Supreme Chef

Chapter 1677 3 Arrow Shocks the World

Chapter 1677 Three Arrows Shock the World

The jade book was caught in Lin Mu's hand, and the three of Jiuyao Xingjun all changed their expressions.

This was the last thing they wanted to see happen. The three of them used the strongest attack at the same time, either killing the trees or knocking the jade book into the air.

Bai Yixian changed tens of thousands of handprints in a row, and finally used the Supreme Strike.

This is Supreme's unique technique, infinitely mobilizes the power of heaven and earth, and unleashes the strongest attack.

Although Bai Yixian can't demonstrate it perfectly, he can at least simulate [-]% of it.

And even if it is [-]%, it is beyond human power to compete.

The White Dragon Sword in Gu Jian's hand also launched the strongest blow, which was a brand new insight that Gu Jian had gained in the divine land.

Nine Obsidian King is the most powerful, drawing a mysterious trajectory with both hands.The nine stars in front of me moved out traces that could not be seen through, and finally made the stars in the sky completely confused.

Using the starry sky as the formation board and the stars as pawns, a peerless killing formation was arranged.

This kind of attack, not to mention Lin Mu, even the Immortal Monarch would be killed if he came.

At this moment, Lin Mu had only two choices, either to die under such an attack, or to voluntarily give up Yushu.It is safe to leave.

The space here has been completely isolated, no matter whether it is inside or outside, it is impossible to see clearly what happened inside.

Facing such a lore, Lin Mu's expression was equally serious.These are three existences that can compete with him, such an attack makes it impossible for Lin Mu to underestimate him.

Lin Mu flipped his wrist, and a mini version of the Heavenly Dragon Bow appeared in Lin Mu's hand, and at the same time, three Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrows also appeared in Lin Mu's hand.

As soon as the Tianlong bow was released, everyone felt a kind of throbbing from the soul, whether it was inside or outside.

All three thousand gods began to tremble, as if something terrible had happened.

This kind of change was unexpected by Lin Mu before, and Lin Mu never thought that such a change would happen once the Heavenly Dragon Bow was released.

However, the arrow had to be fired on the string, Lin Mu pulled away the Tianlong Bow, and put the Tianlong Bone Arrow on the Tianlong Bow.

Lin Mu closed his eyes, recalling in his mind the scene he saw in the long river of time.

That scene was too powerful, destroying Taikoo with one's own strength, even if it happened at that time, it would be affected unimaginably.

Lin Mu closed his eyes, carefully recalling, carefully comprehending.

On the opposite side, the three Nine Obsidian Lords looked at the Tianlong bow in Lin Mu's hand, and their faces also showed unprecedented solemnity.

The bow and arrow made them feel threatened, a threat of death.


Suddenly Lin Mu opened his eyes, and the breath on his body was raised to the highest level in an instant.


Lin Shu let go of the bowstring, and the celestial keel arrow turned into a ray of destruction, rushing towards the white-clothed fairy.


The Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow collided with the Supreme, but it was completely shattered like glass in an instant.

The sky was completely shaken open, the flowers of the avenue collapsed, the heavens were completely chaotic, and the stars turned upside down one after another.

Everyone on the teleportation array was affected.People with high cultivation bases just vomit blood, while those with low cultivation bases explode directly.


Bai Yixian also vomited blood, the power of this arrow was beyond his imagination.And he was facing it head-on, and he was the first to bear the brunt.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Bai Yixian's face was as pale as gold leaf.

Lin Shu was also not feeling well, and he also vomited blood from his mouth.Such a blow surpassed the limit that Lin Mu could bear.

Although Lin Mu has used the limit of the peak of the fairy body to block it, he is still unable to stop it.

After all, the Three Realms were the ones that destroyed the ancient times and created the current Immortal Realm, Myriad Realm and Cultivation Realm.

It is very difficult for Lin Shu to imitate now.

Lin Mu didn't dare to delay any longer, fearing that the injury would spread.Lin Mu chose to shoot consecutively, and the other two sky keel arrows were shot out by Lin Mu in an instant.

Two celestial dragon bone arrows flew towards Nine Obsidian Lord and Gu Jian.

Nine Obsidian Lord and Gu Jian saw the arrow flying towards them, and changed their colors at the same time.

The two of them witnessed the power of the arrow just now.That arrow was not something they could resist.

But the arrow was too fast, they had no time to retreat, and it was not their character to retreat.


As soon as the arrow passed, the sword energy shattered directly, and the light above the White Dragon Sword was extremely dim.It fell to Gu Jian's feet.


Gu Jian coughed up blood, staining his blue shirt red, and the arm holding the sword was completely split open.If it wasn't for the protection of the ancient sword with mana, it might have turned into a pile of minced meat and disappeared forever.


The third arrow hit the peerless starry sky array arranged by Lord Nine Obsidians. This is a peerless killing array with the starry sky as the disk and the stars as the eyes of the array.It is the strongest attack of Nine Obsidian King, and it is also an ancient method, so ancient that it cannot be traced back.It may be related to the destruction of the ancient times, and it is also extremely tyrannical.

However, under the attack of the Heavenly Dragon Bone Arrow, it was still vulnerable to a single blow, and it just shattered like a mirror.

The starry sky was completely cracked and turned into pieces one after another.The stars all exploded and turned into pieces of dust.

These dusts are the real star powder, which is the supreme treasure material for refining equipment.

But no one has the courage to go in and collect.Although treasures are attractive, one's own life is more important.

The people below were shattered by the three arrows, and those who survived completely forgot to breathe.

Such three arrows surpassed their imagination, beyond the limit they could think of.This is just too strong, too strong.

Wu De and the three swallowed their saliva with difficulty, and they did not expect that Lin Mu's three arrows were so powerful.


Although Nine Obsidian Lord was holding back, he couldn't hold back in the end.A mouthful of golden blood spurted out, and the body of Lord Nine Obsidians flew out.

Seeing that even Nine Obsidian Lord flew out, everyone didn't know what to say.

I don't know how many lives, Lord Jiuyaoxing has never been defeated.He had never even been injured before, but now Mr. Jiu Yao Xing was beaten and flew out.He even vomited blood from someone else's beating, which was really amazing.



Lin Shu was also vomiting blood continuously, and at the same time, cracks appeared on his body.These cracks were all injured by the Dao, so don't try to repair them in a short time.Such an injury even affected the foundation of the trees.

But Lin Mu had no choice but to face such three people, Lin Mu could only use his strongest attack and his own life-saving means.

Whether it is making Lin Mu give up his life, or making Lin Mu give up the jade book he has already obtained.These are things Lin Shu can't compromise on.

Lin Mu was already like this, and the demon girl who was protected by Lin Mu was even more horrible.The witch's body was almost broken. If it wasn't for the protection of the trees, she might be dead by now.

(End of this chapter)

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