreme being can bleed, how can ordinary people dare to enter.

Lin Mu has been fascinated by it for a long time, not to mention whether there is really a longevity medicine, just that drop of supreme blood that may exist is enough to make everyone's heart flutter.

What kind of existence is the Supreme, surpassing the Immortal Emperor.Overriding the Tao, the true existence of the only one in heaven and earth.

The end of an era is all related to them, which shows how powerful the Supreme is.

Moreover, according to the legend, a drop of blood of the Supreme is equal to a world.A drop of blood can crush a galaxy.The Supreme Dao contained in it is enough to make the whole fairy world go crazy.

Lin Mu didn't go there before, firstly because he had some scruples in his heart, and secondly because he didn't want Liu Yiyi to worry.But this is the last chance, and Lin Mu still doesn't want to give up such an opportunity.


At this moment, above the sky, once again appeared the throne of the King of Immortal Kings.This is the sixth throne that has appeared this year.Lin Mu also wanted to see who stepped on the throne.

Soon, a person appeared beside the throne.Although this person's face was blurred, Lin Mu could still see who he was.

"It turned out to be him? He also stepped on the throne?" Lin Mu frowned when he saw the person who stepped on the throne.

"Isn't he already useless?" Liu Yiyi looked at that person, feeling shocked.

Lin Mu's eyes were deep, and he said, "He may have a new opportunity."

The moment this person stepped onto the throne, whether it was a coincidence or something, the direction he looked at happened to be the direction where Lin Mu and Liu Yiyi were.

But when he spoke, Lin Mu knew it was not a coincidence.Because he is provoking himself.

The two looked at each other from an unknown distance, and Lin Mu was not afraid.Even directly towards it, the Throne shot directly.

At this time, Lin Shu's cultivation has already reached a height that ordinary people can't imagine.At this time, Lin Shu shot, traversed countless distances, and directly placed on the throne with one palm.

Under Lin Shu's palm, the throne also shook, and that person also fell from the throne.

A person who can crush even the throne, let alone push a person off the throne.

Everyone in the sacred land saw a hand slap a person off the throne, and their mouths all opened into the word 'o'.

Lin Mu was the first to crush the throne, and he was obviously the first to fall from the throne.

Lin Mu withdrew his hand and glanced in that direction, with a serious expression on his face.

That place coincides with the direction and location where Lin Shu is going.

"It seems that that place is really weird and door-to-door. Otherwise, he would not be able to succeed. I am afraid that his Chaos Dao Formation has been completed. The road he wants to take may also be successful. He has already made the Chaos Dao Formation possess life, and it has been successfully carved into my body." Lin Mu looked at the bright red wound on his palm, and muttered to himself.

The one who stepped onto the throne was none other than the ancient genius of the Southern Emperor Sect who was plotted by Lin Mu.

Lin Mu originally thought that he had been abolished, but he didn't expect that not only was he not abolished.Now he has succeeded on the contrary, because when Lin Mu made a move just now.The Chaos Dao in his body really broke out, and although Lin Shu slapped him away in the end, Lin Shu was also injured.

Now there are only a handful of people who can hurt the trees in the same realm, in the entire sacred land.

"You're injured!" Liu Yiyi said anxiously when she saw the injury on Lin Mu's palm.

"It's okay!" Lin Mu comforted Liu Yiyi and said.

The tree witch flowed, and a cloud of black mist drifted out from the tree's wound.Then the wound on Lin Shu's palm healed perfectly.

"Let's go." Liu Yiyi looked at Lin Mu and said firmly.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Okay! Let's go, there is indeed a need there, let's go and have a look."

The appearance of the ancient genius of Southern Emperor Emperor Zong further strengthened Lin Mu's belief.At the same time, it also strengthened Liu Yiyi's belief.

In fact, Liu Yiyi still disapproved of Lin Mu's taking risks in her heart, but she was even more unwilling to see that after others took risks, they achieved success.In the end, in turn, it hurts the trees.This is also something she doesn't want to see.So she supports Lin Mu to go there.

(End of this chapter)

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