Supreme Chef

Chapter 1672 Filling the Gap

Chapter 1672 Filling the Gap
What Gu Xuan observed, the rest of the people naturally also observed.

This is indeed unfair. The three of them are already famous geniuses for a long time, but they still use such despicable means.

But after thinking about it, this matter is not too much.This matter is related to the supreme Dao scriptures.Lin Mu's body itself has an advantage, and the path that Lin Mu walks gives Lin Mu an advantage.It's not surprising that the three of them agreed to do so.

Moreover, such an approach will not always only target trees.If they pull the trees to the same starting line as themselves.The other two are likely to contact Lin Mu directly to deal with the upstart.In short, all of this must be balanced, and it is related to Wushuang's scriptures, and no one is willing to give up easily.No one wants to see that their opponents can easily obtain scriptures.

Lin Mu naturally also felt the targeting of the three, but Lin Mu was not afraid.Such a situation was already within Lin Mu's expectation. Since the three of them were going to target him, Lin Mu naturally wouldn't just die like this, or do stupid things like beheading himself.

Since they want to fight, then Lin Mu will fight with them.


Lin Shu roared loudly, his fighting spirit was so high that it directly infected the flowers of the avenue.




Lin Mu made continuous shots and confronted the three of them continuously.

After all, with one against three, Lin Mu retreated a few steps after being bombarded, with a stream of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, obviously Lin Mu suffered some dark losses in this round of confrontation.

"They are all the most peerless geniuses. They cannot be competed by one person. They need further training." Lin Mu secretly deduced in his heart, demonstrating the gap between himself and the three people facing him.

The cultivation levels of the four are the same, and they are all incomparable geniuses.The strength is almost equal, and now there are more than three pairs.

If you can't transform and break through again, you will definitely not be the opponent with one against three.

However, Lin Mu is already the king of all kings, overlooking the king of all fairy kings, and there is no way to break through and transform.

Even if there is a road, it belongs to the road of Xianjun.The road of the Immortal King, Lin Shu has come to an end.

The same is true for Nine Obsidian Lord and the others. In the realm of the Immortal King, there is no longer any way to go.Going further is to enter the next step and become a fairy.

But apparently none of the four wanted to become a fairy at this time.

If you want to transcend, every realm is very, very important.In any realm, one cannot be negligent.

"Although there is no way, but I can use their hands to polish and expand my own way. Let my cultivation of the realm of Immortal King be more complete." Lin Mu looked at the three people opposite, secretly planning in his heart.

Although the road has come to an end, there must still be some gaps.These gaps are also part of the road and are not noticed.If Lin Shu can fill up these gaps, he can also achieve a very considerable transformation and a fairly good increase in strength.

Having made up his mind to pay attention, Lin Mu no longer hesitated, and once again took the initiative to bully him.

Seeing Lin Mu rushing up again, the three of Jiuyao Xingjun frowned slightly.However, Lin Mu rushed over on his own initiative, and the three of them still chose to cooperate tacitly, attacking Lin Mu with one more move every ten moves.

Lin Mu was sent flying out again, and his body was unharmed, but it was interesting that blood spilled out.

But this time Lin Mu didn't give orders, but Lin Mu was very happy.

Because the path I deduced exists, there are still some gaps between the paths of the Immortal King and the Immortal Monarch.It's just that the gap is so small that it doesn't show up at all on weekdays.Xianyuan couldn't enter it, and now it was attacked by three top powerhouses, and the crack that was not visible on weekdays was torn open, allowing Xianqi to enter.Completely repair such a road.

Lin Mu's calculation was very subtle, and in fact, Lin Mu succeeded twice in a row.

Ninety percent of the gaps have been successfully filled, and only one percent is left.

But just when Lin Mu was about to try again and fight for his own future.

The three of them agreed very well and chose not to cooperate.

Everyone is a top-notch genius, Lin Mu's abnormal behavior twice in a row.It had already made the two of them doubtful. After the two attacks, Lord Jiuyaoxing and the others became more aware of what Lin Mu wanted and why.

Lin Mu wants to make his journey to the Immortal King more complete, which is a good thing for Lin Mu.But for them, it is not a good thing.

Because the stronger the trees, the less good news for them.

The rise of Lin Shu in this world is already doomed.If the forests are made stronger, and even surpass them, it will be even more bad.

"Since you are not willing to cooperate, then I will take the initiative to ask you to cooperate." Just tasted some sweetness, how could Lin Mu give up so easily.

Lin Mu took the initiative to find Bai Yixian, because Bai Yixian was the closest to his position, and at the same time, he had Chaos Fire in his hand, so he could completely suppress Bai Yixian.

When Bai Yixian saw Lin Mu approaching him, he naturally understood Lin Mu's plan.

However, Bai Yixian is a genius, and he is also a top-notch genius.He has no reason to retreat at all, and of course he will not retreat.The number of times I have entered the sacred land is no less than that of Lord Jiuyaoxing.The opportunities I have obtained here are countless.For Lin Shu, he still has many unknown means.


Bai Yixian didn't threaten, didn't show contempt, and only shot decisively.

This is the demeanor that a master should have. Those nonsense and cruel words can't solve any problems at all.It's better to act directly, decisively and directly.

Bai Yixian's palm fell down, and in his big hand, there seemed to be a trace of chaos and haze in his big hand, as if at the beginning of the universe.

"This is Yuantian Palm. It is said that it is one of the strongest attack methods of Yuantian Supreme. It can imitate the birth of the universe and the scene of the Big Bang. It is the strongest attack method in the world. No one can resist it, and no one can prevent it. To live. For the supreme law!"

Someone recognized the origin of this palm, and then said in shock.

No one can resist the power of the cosmic explosion.An explosion created a vast and boundless universe.Such destructive power, such explosive power, I am afraid that no one can resist except Supreme himself.

In fact, there are many other legends about this Yuantian Palm, among which the most famous one is.Yuantian Supreme, wants to use this palm to truly live forever.

It is rumored that Yuantian Supreme once penetrated into the deepest part of the universe.Going to find the origin of life, and after returning later, I realized this Yuantian Palm.It is said that he is related to the origin of life, the most original life and death, and it is the method for Yuantian Supreme to transcend life and death.However, the era of the supreme ended too early, even before the reason was left, it was over.

(End of this chapter)

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