Supreme Chef

Chapter 1631 Getting Attention

Chapter 1631 Getting Attention
Hearing Lin Mu's words, Xue Linglong interrupted: "There is also the longevity medicine, which is more valuable than the supreme blood. It has appeared in this life, so we must not let it escape."

Lin Mu shook his head, with a serious face, and said: "It's hard. I met that longevity medicine twice, but it escaped both times. Although the second time, there is a reason for Jiuyaoxing Lord, but even without him , I am afraid it will be difficult to grasp it."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Xue Linglong said, "Boss, you met it again, where is it?"

Lin Mudao: "When I shattered the throne of the King of Immortal Kings, I shattered the throne and disturbed the heavenly secrets. I saw it, but that time, Nine Obsidian Lord made trouble, and it finally ran away."

After hearing this, the Blood Spirit Dragon said excitedly: "From the looks of it, Boss, this elixir of longevity is destined for you, maybe you can really get it. You must know that even the Supreme Being of the ancient times is just a one-time meeting. You've seen it twice."

The old monk also recited the Buddha's name and said: "Almsgiver, everything has a cause and effect, and everything has a definite decree. The poor monk also doesn't believe that ordinary people can't see the elixir of longevity in their whole life, and you will see it twice in a row. Second-rate."

Wu De also nodded, obviously Wu De didn't believe it either, it could be a coincidence.

In fact, Lin Mu himself didn't believe it, it was a coincidence.But if it was said that the longevity medicine had chosen him, Lin Mu didn't quite believe it.After all, this is the elixir of longevity, which even Supreme Beings never possessed.

"The longevity medicine is psychic, maybe it came to me because of other things." Lin Mu said.

The blood spirit dragon said: "Don't care if it is a psychic or not, even if it really came to you for other things. Then we don't have to be polite to it. Even if we can't catch it, we still want it to leave seeds or stay behind." Let's get something. Anyway, we can't come back empty-handed, that's all."

Wu Dehe said: "That is, we are determined not to go empty-handed, as long as we meet again, we are determined not to let it go easily."

"Let's talk about the matter in front of us first. Although we have solved one fairy king of the Mu clan, there are still two more. If we want to enter, it may be more difficult." Lin Mu said.

After Lin Mu finished speaking, the three of them also fell silent.

It is true that although one immortal monarch was solved, the remaining two immortal monarchs were even more difficult to deal with.And not to mention anything else, even the remaining two immortals, I'm afraid they won't be easily fooled and leave.

"If the supreme blood really appears, it will be accompanied by many visions. Maybe the problem we are worried about is not a problem at all?" Wu De said after a long time of hard thinking to no avail.

The old monk said: "That's true. How extraordinary the Supreme is, the blood of the Supreme must also be extraordinary. At that time, there will be infinite visions. Maybe the things we worry about are nothing at all."

There is no good way for the time being, and Lin Mu can only believe that the boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge.

In the end, the matter of Lin Mu's four killings of the Immortal Lord of the Mu Clan was not concealed. Of course, such a major event happened, and there was no way to hide it.

The news that Lin Mu had killed Xianjun spread like lightning throughout the entire Divine Land.

Maybe it's because it's so unimaginable.So such rumors have completely changed from the very beginning.

According to everyone's rumors, it was Lin Mu who killed the Immortal of the Mu Clan alone.

Of course, everyone may think that it is a more extraordinary thing for an immortal king to kill an immortal monarch alone, so everyone is willing to believe that such a miracle will happen.

Of course, such rumors, to be fooled, people who can't reach that height are still fine.For those who are at the same level as Lin Mu and the others, they understand the horror of Xianjun even more.They knew better that it was an impossible task.

So they scoffed at such rumors and didn't believe them at all.

Of course, Lin Mu would never come out to clarify such a boring matter.

As for Wu De and the three of them, they will not fight for merit.They can't wait, no one pays attention to them.

Who wants to appear to be okay with this kind of hatred, just take it all on themselves.

For the three of Wu De and the others, it is the best thing to get rich without being missed.

Lin Mu also wanted to do the same, but he was too famous.Even if many people understand, they will ignore Wu De and the three.

"My lord, there are rumors that Lin Mu killed the Immortal Lord of the Mu Clan." Behind Shangguan Kun, a follower knelt on the ground and said respectfully.

Shangguan Kun sneered disdainfully when he heard what his followers said, and said: "Such rumors are just a way to deceive ignorant people. If Lin Mu really has the ability to kill Xianjun, he wouldn't be afraid to It's exposed. There is no need to report such rumors in the future."

"Yes, my lord!" the follower agreed.

"My lord, the members of the Zhulin Alliance are waiting outside to see them. Would you like to see them?" the follower asked again.

Shangguan Kun said: "Go and tell them, as long as they find the location of Lin Shu, I will take action. Let them go back, I will continue to retreat."

"Yes, my lord!" The follower agreed, then turned and left.

"Lin Mu, you ruined my plan that day. Today I will use your blood to complete my final baptism. This world belongs to me, Shangguan Kun, and only I, Shangguan Kun, are worthy of detachment." Shangguan Kun's face was ferocious, and his voice Said coldly.

This wait is one month, but there is no movement of the Supreme Blood for one month, as if this is fake news.

Many people lost patience and chose to leave.After all, there is only the last year left, and they can't continue to spend it here.

And even if they continue to consume it like this, the supreme blood may not be theirs in the end.

However, during this month, not nothing major happened.The biggest thing among them was that the Mu clan spoke up, and the Mu clan united with other clans to start a joint pursuit of Lin Shu.This time, it was the highest level killing order among the aborigines.Moreover, the Mu Clan was obviously really angry, and the conditions offered by the Mu Clan were impossible for anyone to refuse.

"A holy medicine!" This is the condition offered by the Mu clan, such a condition, even if there is an immortal emperor, they will not refuse it.

Blood Linglong and the others swallowed hard when they heard such a condition.

"Boss Mu Clan is really big. I can't help but want to do something to you."

"Why don't we discuss it, the three of us will send you there, and we will rescue you after we get the holy medicine." Wu De leaned towards Lin Mu and said with glowing eyes.

In fact, not to mention Wu De and Xue Linglong, even Lin Mu himself was a little tempted in the face of such conditions.If possible, Lin Mu wanted to send himself there in exchange for a holy medicine.

The longevity medicine is invisible, the holy medicine is the top existence.The value of a holy medicine is simply indescribable.The supreme beings in ancient times dare not say that everyone has a holy medicine.

For Supreme, a holy medicine is already equal to a life.

Of course, that's what Wu De and Xue Linglong said.Really let them do it, they still won't do it.

Because of the price offered by the Mu Clan, the whole godland puppet was immediately excited.A holy medicine in exchange for the life of the forest.No one would not be tempted, even the masters among the many aborigines were dispatched one after another.

Although it is true that there are various opportunities in the sacred soil, there are not many plants of the top resource such as holy medicine, even in the sacred soil.Because the Mu people are naturally close to vegetation, they are in a unique position to find the holy medicine.But even so, with countless tens of thousands of years of accumulation, there are only two holy medicines in the Mu clan.

(End of this chapter)

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