Supreme Chef

Chapter 1675 You have no choice

Chapter 1675 You have no choice
Lin Mu recognized this person, but Lin Mu felt a little surprised.Because Lin Mu felt that it shouldn't be her.


Being able to pass through the battlefield of four people in the forest at the same time has indeed shown her extraordinary.

But facing the attacks of the three masters, even if she is against the sky, she can only be injured.

She was beaten flying, but a piece of silver-white soft armor appeared in front of her.This soft armor resisted most of the attack power for her, otherwise she would not be vomiting blood now, but would have died tragically.

"It's her?" Her speed slowed down, and finally someone recognized who she was.

That's right, she is the demon girl from the demon world, Lin Mu recognized her at the first sight.It's just that Lin Mu didn't expect that the person who made the sudden move would be her.

Lin Mu knew that this witch was definitely not as simple as she appeared on the surface.But she didn't expect that she had grown to the point where she was almost taking food from the hands of the four of them.

This really shocked Lin Mu a little.

"A friend from the demon world is really good. There are no representatives in the world, and now there is one." Bai Yixian said in a calm tone, always so humble.

The witch wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, but she was not stage frightened even though she was facing Lin Mu's four top talents.She remained calm and calm.

"I didn't come to fight the four of you. The little girl thinks she is not the opponent of the four. I just want to broadcast one, which belongs to my own future. Now that I have failed, the little girl will leave." The demon girl finished speaking Afterwards, she turned around and left without any regrets.

"Since you're here, don't leave in a hurry. There is no ghostwriter in Myriad Realms, and it seems too boring." Bai Yixian took the initiative, as if to divert Lin Mu's attention, and took the initiative to find the witch.

When the demon girl saw Bai Yixian take the initiative to attack, she also screamed "Damn it", but Bai Yixian took the initiative to attack, and the demon girl dared not neglect at all.

"Brother Bai, your situation is too small. Since you want to fight, let's fight together." Nine Obsidian Lord said in a low voice, and then took the initiative to attack four people at the same time, including the witch who joined later.

Seeing this situation, the witch's expression changed again.

She really didn't intend to compete with Lin Mu and the others.She just wanted to sneak attack once to see if she could succeed.If you succeed, you count your luck; if you don't, you count yourself as unlucky.

But being involved in such a battle now is really a disaster.

She is still somewhat sure of sneak attacking her, but she is not at all sure of fighting against geniuses like Lin Mu and the others.

She knew that this time, she was really in danger.

"Senior brother Lin, please save the little girl's life. The little girl will be rewarded." The demon girl said to Lin Mu through voice transmission while avoiding.

She was no match for any of Lin Mu's four at all, she could only seek shelter.

She has never had any contact with Gu Jian and the three, so she can only cast her eyes on Lin Shu.There had been crossings between the two, though not much, not even pleasantly.

But compared to the other three, at least Lin Mu was someone she knew.

"Why should I save you?" Intuitively, Lin Mu felt that the witch should know something, and what he didn't know might be useful to him.

Sure enough, the witch was very excited when she heard Lin Mu's question, and said, "Brother Lin, I know how to obtain this scripture."

Lin Mu said: "I just need to get this scripture, what else do I need to get it?"

The demon girl dodged a burst of sword energy and said hastily: "Senior Brother Lin, you can't directly obtain the scriptures that are popular as the flower of the avenue. If you do this, the scriptures will be completely destroyed. You must use a special spell to get them. To be able to communicate with it and then shake it."

When Lin Mu heard the demon girl's words, his heart was shocked, and he secretly thought: This demon girl really knows a lot, and Lin Mu had such a feeling when he described the divine consciousness in the scriptures.It's just that Lin Shu can't be sure.Now that the demon girl has said it, Lin Mu has already made up her mind.

But even though it was confirmed, it didn't mean that Lin Mu had to trust this witch.

Lin Mu asked back: "How do I know if what you said is true?"

The witch was constantly attacked, and her life was already in danger.She knew that Lin Mu was asking her to say something dry, if it was normal, she would definitely refuse.But now, this made it impossible for her to refuse.

The demon girl passed a scripture to Lin Mu with her divine sense, and said, "Senior brother Lin, just verify it."

This scripture is too old, none of those words are understood by Lin Mu.But fortunately, this scripture does not need to be understood, just need to pronounce the correct scale.

Lin Mu followed the pronunciation method taught to him by the witch, and the voice of this strange scripture sounded in his mouth.


Sure enough, as soon as the scriptures came out, the scriptures among the flowers of the great way trembled slightly.

"The scriptures are true, come here." After verification, Lin Mu directly sent a voice transmission to the witch.

The demon girl was overjoyed, she dodged and hid behind Lin Shu.

The other three naturally noticed the changes in the scriptures, and also noticed the changes in the witch.

With their wisdom, it is not difficult to guess the connection between these things.

The three of them once again chose to join forces, a very tacit understanding.

This time their target was the demon girl behind Lin Mu. She possessed the secret to shake the scriptures of the Dao of Heaven, and the three of them could not easily let her go.

Lin Mu blocked the three of them and said without looking back, "Tell me the rest of the spell."

The witch said: "I can't tell you everything, I need to protect myself and defend myself."

The witch is right, if she tells Lin Mu all the scriptures.Then she will have no effect on Lin Mu, and Lin Mu will most likely push herself out directly.

Lin Mu said without the slightest emotion, "You have no choice now, either cooperate with me, or be killed by the three of them."

After listening to Lin Mu's words, the demon girl rolled her eyes a few times.Obviously, she was evaluating what the situation in front of her was like for herself.How to do it yourself is the most beneficial.

"You don't have much time, and I can't completely block the three of them." Lin Mu said.

"Okay! I believe you, and I will tell you all the scriptures." The witch gritted her teeth and made a decision.

The witch really has no choice, except to choose to believe in Lin Mu's character, she really has nothing to believe in.

Lin Mu got all the summoning scriptures, and immediately recited the summoning scriptures loudly.

As the scriptures floated out, the supreme scriptures among the flowers of the avenue shook more and more violently.

Seeing this situation, the three of Nine Obsidian Kings became more aggressive in attacking.They couldn't just be successful by Lin Shu.This is not in line with their interests, they must organize trees.


After Lin Mu recited the last syllable, the flower of the avenue slowly opened.The Supreme Sutra flew out, and at the same time, the teleportation array began to continue to energize, ready to be fully opened, and took everyone away.

The teleportation array that leaves will only be opened once.That is to say, those who cannot enter the teleportation array this time will be left in the sacred land.

(End of this chapter)

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