Supreme Chef

Chapter 1643 The Golden Gate of Life and Death

Chapter 1643 The Golden Gate of Life and Death

The palm of the great sage Kui Niu was pressed down, and this palm moved the entire galaxy.This is truly a whole galaxy, which cannot be resisted by human beings at all.

Before Xinghe approached, Lin Mu already felt great pressure, and this pressure caused cracks to appear on Lin Mu's body.

"Father!" Gu Xuan cried out hoarsely, but it was of no avail.

The three Blood Spirit Dragons clenched their fists tightly, but they were also oppressed by the momentum and couldn't move at all.

"This time Lin Mu will definitely die, no one will be able to save him!" The members of the Lin Zhu Alliance clenched their fists excitedly, as if they had foreseen Lin Mu's death.

Immortal Emperor shot with all his strength, even if Lin Shu was against the sky, there was no possibility of survival.

The big hand of the great sage Kui Niu kept pressing down, and Lin Shu's spine still did not bend.Even if he dies, Lin Shu will die standing up.

Blood flowed out from the seven holes of Lin Shu, and large cracks appeared on Lin Shu's body, as if Lin Shu's body was about to be broken.


Lin Mu swung the Shadowless Knife, with a fighting intent coming out of his mouth.


Great Sage Kui Niu's tone was cold, making everyone smell the breath of death.


Just when everyone was regretting that a generation of geniuses was about to perish.The sky and the earth suddenly began to shake, and streaks of golden light burst out from all directions.

There is a pleasant Taoist sound in these golden lights, and these Taoist sounds follow the rhythm of the heaven and the earth, and dance with the heaven and the earth.This sound makes the heaven and earth rotate together, and makes the heaven and earth vibrate together.


The sound of Dao and the golden light shattered the galaxy that the great sage Kui Niu blasted down.Xinghe was completely reduced to dust, and the Great Sage Kui Niu was forced to take a step back.

Lin Mu also took a step back, but bathed in this light, the injuries on Lin Mu's body recovered quickly.

"Longevity medicine!"

Seeing the Yaoyuan appearing in the void, and the swaying golden grass, everyone's eyes straightened.

It is said that there is a elixir of longevity here, but that is just a legend.No one really, really takes it to heart.Because no one thought it would happen.Everyone's goal is only based on the supreme blood.

But now it's really there, and it's just around the corner.

"This elixir is really extraordinary. Just after it appeared, it shattered the Immortal Emperor's attack!"

Everyone looked at the grass swaying in mid-air, and their hearts were shocked.


Someone reacted and immediately flew to the pharmacy, wanting to get the longevity medicine as soon as possible.

"court death!"

The great sage Kui Niu was furious, and then shot decisively.

The value of the longevity medicine is greater than that of the supreme blood.If he could obtain the longevity medicine, the great sage Kui Niu would not only become the Supreme directly, but also could completely see through life and death and become the Immortal Supreme.

The Great Sage Kui Niu made a move, but before he could get close, he was shattered by the longevity medicine.

"This is the self-protection of the elixir, and it will not be attacked by anyone. It is looking for someone who is destined." The old man among the long-lived aborigines told some secrets he knew.


Seeing this ending, everyone rushed up together.

Since the elixir is a medicine, we need to find someone who is destined.That proves that they all have a chance.And here the Immortal Emperor is restricted, how can they not fight hard.

Seeing such a scene, Great Sage Kui Niu rushed forward with all his might.He believed that he must be the predestined person, and he would be able to obtain the elixir of longevity.

The four of Lin Mu also rushed up, and no one can be tempted by the longevity medicine.

"Little daddy, take us." Gu Xuan and Ming Zhe rushed to Lin Mu, wanting to go in with Lin Mu.

Lin Mu directly used his domain to cover Gu Xuan and Ming Zhe, and rushed towards the longevity medicine.

The appearance of this elixir completely made this place boil.Whether it was from the Zhulin Alliance, or not from the Zhulin Alliance, or just watching the fun, they all rushed towards the longevity medicine.

This is one of the biggest opportunities in the sacred land, no one will turn a blind eye, no one will remain calm.

Everyone went crazy, desperately rushed towards the elixir.

And there are still a steady stream of people coming over, rushing towards the longevity medicine.

"Nine Obsidian Lord is here!"

Someone saw Nine Obsidian Lord coming through the sky, surrounded by stars, and charged in this direction.

"The ancient sword of the Five-Crown King of Jianzong is also here."

"That's the Six Crown King. He hasn't appeared in several lifetimes, but he showed up in this lifetime."


Characters from ancient legends appeared one after another, and they all rushed to the elixir.

Lin Mu brought Gu Xuan five, and the speed is definitely the first camp.After all, Lin Mu mastered the speed rules and was absolutely unparalleled in speed. Even with five people, he was still far ahead of the others.

However, Lin Mu is not the same as Juechen. Kui Niu Dasheng, Nine Obsidian King and others are all in the first echelon with Lin Mu.

Lin Mu, Nine Obsidian Lord and Gu Jian all looked at each other from afar.

Soon Lin Mu and others rushed to the front of a golden portal.

This is the gateway to guarding the pharmacy, and it is also the first test for everyone.If you can't even enter the portal, then there is no need to talk about fate or not.

"The Gate of Life and Death!"

Lin Mu and the others were shocked when they saw the words appearing on the golden portal.

"This is the door of life and death, the legendary door. If you want to pass through, you must understand life and death, and you can pass through this door only by relying on the understanding of life and death." Someone pointed out the key.

Just this point, the hope of ninety-nine percent of people will be wiped out at once.

How is life and death so easy to understand? Even the Supreme One has to pursue the things of a lifetime.It is even more impossible for people with low cultivation like them to spy on them.


Nine Obsidian Lord was the first to make a move, and the nine stars surrounding him rotated according to an inexplicable law, and traces of chaotic mist appeared around his body.At the same time, the mysteries of life and death are constantly unfolding.

Although it was only a glimpse, it was enough to shock everyone.

Nine Obsidian Lord raised his foot and stepped directly into the portal, the first to enter the golden gate of life and death.

A fairy sword appeared in the hand of the ancient sword, and the fairy sword had black and white qi, which represented life and death.

Gu Jian comprehended life and death with the sword, opened the golden door with the sword, and entered the golden door of life and death.

Lin Shu has the sun in one hand and the sun in the other hand, and simultaneously reincarnation, return to oneness, and instant death are displayed at the same time.

The woods surrounded the six of them with the domain, and led the six of them into the golden gate of life and death together.

Seeing that Lin Shu was like this, apart from being shocked, everyone was more envious.

If they made good friends with Lin Mu, they might be able to be taken care of by Lin Mu and brought into this gate of life and death together.

In this pharmacy, besides the longevity medicine, there are many geniuses and treasures.Even if they can't get the longevity medicine, it is an unimaginable opportunity for them to get other things.

Just when they were about to watch who would enter next, they did not expect Lin Mu to stick out a hand from the golden portal.With Lin Mu's big move, Huang Yufei was also surrounded by his own domain, and then followed Lin Mu and the others into the golden portal.

(End of this chapter)

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