Supreme Chef

Chapter 1642 It Was My Mistake Not Killing You

Chapter 1642 It Was My Mistake Not Killing You

In fact, not only the Zhu Lin Alliance, but everyone else also believed that Lin Mu would definitely die this time.

Lin Mu was able to escape under Xianjun's hands, which is still within the understanding of everyone.

But for Lin Mu, he could escape under the Immortal Emperor.This is something few people would believe.

The Immortal King has no chance of winning against the Immortal Emperor.Even if Lin Mu has Xianjun's help now, it will not have any impact on the odds of winning.


The little fat man was stung, coughing up blood, his face pale as paper.

Immortal Emperor level powerhouses are obviously not included in Ming Zhe's calculations.The other party's cultivation base is too high, and the backlash has already come without waiting for Ming Zhe to calculate.

"Are you okay?" Seeing Ming Zhe vomiting blood, Gu Xuan quickly supported Ming Zhe.

Being supported by Gu Xuan like this, Ming Zhe still had surprise in his eyes, and said: "I'm fine, can you help me for a while longer?"

Gu Xuan's pretty face blushed when she was told by Ming Zhe.But he didn't let go.

Great Sage Kui Niu looked at Ming Zhe, and said, "Little Fatty, my life is too hard, you didn't figure it out. A genius like you came out of the fortune teller family. I really don't want to ruin it like this. A genius, so you better be honest."

The fairy king of the fortune-telling clan heard the words of Kui Niu, and hurriedly pulled Ming Zhe and Gu Xuan to the closest position to him.He knew that he was no match for the Immortal Emperor, but even if he was afraid of death, he still wanted to protect Ming Zhe and Gu Xuan.

Ming Zhe and Gu Xuan belong to the fortune teller family, the hope of the future.When he is dead, life and death cannot be tolerated.

Great Sage Kui Niu turned his head, looked at Lin Mu and said, "You want to be a hero and save everyone. In fact, there is no need for that. Although I, Great Sage Kui Niu, have a bad reputation, I can still be a trustworthy person. As long as you hand over the supreme blood, I can spare all of your lives."

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "You also said that you are still trustworthy. So do you think I can trust you? So if you want the Supreme Blood, you can grab it yourself?"

Great Sage Kui Niu looked at Lin Shu, because the expression on his face was completely blocked by the cloak, so he couldn't see what his expression was.

After a while, Great Sage Kui Niu said, "Okay. I will give you a chance to fight with me. But I will not give you any fairness. I will fight with all my strength, and I will not underestimate the enemy."

"Father, don't promise him!" Gu Xuan's eyes were red, and the Great Sage shouted.

If she hadn't been blocked by the fairy king of the fortune teller family, she might have rushed to Lin Mu's side by now.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Okay! I will fight with you."

Lin Mu drew out his Shadowless Knife, and adjusted his aura to its peak state.

It's not that Lin Mu has never leapfrogged a level before, but it's the first time he has crossed so many levels.

Of course, it was also the first time that Lin Mu knew that he had no chance of winning against the Great Sage Kui Niu by relying on his own strength.

The Immortal King challenged the Immortal Emperor, this is simply a strange story, an impossible thing.

But Lin Mu still had to fight, not only for Supreme Blood, but also for himself and Gu Xuan to survive.

"I don't have the courage you had back then, and I don't have the aura you had back then. If you grow up, you will surely be able to surpass me, surpass many people in this world, and become a real giant." The Great Sage Kui Niu looked at the trees and seriously commented .

Lin Mu said: "Thank you for your comment, but today I am not here to listen to your comment."

Great Sage Kui Niu nodded and said, "Very good. I need you to die like this. I don't like killing softies. Because that would make me feel guilty."

This is simply bullshit logic. You will feel guilty if you kill a weakling, but you will not feel guilty if you kill a weak person with momentum.The idea of ​​the Great Sage Kui Niu is really weird enough.


Great Sage Kui Niu made a decisive move, and he slapped it down with a palm.Without a finger, like a sacred mountain without a seat, it is ready to directly suppress the trees.

Facing the blow of the great sage Kui Niu, Lin Mu's face showed neither sadness nor joy, nor fear.Lin Mu urged the "Sorcerer God Body Refining Technique" to inspire his own dharma.


Lin Mu resisted with all his strength, the Wuzhi Mountain that fell down, Lin Shu didn't want to retreat from the first blow.

Wuzhi Mountain was pressed down, although Lin Shu was already carrying it with all his strength.However, the Dharmakaya still shattered, and fragments appeared on the body.The dharmakaya may collapse at any time.


Lin Mu yelled, concentrating all his strength, and finally threw Wuzhishan out.


Wuzhi Mountain was thrown out, directly smashing through a large mountain range.

Lin Shu's whole body was up and down, and there was no longer a complete dharma body.Even if it was the real body, all the blood gushed out.

This territory is the Immortal Emperor's blow, although because of the rules of heaven and earth, it is not a full blow.But that's not what Lin Mu, a fairy king, can bear.

"Lin Mu unexpectedly blocked the blow of the Immortal Emperor." After a long while, someone swallowed hard and said.

Others can't believe it, and can't imagine it at the same time.Lin Mu actually used the body of the Immortal King to block the Immortal Emperor's blow.

Amid the exclamation of the crowd, Lin Mu's dharma body shattered.Lin Mu staggered back two steps, then sat down on the ground without any image, and began to pant heavily.

At this time, Lin Mu's image was very, very miserable, but no one laughed at Lin Mu.

Because what Lin Mu blocked just now was the Immortal Emperor's blow.If it were them, let alone blocking it, it would mean that they had the courage to fight, and they might not even have it.

But Lin Mu not only has such courage, but Lin Mu also successfully blocked the blow of the Immortal Emperor.

Great Sage Kui Niu looked at the trees, and no one could tell whether the expression on his face was surprise or anger.

However, from the tone of the great sage Kui Niu, he didn't seem too angry.

"I underestimated the enemy, and I made the mistake of the past again. This is the punishment I deserve, for allowing you to live so long. People have talked about me for so long, and people have laughed at me for so long." Great Sage Kui Niu With a calm tone, it seems that being ridiculed by the world is an insignificant matter to him.

Of course, his lifespan is almost exhausted, whether he is laughed at or not is really not an important thing to him.The most important thing for him right now is to live.If being ridiculed by others can keep him alive, he doesn't mind being ridiculed by the world.

"Okay, try another blow from me, I will use all my strength for this blow." The Great Sage Kui Niu remained calm.

The great sage Kui Niu held the sky with one hand, the sleeves of his cloak fell off, revealing half of his arm like a dead branch.

But it was this dead branch-like arm that easily gathered an unimaginable light.

This light easily pierced through the stars and cut off the galaxy.Great Sage Kui Niu, this is really ready to go all out.Even now, he is only facing an Immortal King.

(End of this chapter)

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