Supreme Chef

Chapter 1676

Chapter 1676
There is only one chance, and everyone is crazy.Crazy rushed to the teleportation array, if they were left here, the only thing waiting for them was death.Even if you don't die, you will never be able to leave here.

And while everyone rushed, they cursed at the same time.It was none other than Lin Mu who was the culprit.

Because of the teleportation array, there would have been a year of preparation time, some people with low strength.They didn't want to join in the fun, and wanted to wait for everything to stabilize before rushing forward.

But now that Lin Mu had activated the teleportation array in advance, they could only bite the bullet and rush up.

With all of a sudden, the competition will inevitably become more intense.

And those geniuses who were already in the ring all chose to make their moves at this time.They don't shoot at each other, they shoot at those who come up.

They have no share in the supreme scriptures that Lin Mu and the others competed for.But in the hands of these people who came up later, they also have the opportunity to get from the divine land.

Now there is no need to be polite anymore, just blatantly snatch it.Among them, Emperor Zong and the ancient dynasty were the most important. They directly attacked as a whole, killing groups of people who rushed up, and then plundered their things.

This is a naked competition, and it is agreed upon by everyone, and it has always been the case at that time.Every time at this moment, a large number of people will fall.It's just that in this life, people who came earlier would have fallen more.The number of people who entered before was tens of billions, but now the number of people who have walked in front of this teleportation array can only be counted in the billions.After another shock like this, it is almost enough to be able to reach hundreds of millions.This is the real tragedy of not saving one in a hundred, and not saving ten in a thousand.

Wu De, Xue Linglong, and Gu Xuan did not participate in the gluttonous feast of this competition.

Because in Wu De's words, they are just and cannot do such despicable things.

But the three of them are not idle, they don't participate in such despicable competition, but they directly snatch it from those who are fighting.

In this way, they will feel that they are righteous, because they have eliminated harm for the people.And this is faster, and at the same time snatches more things.

"You have violated the principles and agreements!" Someone shouted angrily before being hit with a sap.

"What kind of agreement, we don't know." Xue Linglong didn't care about it at all, no principle, no agreement, just happily beat Sap.

"Are the three of you looking for death? It has already been agreed that as long as you get on the stage, you can't make any more moves!" A first-generation Supreme stood up and stared coldly.

There is indeed such an agreement, as long as you rush to the top of the ring, you can't make another shot.Otherwise, if you make a move like this, not even one of them may survive in the end.This will lead to chaos and war.

Wu Dedao: "Why have I never heard of such an agreement? No one told me when it was signed, and no one asked me to sign it. I don't know, and I don't admit it."

Wu De is just a bastard, not to mention not signing it, even if Wu De signed it, he can turn around and deny it.

"What are you, what qualifications do you have, to sign this contract." The first-generation Supreme roared coldly.

"What are you, a little first-generation Supreme, you dare to bark here, die for me." Blood Spirit Dragon roared tirelessly, then raised his hand, and slapped the first-generation Supreme .

"Why did you blow him away, and we haven't looted him yet?" Wu De said with a 'broken heart'.

"That's right! I forgot, we haven't looted him yet, I'll catch him back again." With a dragon claw hand, the Blood Spirit Dragon grabbed back the first-generation Supreme who had been flying just now.

At this time, the face of the first-generation supreme being was blue and white, and he was about to explode with anger.He is the Supreme Being of the first generation, and he has never suffered such humiliation.But now he was treated like a sandbag, thrown out at will, and caught again.

"Now we are going to rob, hand over all the things we robbed from you, and we will let you go." Blood Spirit Dragon said "righteously".

Hearing the words of the blood spirit dragon, the first generation of Supreme really vomited blood.The robbery is so righteous, as if he has done something heinous.

"If you don't want to cooperate with us, then I can only do it myself." The blood spirit dragon didn't speak when he saw the first generation supreme, and did it himself.

The blood spirit dragon turned the first generation Supreme upside down, and then used mana to shake it vigorously.All kinds of bottles and cans suddenly fell out.

Each of these bottles and jars contains supreme rare treasures.

Wu De was not polite at all, and immediately put them all away.

"This ring belongs to me, I didn't snatch it from you." The first-generation Supreme looked at the blood spirit dragon, and even his own original things were not spared, and shouted anxiously.

Xue Linglong said seriously: "I suspect this is also stolen goods, I have to check it carefully, now you can get out."

After the blood spirit dragon finished speaking, he directly raised his hand and threw the first-generation Supreme out.

"Xiaolonglong, it's not good for you to do this." Gu Xuan said: "Didn't you see that he still has a battle armor on his body? Although it's not worth much, it should be able to be used as an extra, and it can be replaced with something useful. "

The first-generation supreme who was thrown out by the blood spirit dragon, heard Gu Xuan's words, scared the shit out of him, turned around and ran, and didn't dare to stay at all.This group of people is so cruel, it's fine if they loot themselves, they don't even want to let go of the clothes they are wearing, this is really too bullying, this is simply a devil, the behavior of a devil.

In the middle of the sky, the fight between the four of Lin Mu also reached a fever pitch.Because Lin Mu had already shaken the supreme scripture, Lord Jiuyaoxing and others tried their best to prevent Lin Mu from obtaining the scripture.

Although they don't know what is in the scriptures, they absolutely don't want the trees to get it.Even if there is not a single word in the scripture and it is false, they don't want Lin Shu to get it.

While speeding up the collection of scriptures, Lin Mu had to resist the attack of the three.At the same time, Lin Shu has to guard the witch behind him.

Lin Mu has never been a person who does not keep promises. Since he promised something, Lin Mu will try his best to do it.

The witch hides behind Lin Mu, and it's not that she doesn't help at all. She is also helping Lin Mu, running scriptures, and communicating the supreme scriptures.

Lin Mu didn't know where the witch got this ancient scripture, but Lin Mu also knew that even if he asked the witch, he wouldn't always tell him.

That being the case, it is better not to ask, not to mention that now is not the time to pursue these matters.

The four of them had fought to the point of insanity, completely carried away.The scriptures have already flown out, and there is no strong formation protection here.This place was completely blown up, and the chaotic atmosphere swept here, making this place a dead zone.

Even if Xianjun sets foot at this time, most of them will fall.

It must be known that the four people here are all the supreme kings of immortal kings, and Lin Mu is an existence that looks down on all kings and even makes the heavens submit.


Suddenly the teleportation array started to glow. This is the activation of the teleportation array, and the next stop is the outside world.


Lin Mu let out a shout, and the supreme scripture was directly grabbed by Lin Mu in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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