Supreme Chef

Chapter 1636

Chapter 1636
Lin Shu flew back quickly, and retreated to a safe position. His eyes scanned, looking towards the periphery of the area shrouded in death.

There were two immortal monarchs stopping there, and it was the two of them who shot just now, almost causing Lin Shu to fall.

"Xianjun even made a sneak attack, it's shameless to the extreme." Xue Linglong yelled angrily.


The two ignored the blood spirit dragon at all, and were ready to attack again.Even if you can't really kill the trees, it's fine to injure them.This would also give Shangguan Kun a greater chance to kill Lin Shu.

But as soon as they made a move, there was an aura that was not weaker than them, coming through the air.

Feeling these powerful auras, they hurriedly stopped, because the opponent didn't know the enemy or friend, so they didn't dare to attack rashly.

With little skill, four masters at the level of immortal kings descended on this place.

Lin Mu also heaved a sigh of relief when he saw one of the immortal-level masters.Because one of them is not from other strengths, but is a master of the fortune teller family.

One of the other three was from the Stone Clan, the aborigine that Lin Mu and Huang Yufei had visited before.

As for the remaining two, Lin Mu didn't know each other well, but the aboriginal tribe that could produce masters at the level of a fairy king would definitely not be a small tribe.

In the sacred land, although there are many aboriginal tribes scattered all over the place.But not every tribe has top masters sitting in it.Just like outside, not every sect can be called Emperor Sect.

Among the sacred lands, there are actually only a handful of tribes with masters in command.Although there are abundant resources here, the restrictions on the aborigines are even greater.The price paid by the aborigines for obtaining opportunities is greater than the price paid by these geniuses who came in from outside.

Moreover, it is more difficult to cultivate to a higher level here than outside.

At this time, four masters of Xianjun level came. For all the gods, this is already a large-scale dispatch.

"You Demon Rhinoceros and Kui Niu Clans, have you forgotten the warning of my Divine Fortune Clan? We have said that Lin Mu is a distinguished guest of our Divine Fortune Clan. If you dare to do anything to Lin Mu, you will have a fortune with me. The Zi family is the enemy, and then don't blame us for counting your family's luck." The fairy king of the fortune-telling family said coldly.

The Xianjun of the Kui Niu clan snorted coldly and said, "If you have the ability to calculate the luck of our clan, you can count it and see which one of us will suffer the greater loss. The number of our Kui Niu clan is absolutely huge. It is much larger than the number of your fortune-telling family."

The fairy king of the fortune teller clan sneered contemptuously, then he waved his hand, and Ming Zhe and Gu Xuan came over under the protection of everyone.

"Father, why are you injured?" Gu Xuan's big eyes turned red when she saw the blood-soaked trees.

Lin Mu said: "Father is fine, why are you here?"

Gu Xuan said: "Father, I'm here to protect you. What are you still doing stupidly, little fat man? It's not considered dead to them."

Ming Zhe scratched his head and said, "But who is the enemy? Without an enemy, how can I count?"

Gu Xuan said angrily, "Little fat man, you are going to be so stupid, you are so stupid, and you still say you want to protect me? How do you protect me? You don't even know who the enemy is. You didn't see, those two You bastard, just standing there?"

Seeing that Gu Xuan was angry, Ming Zhe quickly comforted Gu Xuan, saying: "Don't be angry, don't be angry. I will teach them a lesson for you now."

After Ming Zhe finished speaking, he began to arrange the formation, and then began to deduce in the void.

Lin Mu watched Ming Zhe make a move, and felt that Ming Zhe was stronger than what he saw two years ago.Especially the calculation ability, it seems that Ming Zhe is really counting the destiny.

And when the little fat man is serious, he really has the demeanor of a generation of masters.


The little fat man's eyes were firm, and then he shot decisively, directly cutting off a certain way in the void.


The two immortals on the opposite side immediately coughed up blood after Ming Zhe made a move, and the aura on their bodies had obviously weakened a lot.As if to enter at any time, the five declines of heaven and man, the same as the epoch calamity ahead of schedule.

"Uncle, there, hurry up and shoot." Gu Xuan's Myriad Spiritual Eyes glowed, and then made a mark in the void with her fingers.

"it is good!"

The fairy king of the fortune-telling family made a decisive move, using the Tao to set the chain, and smashed the space marked by Gu Xuan, but the inexplicable Tao there was shattered.

Seeing such a scene, everyone was shocked.What kind of cultivation is the little fat man, he can almost kill an immortal, and he has not been punished by heaven.If this is the case, wouldn't the fortune teller family be invincible.

However, Lin Mu somewhat understood the reason.

Disturbing the luck of others at will will be punished by heaven.This is also the reason why, although the fortune teller family has the ability to calculate the fortune of the world, they dare not use it lightly.At the same time, it is also the reason for their withering numbers.

But with the cooperation of Ming Zhe and Gu Xuan, there is no need to worry about this kind of problem.

Ming Zhe is in charge of the calculation, while Gu Xuan can directly see through all falsehoods with Wanling Tong.Even the location of the scourge can be seen.

My own scourge is the only one that cannot be calculated by the fortune-teller family.But Gu Xuan could see that the two cooperated.Coupled with the escort of Xianjun, such a combination can indeed solve the opponent without bloodshed.

The Immortal Lord of the Divine Fortune Clan looked proudly at the opposite, the Immortal Lords of the Demon Rhinoceros Clan and the Kui Niu Clan, and said, "These two are appetizers for the two of you. If you insist on intervening, I will not Don't mind, let's count the luck of your two clans."

The two immortals of the Demon Rhino Clan and the Kui Niu Clan looked at the Divine Operators and understood such a luxurious lineup of immortals, and the four of them joined forces.It was not intended to restrict them, nor was it intended to fight with them.

The four of them are just here to protect and cooperate with these two little guys.As long as these two little guys, one is in charge of calculation, the other is in charge of seeing through the scourge, and the four of them will deal with the scourge.

Then the two of them have no chance of surviving at all, although it is said that the divine punishment of the immortal king will be great.

But they are the four immortals, so they can bear it no matter what.Even if there is a price to pay, the price to pay is very small.

And the most important thing now is that the magic operator is really capable, and he has calculated all the luck of their family, and it is still at a small price.After all, there are quite a few masters in the fortune teller family, and now there are three other powerful tribes to help, so the price to pay is probably even smaller.

The faces of the two of them changed, but in the end they made a choice.The two of them took a step back, indicating that they would no longer shoot.

"Little fat man is the bad guy who fought against father." Gu Xuan looked at Shangguan Kun and said.

"Don't go too far, otherwise, if you really die, you may not get any benefits." The fairy king of the Kui Niu tribe immediately stood up and said after hearing Gu Xuan's words.

They couldn't make a move, they could only count on the people inside to kill Lin Shu.If the people inside didn't even have a chance to fight against Lin Mu, they would perish.Then they have no chance at all, so they have to stand up and stop it.

Seeing that Gu Xuan was still talking, Lin Mu said, "Xuanxuan, don't bother the little fat man, I don't pay attention to these stinky salted fish at all."

(End of this chapter)

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