Supreme Chef

Chapter 1662 Reassurance

Chapter 1662 Reassurance

The four of them wanted to run away, but the four Supreme Elders were not willing to give up easily.

All four of them rushed forward, ready to fight in close quarters, at least one and a half of them should be left behind.


In the end, with the joint efforts of the four, an immortal emperor's body shattered, leaving only a ray of spirit to escape.

The Immortal Emperor fell, and the blood rain stained the world red, and every drop of blood was as heavy as a mountain.Easily destroy a mountain range and destroy a habitat.

"These four old men are ruthless enough, and we have to keep one of them before we give up." Wu De also took a breath when he saw the fall of the Immortal Emperor.

The four killed one and did not continue to chase.They are still very clear about the reason why the poor should not chase after them.

After the three immortal emperors left with a ray of remnant souls, they were still terrified.Fortunately, they ran fast enough, otherwise the four of them might all die.

Of course, what shocked them even more was not just these.They even want to know where they got their golden fountain of destiny.

It is also very important to them, it means a life to them.

"The golden Spring of Destiny is definitely not what the fortune tellers are looking for. We can't enter the Forest of Destiny at all. The only possibility is that Lin Mu found it. Otherwise, they would not be able to fight to the death, and they must try their best to protect the forest."

A few of them are idiots who can cultivate to the Immortal Emperor.These things, they just need to think a little bit to figure out the key.

"This forest has such a chance to find the Destiny Spring in the Destiny Forest. Then it is really unwise for us to offend him to death like this." Someone said.

The others didn't speak, but they all acquiesced in their hearts.It was indeed unwise for them to do this.

"Things have been like this, it is useless for us to regret it now. For the present plan, we can only continue to go on and force Lin Mu to hand over the golden fountain of destiny." Someone said decisively.

"Yes! It's really useless to regret now, I can only try to force Lin Mu to hand over the Spring of Destiny." The other two responded immediately.

After the three of them made a decision, they immediately began to actively plan and arrange.In order to survive, they must seize the time.

Lin Mu's life in the fortune teller clan is very comfortable.Lin Mu now only needs to wait for the last sound of the evening drum after one month, and then prepare to leave here.

But just half a month later, Ming Zhe brought back a message from the outside, which made Lin Mu unable to wait in peace.

Huang Yufei's Dragon and Phoenix Gate was besieged by three immortal emperors, and he asked himself to take the golden Spring of Destiny to save people.

They could guess that they had the golden Fountain of Destiny in their hands, and Lin Mu was not surprised at all.But when they captured Huang Yufei, Lin Mu was a little surprised.

Huang Yufei represents the Dragon Phoenix Sect, and the Dragon Phoenix Sect is the Emperor Sect of the outside world.It is really unwise to offend Emperor Zong.Even if they are in the sacred land, it is very unwise.

"Little dad, we are going to save Aunt Yu Fei." Gu Xuan said.

Lin Mu nodded heavily, and said, "People must be saved, and at the same time, they must be taught a lesson they will never forget.

Lin Mu quickly agreed on a plan, Lin Mu took the Supreme Elder and the other three immortal emperors to rescue Huang Yufei, and the remaining six people went to besiege their clan's ancestral land respectively.

"Lin Mu, you actually came here, hand over the golden spring of destiny, and we will let them go. We can also give you infinite benefits and guarantee that you will leave here safely."

Lin Mu looked at the three people on the opposite side, and said with a cold face: "You want to get the golden Destiny Spring from me, you have such a beautiful idea. Not only will there be no Destiny Spring today, but I will also leave you with a lesson that you will never forget .”

"Hmph! Lin Mu, who do you think you are, and you still want to leave us with an unforgettable lesson. You overestimate yourself. Although you are protected, we want it, and it is still easy to kill you." The Immortal Emperor said with a cold snort.

Lin Mu sneered and said, "Really? Then I want to see if I died faster, or your people died faster."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he raised his hand and three mirrors appeared in midair.

The image that appeared in the mirror at this time was the picture of the remaining six immortal emperors besieging their ancestral land.

The three Immortal Sovereigns looked at the scene in front of them, their faces were ashen.Two Immortal Sovereigns who drank from the Spring of Destiny went to besiege their ancestral land.They must sink their ancestral land.

"Lin Mu, how dare you!"

Seeing such a scene, the three Immortal Sovereigns were furious.As if to eat people.

Lin Mu said: "Why don't I dare. If you dare to touch one of them, I will kill ten people in your ancestral land. If you dare to kill ten of them, I will dare to wipe out your ancestral land. This world has not yet I, Lin Mu, dare not do things."


The three immortal emperors couldn't help but gasped when they heard Lin Mu's words.Ever since Lin Mu entered the Divine Land, none of the things he did was earth-shattering, and which one was not a risk to the world.

If they really dared to do something, Lin Mu might really dare to do such a thing of extermination.

"Are you just looking at an outsider like this and bullying us aborigines like this?" Seeing that threatening Lin Mu was ineffective, they could only turn to persuade the four elders who came with Lin Mu.

As long as they are willing to fight against the enemy and control the trees.Then they still have a chance to come back.

"Do you think I'm just like you, a fool? We can't do something like this!" the elder Taishang said fiercely.

Lin Mu gave them the Fountain of Destiny with two wine tanks. Such a favor made him unable to feel betrayal at all.

"As long as this son is captured, the Fountain of Fate will still be ours that day, why are you so stubborn?" They continued to persuade them unrelentingly.

Lin Mu looked at the person opposite, sneered and said: "They are not stubborn, it is because they are smarter than you. Because they are sure that if I can find the first time, I will be able to find the second time. I can bring out more The golden Fountain of Destiny is not only for them, but also for their clansmen."

Lin Mu's words were not just for the three Immortal Sovereigns on the opposite side.At the same time, it was also for the eight immortal emperors to listen to.

Lin Mu needs to be escorted by them sincerely, and must give them a sweetness that they cannot refuse.And that sentence just now was a sweet treat that they couldn't refuse.

Sure enough, when the eight people heard Lin Mu's words, they all chose to be sincerely convinced.They all decided to escort Lin Shu with all their strength and leave here.

"I am also willing to follow and escort you out of the divine land." Hearing Lin Mu's words, the remaining three immortal emperors all changed their tone.

Lin Mudao: "You are what you say, who do you think you are? You can do whatever you want, it's so beautiful. I said I want to leave you with a lesson that you will never forget, and I will definitely do it of."

(End of this chapter)

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