Supreme Chef

Chapter 1663 Forcing the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1663 Forcing the Immortal Emperor
Lin Mu's words made the three great immortal emperors on the opposite side feel terrified.

One Immortal King will make the three Immortal Emperors tremble with fear, I am afraid that no one will believe it.

But at this time, this is the truth of the matter. Lin Mu's words made the three immortal emperors feel a little scared.

"What exactly do you want?" Finally the three Immortal Sovereigns on the opposite side couldn't bear it and asked first.

Lin Mudao: "It's very simple, the three of you cut off your own arm, and then released the people from the Dragon Phoenix Sect. I can treat today's incident as if it never happened."


Before Lin Mu could finish speaking, the three immortal emperors refused in unison.

How could they agree to such a humiliating thing.It is possible for them to let people go, but it is absolutely impossible for them to cut off their arms.

If three Immortal Sovereigns were forced by one Immortal King, they would cut off their arms, and such things would spread.The three of them don't need to gain a foothold in the sacred land.

Lin Mudao: "I've given you a lot of money and didn't let you commit suicide. But you think it's impossible, right? If it's impossible, then there's no need for your three clans to continue to exist in the divine land."

Lin Mu now has such capital and such confidence to say such words.With the escort of ten immortal emperor-level figures, the trees are enough to walk sideways in the sacred land.

There is no need to care about the three great immortal emperors, because they have three times more immortal emperors behind them.

"Little Lin Mu, you are looking for your own death!" the Immortal Emperor opposite said through gritted teeth.

Lin Mu sneered.Said: "Who is looking for death, everyone knows in their hearts. I have never provoked you, this is what you provoked on your own initiative. It has nothing to do with others, it has something to do with yourself. This is what you asked for!"

The three immortal emperors gritted their steel teeth when they heard Lin Mu's words.Obviously, Lin Mu's words made them very, very angry.

Lin Mu is blatantly humiliating, humiliating their face and dignity.

"Little Lin Mu, if you dare to touch our clansman, I will immediately wipe out the people here in the Dragon Phoenix Sect!" The Immortal Emperor threatened on the opposite side.

Lin Mu said: "As I said before, if ten of them die, I will destroy your entire clan. If you destroy them, not only your entire clan will be buried with you. I will also dig up your ancestral graves and take the bones of your ancestors as well." Come out, bask in the sun, bask in the sun, and see if they can't be revived by your stupid behavior."

"I'm going to dig people's graves. I'm good at that. I promise to open a hole to enter their ancestral graves." Upon hearing that people's graves were going to be dug, Wu De immediately became interested.

The three immortal emperors on the opposite side heard Lin Mu's vicious words.The steel teeth were about to be crushed, and they believed that Lin Shu would be able to do such an outrageous thing.

In fact, what Lin Mu did in the sacred land was not outrageous that time.

Hundreds of thousands of immortals would be pitted and killed at every turn, a few first-generation supreme beings would be killed at every turn, and a few ancient geniuses who might become giants in the future would be killed.

These things, which one, which one, are not the common anger of man and god, or the anger of heaven and man.

Of course, these things are all grievances to them.For Lin Mu, Lin Mu did all this because they took the initiative to provoke him.I just stood up and fought back.

In fact, Lin Mu also wants to be a quiet and handsome man, but they don't let Lin Mu be quiet.

After a while, the first-generation Supreme will jump out, and after a while, the ancient Supreme will jump out.Or form a Lin Zhu alliance. These people were not forced by Lin Mu, but formed by them voluntarily.

Lin Mu doesn't seem to be killing people, but they are persecuting Lin Mu, killing people step by step.Moreover, the people killed are becoming more and more important, and at the same time, their cultivation base is getting higher and higher.

The three immortal emperors swallowed their crushed teeth and said, "What do you want, Lin Mu?"

Lin Mudao: "I have already said, you cut off your own arm, and then released the people of Dragon Phoenix Sect. I can pretend that this has never happened. I have never bullied people. To you, I am still It’s cheap for you. If I capture your clansmen and friends, how will you treat me?”

"It is not negotiable and impossible for us to cut off our arms. We would rather die in battle than suffer such humiliation." At this time, the three immortal emperors showed their sense of glory as immortal emperors.

But in return, Lin Mu mocked with disdain and contempt: "Now take out your glory as the emperor, and you go to the time when the fortune tellers persecute me and prepare to kill me. Why didn't I see you, scruples What is the glory of the Immortal Emperor? Why didn't you see that you cherish the wings of the Immortal Emperor?"

The three immortal emperors roared: "Since this is the case, then we will not hesitate to fight."

The three Immortal Sovereigns did not move the Dragon Phoenix Sect, they took the initiative to meet the four Supreme Elders of the Divine Fortune Clan.

They want to break out, even if they pay some price, it is better than being forced by the trees to cut off their own arms.Injured by opponents at the same level, it means that they are not strong enough.It is a humiliation to be forced to cut off one's own arm by Lin Shu.

The seven fought fiercely in mid-air, which once again plunged the place into chaos and disorder.

"Four seniors, you don't have to work too hard this time. It's enough for each of them to have an arm. Two of them are not human, and their wings should be roasted and eaten." Lin Mu shouted loudly from below.

The three people above who were fighting were really depressed to vomit blood when they heard Lin Mu's roar.

"Okay! Little old man, I haven't seen Hun Hsiang for a long time!" The old man was the first to answer, and then made a decisive move, grabbing the arm of one of the Immortal Sovereigns.


The little old man exhaled loudly, suddenly increased his strength, and directly forcibly tore off the arm of one of them.

This arm was torn off, and the main body was immediately exposed, which was a wing.

"Your body is actually a flamingo." Lin Mu was also a little surprised when he saw the torn wings.

The flamingo is one of the top immortal beasts since ancient times. In ancient times, these top immortal beasts wanted to restore the legacy of ancient times.Returning to rule the world, it really made the fairy world dark for a long time.

Later, these top-tier immortal beasts were all suppressed, and their bloodlines were also suppressed.Like the ancient beasts, they have become an extinct bloodline.

I didn't expect to see the blood of this kind of fairy beast again in the sacred land.

"The wings of the flamingo are the best for grilling. They have their own fire attributes and are very easy to cook. And with sunflower plants, the taste will be more delicious, and at the same time, it will become a nourishing ingredient!" Lin Mu kept showing off his own Old business, the little old man above is drooling.

"Boy Lin, don't talk about it for now. You can talk about it after we have settled the remaining two people. If you talk like this, we will be easily distracted." The little old man wiped his saliva and said.

(End of this chapter)

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