Supreme Chef

Chapter 1671 The Expected Battle

Chapter 1671 The Anticipated World War One (3)

The fight between the four of Lin Mu has completely entered into a heated battle from the temptation just now.

In the space where the four were fighting, the stars moved and chaos erupted.It covered everything, covered everything, leaving outsiders nothing but amazement.

A genius used Tianyan to see what happened inside.But as soon as he used his eyes, he felt a stabbing pain in his eyes, and then his eyes burst into pieces.

What happened there was beyond imagination, beyond the limits of what all the geniuses present could bear.

In the end, more than a dozen top geniuses joined forces to make a pair of sky glasses with various top genius treasures, and only then did everyone see the scene inside clearly.

Seeing the scene inside, everyone held their breath, not quite believing what they saw.

The four people in the battlefield have all kinds of Taoism flowing and colliding under their feet.

The fragments of the avenue are constantly flying, causing the world to change color.

And everyone saw clearly that the chaotic energy was not used by the four of them.It was beaten out alive by the four of them.

This is the most frightening thing, the chaotic energy is fired, what kind of combat power is needed, and what kind of understanding of Taoism is needed to produce such a situation.

The four of them deserved to be the strongest geniuses standing on the pyramid in this world.Their comprehension of the Dao has far surpassed that of the Immortal King, and even surpassed the Immortal Monarch.

The nine incomparably huge stars collected by Nine Obsidian Lord have already revealed their true body.These are one after another, incomparably extraordinary stars.

Each of them is a very special existence in the sacred soil.

Nine Obsidian Lord spent nine lifetimes to collect them and successfully refine them.Such a time, such a span, is simply unimaginable.

In addition to the Yuantian Vine, Bai Yixian also has a jade bottle.This jade bottle is surrounded by a strong chaotic energy, obviously it is not a treasure in this world, and it may not even belong to the ancient times.

The specific origin, except for Bai Yixian, I am afraid that no one can explain clearly.

Bai Yixian has two top-notch treasures in his hands. Every time these two treasures vibrate, the nine stars of Lord Nine Obsidian Stars will vibrate, which is very extraordinary.

As for the ancient sword, the ancient sword in his hand has completely turned into a silver sky dragon with five claws.

The five claws represent the king among the sky dragons, which are at the same level as the blood spirit dragon.Nine Claws is the emperor among the dragons, but there is no one in the ancient capital.Therefore, the five-clawed dragon is already the highest level.

Everyone has long known that the White Dragon Sword in Gu Jian's hand is very, very extraordinary.

It's just that they didn't expect that it would be so extraordinary that it was refined by Tianlong, the king of the ancient Tianlong.

Such a white dragon sword is absolutely unique in the world.Such a white dragon sword, let alone in the current world, even in ancient times, even in the legendary ancient times, is absolutely extraordinary.

As for Lin Mu, apart from the Shadowless Knife in his hand, he didn't show much.

"The gap above the accumulation is still irreparable. If the accumulation is above, Lin Shu has already lost, and it is difficult to restore the decline!"

Some people who bet on other people's victory commented on Lin Mu so simply and directly, they were not optimistic about Lin Mu at all.

Wu De became a fat Taoist, and when he heard such words, he sneered in his heart.

Wu De is very clear about whether there is something good on Lin Mu's body.

Not to mention the ones given to Lin Mu by the longevity medicine, even those given by the fortune teller clan, taking them out will drive these people crazy.

And the Shadowless Knife in Lin Mu's hand was extraordinary enough in itself.

Because judging from Wu De's experience and ability in these almanac treasures, he couldn't see the origin of Wuying Dao, and he couldn't even speculate about the origin of it.

But Wu De knew that the Shadowless Knife was more unique than the White Dragon Sword.Because even in Taikoo, I have never heard of any weapons that can be continuously upgraded by themselves.

Such a weapon is too strange, almost like a human.

Moreover, every thing that the Shadowless Knife devours makes Wu De want to jump into the Shadowless Knife and give the Wuying Knife a treasure to fight for.

Those treasures, in Wu De's opinion, can cast one or two ancient treasures.It is even possible to cast half a piece, an ancient god treasure.

But after being completely devoured by the Wuying Knife, the Wuying Knife is still only an eighth-rank fairy weapon, not even a ninth-rank fairy weapon.

If such things are not extraordinary, Wu De doesn't know what kind of things are considered extraordinary.

Relying on his own body and the Shadowless Knife in his hand, Lin Mu opened and closed completely, and kept shaking hard with the other three.


Lin Mu let out a loud roar, and a blade energy that was as vast as a moat fell down.

The target of Dao Qi is a star of Lord Nine Obsidian Stars.


The sword energy collided with the planet, and the crack that had been running through the whole day opened directly on the planet, and at the same time, the mountains above the stars collapsed in pieces.It was as if the blade of Lin Shu had split the entire star into pieces.


Lin Mu swung his saber across, slashing at the white-clothed fairy who was about to attack him with Yuantian Vine. At the same time, Lin Mu punched out to fight against the White Dragon Sword in Gu Jian's hand.

Yuan Tianteng was directly split by the trees, and the White Dragon Sword in Gu Jian's hand trembled for a while, letting out a painful dragon cry.


The people watching the battle below were completely speechless.Such a battle is simply beyond their comprehension.

In their view, such a battle should not exist in the world at all.

This is really too powerful, the strength of Lin Shu is really not weaker than any of the three of Jiuyao Xingjun.

Even in terms of bravery, Lin Mu completely surpassed the other three.And physically, Lin Shu also has a first-line advantage.

At the same time, the most unbelievable thing is that the path Lin Mu took seems to be different from theirs.

Lin Mu has carved three thousand ways into his body.Although these principles cannot completely resist the attack of the three.But it can block some, although these are very, very tiny.

But in the battle between masters, this very small detail is enough to decide everything.

Therefore, Lin Mu was the one with the least accumulated injuries among the three of them.

Outsiders can't see this, but the three people who participated in the battle understand it.

They were equally shocked by the way Lin Shu had walked.It's not like they haven't thought about such a path.It's just that they don't go farther without Lin Shu, and they don't think more without Lin Shu.

They know that the final change of the Tao should be a rune, a rune representing the Tao.

But they never thought of using this rune as a scripture and engraving it into their bodies.

At the same time, they also understand that the path Lin Mu has to take is that what I say is what I say, and what I do is what I do.

He wants to thoroughly understand the three thousand ways.Then turn yourself into Tiandao, let yourself fight against Tiandao's will, and let yourself replace Tiandao to walk a path that no one has ever walked before.

"They are really despicable. It seems like a fair attack, but out of every ten moves they make, no one will take an extra move to deal with the little daddy. It's too shameless for them to be called geniuses like this " Gu Xuan looked at the battlefield and said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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