Supreme Chef

Chapter 1635 Achievement Display

Chapter 1635 Achievement Display
Although the treasure drop in Wu De's hand is incomplete, it is enough to deal with this net-shaped magic weapon.

The net-shaped magic weapon was knocked down by the Luobao money, Wu De raised his hand, and grabbed the net-shaped magic weapon and his own Luobao money back.

"This magic weapon is really good. It's good for catching fish in the future." Wu De has a preference for magic weapons. In Wu De's opinion, any magic weapon should be his.And any magic weapon, he can use it.

"Fuck! What kind of broken thing is this, why is there another piece missing." Wu De also yelled bad luck when he looked at the magic weapon that was missing a corner.

Seeing it, Xue Linglong laughed loudly, and said, "I've said it before, in your life, you'll only be lucky enough to pick up rags."

Lin Mu also laughed when he saw it, Wu De's luck was bad enough.The magic weapon that I got back by myself, if it is incomplete, it will be incomplete.But the magic weapon snatched from others is also incomplete, so this is really fate.And this fate is a little bit worse.

"This is for you, just make a pair." Lin Mu took out the Kun Yin that he had snatched, and threw it to Wu De.

It was planned for Wu De a long time ago, but they have not met, so it was delayed.

"Kun Yin!" Wu De's eyes were on fire when he saw what Lin Mu threw over him.

Wu De grabbed Kun Yin over, looking at Kun Yin was like seeing a beauty.Harazi flowed all over the ground.

"Return my Star Net!"

Someone jumped out and asked Wu De for the that Wu De had just taken down with Luobao's money.

"I still want to go back to the things in my hands. The beauty of thinking, die to me!" Wu De just got the Kun Yin, how could he not show it off.


The combination of Qian Kun and Yin formed some kind of wonderful change in midair.

Dryness is the sky, and Kun is the earth.

The combination of heaven and earth is for heaven and earth.

The heaven and the earth combined and fell directly downward.


The combination of the two treasure seals directly pressed down, causing the world to begin to shatter, and the death energy here seemed to have weakened a lot.


The person who came to ask for it was directly crushed by the seal of Qian Kun, and even his consciousness and soul were crushed directly.

"The combination of heaven and earth is for the universe, and the seal of heaven and earth has reappeared!"

The old Immortal King, who had lived long thoughts, was a little excited when he saw the Qiankun Seal above the sky.

"In the legendary Qiankun Seal, a big secret is hidden. It may be related to the Supreme, or it may be related to the ancient times."

"We must get the seal of Qiankun."

Emperor Zong, who knew the secret, secretly sent a voice transmission to his own people, making everyone ready to compete for the Qiankun Seal.


Suddenly Wu De felt that his Qiankun seal was shaking, as if he had been drawn by some inexplicable force.


The old monk recited the Buddha's name, and then the Buddha's light bloomed all over his body, and inexplicable scriptures continuously flowed out from the old monk's mouth.

This is the highest scripture of Buddhism, representing the highest esoteric meaning of Buddhism.

This scripture collided with the inexplicable scriptures in the sky, causing the space to fluctuate continuously, shattering the void, and causing all the stars that were already on the verge of falling to fall down.

These are the real stars hanging in the sky, they are not illusory. One after another, they fell down, crushing all the mountains and sinking the earth.

Some immortals who didn't have time to escape were directly crushed into flesh by the stars.Originally, there was the death aura of the supreme being pervading here, but now it has become a dead place in a dead place.This place has completely sunk, even if Xianjun comes in, he won't get half of the benefits.

At this moment, the three people around Lin Mu made a move, and everyone saw the strength of the four people around Lin Mu.

These are all peerless masters, even a fairy beast next to Lin Mu can easily crush the legendary Nine Sons.

Such a terrifying combination, if the aborigines are not included in it, such a combination can definitely walk sideways in the sacred land.Even if they meet Lord Nine Obsidian Stars, they may be able to kill them casually.

"Everyone go up together, let them all be executed, and we will share their secrets together." The members of the Lin Zhu Alliance began to lobby everyone to go up and besiege Lin Mu and the others.

"Everyone, don't worry, there are masters at the level of immortals sitting on the periphery of us. Just go up, and there will naturally be masters at the level of immortals to block everyone. Lin Mu will definitely die this time." The people of the Zhulin Alliance continued behind Instigate, hope everyone can go up against Lin Shu.

"Lin Mu dares to fight me!" Shangguan Kun of the Southern Emperor Sect was the first to stand up and challenge Lin Mu.

"Boss, don't talk nonsense with this bastard. Let's kill him together. For such a person, asking you to take action is an insult to your reputation."

"This kind of little-known person, where to accompany you to sit against the boss, we just go up and kill him together."


It was obvious that four would fight one, but the Blood Spirit Dragon could still speak so confidently, and could still speak so that Shangguan Kun's seven orifices could be smoked.

"Damn bastard, take my life!" Shangguan Kun roared angrily, his eyes were red, he was really angry, and really angry.

"What kind of life do I want? You are a little-known little person, and you still want my life. You will accompany me. The four of us beat you one. I feel flattering you. Or you commit suicide, I am now I'll dig a hole for you." When it comes to quarrels, even if Shangguan Kun is full of mouths, he is not the opponent of Blood Spirit Dragon.


Shangguan Kun let out a loud roar, and then rushed directly towards the Blood Spirit Dragon.

"Let's go together and kill this unknown grandson." Xue Linglong said with a jump.



After a while, more than ten people jumped out, blocking Wu De and the three of them.Wu De and Shangguan Kun were left alone.

Shangguan Kun looked at Lin Mu and said, "The humiliation of that day can finally be settled today. I was plotted by you that day..."

Lin Mu interrupted Shangguan Kun, and said: "Let's make it clear later, the humiliation you mentioned that day happened at that time. I remember that I gave you a lot of insults. If you don't explain clearly, how can I remember it?"


Shangguan Kun was really about to go mad with anger, let alone the shamelessness of the blood spirit dragon.Lin Mu can be as shameless as the blood spirit dragon, which is simply too infuriating.

If a person who has always been shameless, maybe no one will care if he is shameless.But if a person who has never been very shameless suddenly becomes shameless, it will definitely make people even more angry.


Shangguan Kun really didn't know what to say, so let's do it directly.Now that he talks a lot, he will be humiliated more, why not use Lin Shu's blood to wash away his shame.

Seeing that Shangguan Kun made a move, Lin Mu also took the initiative to bully him, ready to fight Shangguan Kun.


But as soon as Lin Shu moved, he felt a warning sign in his heart, and then quickly evacuated.

But when Lin Shu moved, he felt a greater sense of crisis in his heart.Lin Shu dodged and avoided his main body, but was still pierced through his shoulder by a lightsaber.

There were bloody flowers blooming on Lin Shu's shoulder, and his entire arm was almost removed.

(End of this chapter)

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