Supreme Chef

Chapter 1678 The real crisis

Chapter 1678 The real crisis

Lin Mu's three arrows shocked the whole world. These three arrows were too strong, even unbelievably powerful, unimaginable.

All three of Nine Obsidian Kings were repelled, and Lin Mu successfully grasped the supreme scripture among the flowers of the Dao.Although the price paid this time was also unimaginably large.

Not only was Lin Mu's body severely injured, but even cracks appeared on the sea of ​​consciousness.This is the damage caused by the rebounding force of the Sky Dragon Bone Arrow.

"Hu rumbling!"

The situation changed, and the thunder poured down.The teleportation array started.

The teleportation array slowly rotated, from the slow speed at the beginning, to the faster and faster speed later.

In the end, everyone was teleported away and entered the space channel.

And those who didn't have time to go up to the teleportation array were completely dumbfounded.

This is too fast, completely inconsistent with previous experience.They didn't have time to react at all, and everything was over.

They are left here, and they are here forever.Because this world is the end of the world, this place will not be opened again.

They can only wait here to die.


Those who were left roared wildly, and then rushed towards the teleportation array.But they couldn't go up at all, they could only be blocked outside, unable to set foot on the teleportation array for half a step.

At this time in the fairy world, the atmosphere was also tense to the extreme.There is no other reason, it is all because of Lin Mu alone.

What Lin Mu did in the sacred land was absolutely outrageous.The chance that Lin Mu got in the sacred land, even the immortal emperors from the outside world are very enthusiastic.

If possible, they would snatch everything.And Lin Mu finally got the Supreme Jade Book, which is what they saw.

That Supreme Jade Book is contained in the Flower of the Great Dao, no matter what is written in it, in short, it must not be ordinary.

This is an opportunity, if it can be seized, it will mean endless benefits to these immortal emperors.Maybe they all have the possibility to reach the sky in one step by virtue of such an opportunity.Become a real fairy emperor.

This is an opportunity that no one can refuse, and such an opportunity is exciting.Such an opportunity also makes people unable to restrain their inner desire.

Yang Tian and Yan Laoguai, the two of them also used all their strength at this time, and recruited many masters of the Immortal Emperor level to escort Lin Mu.

"Yang Tian, ​​don't you claim to be the guardian of the rules? What you are doing now is breaking the rules!" Someone stood up against Yang Tian, ​​trying to prevent him from helping Lin Mu.

The old god Yang Tian said: "I'm not breaking the rules, I'm just worried that someone will break the rules. Just take precautions in advance. If you don't break the rules, I won't make a move."

"Yang Tianlinmu's actions in the sacred land are both indignant. He has been breaking the rules all the time. The first generation of supreme beings who died in his hands and the supreme geniuses of ancient times are unknown. Such people must not be left behind!" Someone said He directly picked up the topic and warned Yang Tian.

Yang Tian still said unhurriedly: "Everything Lin Mu did was forced and helpless. If you didn't have your disciples who were aggressive, how could Lin Mu do such a thing."

Before that person could continue talking, Grandpa Yan said coldly, "It's useless to talk too much. If you want to fight, I'll accompany you at any time."

Hearing Grandpa Yan's words, the other side finally became quiet.

Grandpa Yan is a different kind among the Immortal Emperors, a peerless and fierce Immortal Emperor's disciple.This Immortal Emperor has unimaginable strength, and his disciples have been hunted down by several Great Emperor Sects for no less than a hundred times.

But he is still living well, this is his ability, this is his ability.

The two parties stopped talking, and they were all waiting for Lin Shu to come out.It's time to really see what you can do, and it's useless to shout for joy now.

In the teleportation formation, the three of Wu De surrounded the trees, but no one caught up to provoke them.

After all, the four of Lin Mu and the others were all injured, and there were really very few people on the teleportation array who could deal with the three of Wu De.

"Playing a sneak attack with your Grandpa Wu, it's useless for your grandpa to come here." Wu De slapped a person who was about to sneak attack to pieces.

"Give back the things you lied to us, and we will spare Lin Mu." Those who had been bet by Wu De before came to ask for it, and they were going to get back what they had just bet on.

Wu De sneered, and said: "You guys will choose the time, choose this time to come and ask for things."

As soon as the conversation changed, Wu De continued, saying: "But Grandpa Wu told you that it is impossible to take out the things that enter your Grandpa Wu's hands. If you want something, you can grab it yourself if you have the ability. But I I also warn you, if you fail to snatch it, or if you lose it, you will be in bad luck. Because I will loot you, and there is not even a pair of underwear left."

Seeing the fierce light in Wu De's eyes, many people were afraid.After all, Wu De is the top group of people, they really may not be able to win.

Lin Mu was quite stable at this time, and he didn't care about the outside world, whether the sky had been overturned.

Lin Mu's mind was focused on recovering from his physical injuries.

For Lin Mu, the battle in this divine land was just an appetizer.

The real big dish is still to come, after leaving the sacred land.Lin Mu will inevitably face the target from the entire fairy world.

Emperor Zong and Emperor Zong of the present age.

Ancient dynasty, family.

These are all grudges against Lin Mu, and Lin Mu unceremoniously beheaded and killed their children.

After [-]% of the trees recovered, they temporarily stopped and continued to recover.Lin Mu opened his eyes and found that the two sides were still at a stalemate.

Lin Mu stood up and looked at the group of people who were besieging him and others.Immediately, his face sank, and then he shouted decisively: "If you don't want to die, get out!"

As Lin Mu spoke, he bent his bow and prepared to shoot an arrow.

This is the space channel, although it is extremely stable.But no one dared to use this destructive magic weapon.

After all, if there is a problem with the space channel, not only he will die, but everyone on the entire teleportation array will die.

Although they expected that Lin Shu would not dare to open his mouth to shoot arrows, but if they really tied Lin Shu.If Lin Mu really made a move, then what should they do.After all, for a lunatic like Lin Mu, there is nothing Lin Mu can't do.

Hearing Lin Mu's words, many people chose to retreat silently.After all, if he really died like this.Then they are too boring, and at the same time a little bit wronged.

In the end, the few remaining people also chose to leave when they saw that they were alone.But the real battlefield is just about to kick off.

(End of this chapter)

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