Supreme Chef

Chapter 1661 You jumped in by yourself

Chapter 1661 You jumped in by yourself (3)

It's useless to say more.The four Immortal Sovereigns who came over also moved their minds, and prepared to completely eliminate the fortune-telling family at once.They don't want to be left behind,
Four Immortal Sovereign-level powerhouses shot at the same time, and the situation here suddenly changed, and it was a scene of doomsday.

"You asked for this." The Supreme Elder of the Fortune Teller Clan snorted coldly, and then made a decisive move.


The Supreme Elder of the Shensuanzi family held the imprint of mental arithmetic with his left hand, while his other hand kept making moves, moving the stars one after another in the sky, allowing these stars to cut off the attacks of the four immortal emperors.

"You fulfilled the destiny!" The Supreme Elder of the Divine Fortune Clan just made a move, and the four of them also noticed the difference.

"You found the golden Spring of Destiny!" The Immortal Emperor thought of something again, and then his eyes were hot, as if he wanted to swallow the Supreme Elder alive.

The other three Immortal Sovereigns, when they heard this, their eyes became fiery.For them, the golden Fountain of Destiny means new life.If they can get it, they don't need to be controlled by others.

"Brother Dao, it turns out that you got the golden fountain of destiny. No wonder you don't want to cooperate with us. If brother Dao is willing, give us some spring water. I am willing to follow the example of brother Dao." The four stopped attacking, but they did not Stop the persecution.

The Supreme Elders can exert their full strength, but there are four of them.It's not too scary, so they have such confidence and confidence.

The Supreme Elder sneered coldly, looked at the four people opposite, and said, "Do you think I will give in if this is the case?"

"Brother Dao, although you can exert your full strength, but there are four of us. Brother Dao may not be able to get any benefits if the four of us attack together." One of them threatened nakedly without concealing it.

"Then if we add the little old man, what about the three of us?" The little old man led the other two out of the ancestral land of the fortune-telling family, and met the four intruders.

"You're still alive?" Someone recognized him, and the little old man said in horror.

The little old man laughed and said: "You are all living well, my little old man, how dare I die before you."

"It seems that this little old man has a lot of history?" Wu De said while rubbing his chin.

In fact, Wu De didn't need to say anything, Lin Mu also knew that this little old man had a lot of history.It's just that no one said anything, and Lin Mu didn't bother to ask.

"You all got the golden Fountain of Destiny!"

Someone looked at the three people who rushed out, and their colors really changed.It's fine for one person to drink, but now all four of them have drank the Golden Destiny Spring, which is definitely a great event in the sacred land.

There has never been a precedent for the emergence of a golden spring of life in the sacred soil, let alone a precedent for a large-scale appearance.But now it has appeared on a large scale, and four people have already drunk it.

Of course, what really changed their color was not this.What really makes them color, makes them palpitate.Now it's not just four against four, but the four of them are completely at a disadvantage.

Because the four people who faced them had all drank the golden fountain of destiny, they could display their strength unscrupulously.But the four of them couldn't at all.

"Come on, little old man, I have already forgotten how long I have not shot as I wish. Let me have a good time, little old man, and the four of you will go up together." The little old man put his arms around his body, looked at the four people opposite, Said cheerfully.

The four of them are obviously very afraid, because the situation has taken a turn for the worse now.They are already completely at a disadvantage and at a disadvantage, while the Supreme Elder and the others have completely gained the upper hand.

"Actually, we can join hands, so that we can have more say and don't have to be led by the nose by outsiders. And with our common means, maybe we can find a way out?" Their tone was also soft at this time Now, from the persecution just now, it has become a discussion now.

"It's really good of you to think that my fortune-telling clan made a lot of trouble here. Now I want to leave if I say go. Do you think my fortune-telling clan is easy to bully?" the Supreme Elder of the fortune-telling clan said forcefully.

"I'm willing to pay compensation." They immediately put forward the conditions, hoping that this matter can be reduced to a small one.

"Okay. Then I will go to your clan later. Then I am willing to compensate you." The Supreme Elder of the Divine Fortune Clan said with a sneer.

Now he has confidence and is not afraid of any challenges at all.Now only four came out, and there were still six Immortal Emperors dormant in my clan.

If the ten great immortal emperors show up at the same time, I am afraid that even the three thousand gods will not be able to calm down.


The four people who came to commit the crime also noticed that this matter cannot be resolved.They have to leave here immediately, otherwise, the four of them will have no chance of winning against the four Supreme Elders.

"Can you run away?" The Supreme Elder of the Fortune Teller Clan shot directly.

The four of them clamored for a long time on their ancestral land.Letting them go like this, how will the fortune-teller family gain a foothold in the sacred land in the future.

The Supreme Elder made a move, and the other three also made a move.

The eight Immortal Sovereigns fought together in the sky, while Lin Mu watched from below.

At the same time, I am still watching and emulating, hoping to gain something.

It is rare for a strong person at the level of the Immortal Emperor to make a move.Such an opportunity must not be wasted.

The eight Immortal Sovereign-level powerhouses completely boiled the sky.

The stars here are swaying like grass blowing in the wind.All the living creatures in the entire piece of divine land were dormant.

This is a shot by a strong person at the level of the Immortal Emperor. It is not something they can intervene, or even watch.

The four Supreme Elders completely and thoroughly gained the upper hand.The four people who will commit crimes in the future are severely suppressed below.


The elder Taishang made a move, and an inexplicable gossip formed in the handprints, directly pressing towards one of them.

This Immortal Sovereign has no way to hide, no way to avoid, so he can only fight and meet with his own non-critical position.

The gossip hit him on the shoulder, his shoulder was smashed into blood and blood, and almost half of his body was smashed.


The little old man let out a low growl, and with a single point of finger, he directly pierced a blood hole as thick as a bowl in the chest of an Immortal Emperor.

"Come on, what if you don't leave anything behind?" After the little old man finished speaking, he continued to attack, and even bullied himself.

Obviously, the price he was going to make the four of them pay was not just these.

Seeing that the little old man was really desperate, the four of them all changed their faces without any hesitation.The four of them turned around and were about to run away desperately. If they didn't run away and waited for the four on the opposite side to do their best, the four of them might perish.

(End of this chapter)

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