Supreme Chef

Chapter 1630 Divide

Chapter 1630 Divide
The four of Lin Mu attacked at the same time in the four-element formation, and the four of them teamed up with the help of the four-element formation at the same time, amplifying the attack power of the four of them several times in an instant.

The four of them are all extremely powerful immortal kings. At this time, they joined forces at the same time, and they still amplified their power through formations.Even the intact Xianjun would not dare to underestimate him easily.What's more, what they are facing is a fairy who is already at the end of his battle.

When the Immortal Lord of the Mu Clan saw the joint blow of the four, a smear of ashes flashed in his eyes.However, he did not give up, and the Immortal Lord of the Mu Clan directly chose a strong confrontation.

The Immortal Lord of the Mu Clan exerted his strongest power, even if he had to die, he would die brilliantly.


The Immortal Lord of the Mu Clan was shouting, and there was anger in his shouting, but more of it was unwillingness.How could he not be angry at being tricked by the four fairy kings.

The Immortal Lord of the Mu Clan chose to burn at the end. He wanted to exert his strongest combat power. Even if he died, he couldn't make Lin Mu and the four of them feel better.

The whole body of the Immortal of the Mu Clan was glowing, and the power of the Immortal appeared on him.

The king of immortals is the emperor of immortals.The king is in the front and the king is in the back.

One king can rule over all kings.This is the truest portrayal of Xianjun.

The Immortal Lord of the Mu Clan struck out with all his strength. This palm was so bright that the stars in the sky fell down like a meteor shower.

However, using his true strength in this way, the Immortal Monarch of the Mu Clan also encountered unimaginable horror.His whole body was trembling uncomfortably, Lin Mu didn't know what kind of ordeal their bodies had suffered.But on his body, fine cracks appeared continuously.

These cracks seem to be like cracks in porcelain, but if they appear on the body of a fairy, it means death.

The Immortal Lord of the Mu Clan didn't dare to do this at all, his fall was already doomed.But he didn't want to be on the road alone.


The attacks of the two sides blasted in mid-air, and the joint attack of Lin Mu and the four of them, after only a moment of stalemate, declared a complete defeat.

The attack of the Immortal Lord of the Mu Clan did not stop, and continued to fall downward.

It bombarded the four-element formation, causing the formation to tremble.At the same time, the four of them were coughing up blood.Although the four of them were supported by formations, they still encountered a very serious shock.

But in the end, Lin Mu survived, even though he paid a huge price.But the four of them survived strongly.

On the other hand, the Immortal Monarch of the Wood Clan, at this time, he intends to attack again.But the reason of the body, coupled with the supreme fighting spirit here, completely tore his body to shreds.

"I'm not reconciled!" The fairy monarch of the Mu clan roared angrily, but in the end he was powerless to change anything.He still fell, and the last trace of his consciousness was completely shredded by the fighting spirit.

If not here, if get along in different places.If this is his ancestral land, and he can exert all the strength of a fairy, then perhaps the result has already been doomed.Even if Lin Mu and the four of them team up together, they will lose in the end.

But all this is just if, the real situation now is that Lin Mu and the others won in the end.Having won the final victory, the Immortal Monarch of the Mu Clan fell completely.

"Hurry up and put his storage ring in, don't be destroyed by the supreme fighting spirit." Wu De urged Lin Mu weakly with blood still hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Although Lin Mu is confronting head-on, but Lin Mu's body is stronger than others after all.Therefore, Lin Shu is more able to persevere than others.

Lin Mu took back the ring of the Immortal of the Mu Clan, glanced at the ring in his hand, and said, "Let's go."

With the ring in hand, they don't have to stay in such a dangerous place anymore.

The four people manipulated the four-element formation to leave the place, and then flew away to the previously arranged safe place before stopping.

Just when they stopped, the four of them plunged into the spiritual spring below.

The four of them were indeed too tired, not only physically, but also psychologically.

After all, what they want to calculate is a fairy, and they can't make a mistake in one step. If they make a wrong step, they will die waiting for them.

The four of them quickly absorbed the immortal essence provided by the Lingquan in the Lingquan.

In just one day, the spirit spring was absorbed by the four and dried up.

But fortunately, the cultivation of the four of them has recovered [-]%, and they can move around freely.

"It's really not that fun to deal with Xianjun. A few times, I almost felt that I was going to die young." Xue Linglong said with lingering fear.

In fact, it's not just Xue Linglong who feels this way, Lin Mu and the three of them have also felt that they are so close to death several times.

The old monk said before that there are three levels of chance at the highest, which is not to say that it is low, but that it is somewhat high.

Of course, the final result is still good.

"Boss, take a look, what good things did this fairy bring out?" Xue Linglong looked at the ring of the Mu clan fairy on Lin Mu's hand, and said eagerly.

Holding the ring, Lin Mu directly broke the seal on it, and then poured out everything inside.

What the Immortal Lord of the Mu Clan brought was indeed shocking.This is completely like a treasure, all kinds of precious things appear in it.

The 10-year-old medicine is considered the most common among them.

After all, Xianjun is not so easy to cultivate, so this time Xianjun travels.The preparations are also very sufficient, all kinds of precious and unparalleled herbs that can extend life, I don't know how many have been brought out.

In addition to these herbs, there are many utensils that can also be used to deceive the secrets, which are extremely precious.

"Boss, is this a treasure at all? The accumulation of the aborigines is really terrifying." The Blood Spirit Dragon lay down and groaned, eager to pounce on these treasures.

Wu De was about to bleed out, and said, "Let's hurry up and divide it up. We still have to fight for the Supreme Blood. That is the real opportunity, the real treasure."

Although Wu De said so, his eyes never left these treasures.

Lin Mudao: "I checked these herbs, and many of them can be refined into pills that prolong life and improve cultivation. I will refine these pills for everyone for free, and then distribute them to everyone. As for the rest Let’s all get what we need.”

"No opinion." The three puppet readers said that they had no opinion on Lin Mu's proposal.

In fact, the four of them were originally a group, and when things were distributed, naturally there would be no competition involved.

With little effort, a treasure like a treasure was completely divided up by four people.

"Now only the Supreme Blood is left, do you have any good plans?" The value of the Supreme Blood is immeasurable.Even if there are ten treasures from the Immortals of the Mu Clan, they cannot compare with the value of a Supreme Being.So for Supreme Blood, Lin Mu will not give up easily.

(End of this chapter)

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