Supreme Chef

Chapter 1664 Leave

Chapter 1664 Leave
Hearing the little old man's words, the remaining two immortal emperors who were still intact were terrified.


The Supreme Elder of the Shensuanzi clan made a decisive move, grabbed the arm of one of them, and then pulled hard, tearing his arm as well.

"One more." The Supreme Elder of the Fortune Teller Clan threw a black thigh to Lin Mu.

"Kui beef leg, this thing tastes best when grilled." Lin Mu continued to comment: "Peel it clean first, then skewer it, and use some spices to match the roasted oil. It's the best."

"Shut up, boy, if you talk again, I'll kill it all." The little old man was drooling, and his eyes looked at the three people opposite him, as if he was looking at plates of delicacies instead of people. .

The last person was joined by the other two Immortal Sovereigns, and an arm was removed.But the other party is human, Lin Mu is not interested.

The three immortal emperors paid the price of three arms, and finally escaped.

Lin Mu brought the people of Dragon Phoenix Sect and everyone back triumphantly to the ancestral land of the Shensuanzi clan.

Because Lin Mu talked about so many delicacies before, so today's dinner must be non-Lin Mu's escape.

Lin Mu roasted the flamingo's wings, and then roasted the Kui beef legs.Fortunately, these two are both Immortal Sovereign-level powerhouses, and they are both big enough, otherwise they really wouldn't be enough for everyone to share.

Holding a jar of wine, Lin Mu approached the little old man, and said, "Senior, I would like to offer you a toast."

The little old man was drunk and said: "Okay."

Lin Mu sat next to the little old man and said, "Senior and junior have a question, and I want to ask it."

The little old man said: "Say."

Lin Mudao: "Senior and junior want to ask, have you ever entered the land of perishing immortals in the realm of comprehension?"

The little old man's eyes lit up when he heard Lin Mu's words, the drunkenness on his face completely disappeared, and he said with brilliance in his eyes: "Have you ever entered there?"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Yes."

Lin Mu had a feeling of familiarity with this little old man before, but he never remembered where this familiar feeling came from.

After seeing him make two shots, Lin Mu finally thought of where this familiar feeling came from.

This feeling, the space rules used by the little old man.It is the same as what I got in the Land of Perishing Immortals, although my current space law has completely changed.

But the enlightenment of one's own space is in the land of perishing immortals.So Lin Mu remembers very clearly, the feeling of the same origin makes Lin Mu very familiar.

"Master, is he alright?" The little old man regained his energy when he heard that Lin Mu had entered there, sat up straight and asked earnestly.

Lin Mu said: "He should be fine, and a character like him should not be something we should worry about, what do you think, senior?"

The little old man smiled and said, "Naturally. We need to worry about existence like Master. I'm afraid there is no one in this world who can hurt Master and his old man."

Lin Mudao: "Senior, you are from the outside world, but why did you appear here again?"

Since the little old man has seen the person from the Land of Perishing Immortals, he shouldn't be an aborigine here.How did it appear here?

A look of deep memory appeared in the eyes of the little old man, and said: "This matter is a long story, are you willing to listen to me?"

Seeing the little old man's eyes, Lin Mu immediately waved his hands and said, "Don't talk about it. I know your old man's kung fu very well. If you tell long stories, I'm afraid I may not even be able to hear about the end of the world. finish."

The little old man chuckled and said, "Boy, you know me well, little old man, so let me toast you."

After the two clinked glasses, the little old man said: "Since you have met the master, then you must have been entrusted by the master. I hope you can fulfill the master's wish, can you?"

Lin Mu said: "Don't worry, I will try my best to find it, but I really can't guarantee whether I can find it."

The little old man sighed, and said: "I also know how difficult this matter is. If it wasn't for this matter, I wouldn't be stuck here forever, little old man."

Lin Mu didn't expect that there was such a secret, Lin Mu was really curious about such a secret.But Lin Mu knew that if he asked, the matter would probably be a long story.At that time, I am afraid that I will miss the time to leave.


The evening drum sounded for the last time, and this trial of genius was over.

Lin Mu and the others are about to leave here, but the most sad ones are Ming Zhe and Gu Xuan.

In fact, Lin Mu proposed that he could leave here with Mingzhe.The forest has a chaotic world, which can deceive all the secrets, so it is not difficult to leave with a life sting.

But was rejected by Ming Zhe.He wants to become stronger, then leave here to find Gu Xuan, and then protect Gu Xuan.

"Promise me not to go to your kindergarten deskmate, okay?" Ming Zhe said with red eyes.

Gu Xuan smiled and said with a crying voice: "My deskmate in kindergarten is a woman, and I lied to you before. You have to practice quickly so that you can go out and find me."

Ming Zhe nodded desperately, and said: "I will definitely practice hard, and then I will go find you."

After three twilight drums, changes also appeared in the sacred soil.

The three thousand sacred soils bloomed with the most dazzling light, forming a giant teleportation array composed of the same three thousand roads as outside.

As long as Lin Mu steps into this teleportation array, he can be teleported to the outside world smoothly.

The teleportation array will appear for a year, so Lin Mu is not in a hurry.

Lin Mu entered the Destiny Forest again, and brought out the remaining half of the pool of Destiny Spring.

Lin Mu was worried that he would not have time to distribute the Destiny Springs to everyone, so he handed over all the golden Destiny Springs to the little old man and the Supreme Elder of the Fortune Teller Clan.

Both of them are seniors and elders worthy of Lin Mu's trust, and Lin Mu was very relieved to hand over the Spring of Destiny to them.


There was another short twilight drum sound, which meant that the time for the teleportation array to really open had arrived.


Lin Mu led the crowd to the teleportation formation under the escort of the ten immortal emperors.

As soon as the trees appeared, they attracted everyone's attention.

Because the ostentation of Lin Mu and the others was too great, and the ten emperors escorted them. Such a ostentation, whether it was outside or inside, was an unimaginable ostentation.

However, the people of the Zhulin Alliance still have a response.Using various methods, they still gathered enough strength to fight against Lin Mu's backhand.

"The trees hand over the Destiny Spring, which belongs to everyone in our divine land. If you don't hand over the Destiny Spring, you will never leave here!" A hostile immortal emperor stood up and forced him forcefully.

This is an indescribably powerful old Immortal Sovereign, he is really, really old.It even felt that he lived longer than time, and the moment such a strong man appeared, the little old man and the others frowned.

"He's not dead yet!" Taishang Elder frowned at the person who appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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