Supreme Chef

Chapter 1679 Alone against the pack

Chapter 1679 Alone against the pack (1)

Lin Shu looked around everyone, like the most brilliant emperor star in the night sky.Let everyone dare not face up to it.

Although Lin Mu was seriously injured in this battle, he gained more.Especially the supreme scripture in the Flower of the Great Way, although Lin Mu has not read it yet, but just touching it, Lin Mu has already felt that he is extraordinary.

This is the true supreme scripture, conceived by heaven and earth, and the scriptures contained in it are absolutely unimaginable.Even if it is not the strongest in the world, it is definitely in the strongest row.

The trees recovered, and the three of Jiuyao Xingjun also woke up.

A large group of followers spontaneously gathered around the three of them.

Lin Mu looked at the three of them, and the three of them also looked at Lin Mu.

All four of them knew that everyone's struggle in the last days was not over, but had just begun.

"I hope that next time, we can fight fairly without resorting to foreign objects." Nine Obsidian Lord Yaoyao said.

"Why do you talk so much nonsense? If you lose, you lose. What's wrong with using foreign objects? If you have the ability, you can also use external objects. When we lose, we will definitely admit it voluntarily, so that we won't be as reckless as you." The blood spirit dragon said dissatisfied.

Nine Obsidian Lord did not speak, such a dispute would be detrimental to his identity.

"I hope you can live well after leaving here, and I also look forward to a fair fight with you." Bai Yixian said calmly, with a very comfortable tone, obviously not affected by the previous battle.

"I will live well, and I hope you can live well too." Lin Mu responded forcefully,
Bai Yixian smiled and said, "I will."

Gu Jian looked at the trees, but shook the sword lightly.

Gu Jian is an opponent worthy of respect, but an opponent is an opponent. Even if he is worthy of respect, Lin Mu will not take it lightly or be soft-hearted.

In Lin Mu's hand, there is also a grass sword blooming sword light, which is a response to and respect for the ancient sword.

"You have really planned our going out. If you haven't planned it, we can quickly arrange it now. The emperors and emperors outside are not vegetarians." Wu De said worriedly.

Lin Mu said: "Don't worry, I know what's in my heart, I won't take you to death."

Wu Dedao: "That's what you said, I haven't lived enough yet."

Lin Mu said: "I haven't lived enough."

The teleportation array traveled through the space channel for a full year, and a year later, everyone appeared on the three-day teleportation array in the fairy world.

The light flashed, and everyone finally saw the long-lost fairy world again.

Although it was only a few years ago, for everyone, it seemed like a lifetime away.

Many people feel honored to be alive.

The loss this time is greater than any previous one, and it is much greater.

The number of people who entered was tens of billions, but the people who came out only occupied less than one percent of the original area.The loss is so great that it is really unimaginable.

Even in many realms among the myriad realms, no one came out.Even in the fairy world, there are quite a few sects and forces, and none of them survived.

Of course, the biggest losses are those sects that have enmity with Lin Mu, especially the Four Great Emperor Sects and the Ancient Dynasty.

Gongsun Liang, the supreme genius of the Eastern Emperor Sect, Shangguan Kun, the supreme genius of the Southern Emperor Sect, the genius who once competed with the Nine Star King in the Wuxian Dynasty, the ancient genius of the Eastern Emperor Sect, and the Ziyu Immortal Emperor. Zishi... There are also many first-generation supreme beings who fell under Lin Shu's fist, and the ancient geniuses are simply not enough to list them all.Even many people, even Lin Mu himself, have forgotten.

Of course Lin Mu killed them, and now they are the only ones who are gnashing their teeth at Lin Mu the most.

Before leaving the teleportation formation, someone had already started to set up a large formation to seal off all spaces and prevent Lin Shu from escaping.

And the people on the teleportation array also consciously distanced themselves from Lin Mu, not standing with Lin Mu.

They don't want to harm Chi Yu, and they will definitely be the ones who will be unlucky.

Although Huang Yufei wanted to stand with Lin Mu, he was stopped by the people in the door.

Lin Mu also cast a harmless look at Huang Yufei, Lin Mu is not afraid of any calculations.Even if it is the Immortal Emperor, it is impossible to make Lin Mu submit.

Everyone is far away, only four trees are left.

"Are you really sure that you have made the arrangements? If you haven't arranged them well, there is still time for us to go back now." Wu De looked outside, so many people who were about to kill themselves said worriedly.

Gu Xuan pinched her waist and said, "Uncle Wu De, why don't you have any loyalty? When my little dad needs encouragement most, how can you hold back?"

Wu Dedao: "I don't want to hold back, but look at the situation, even the Immortal Emperor may die. Besides, we are only Immortal Kings."

Lin Mu's eyes were filled with flames and determination, and he said: "If they really want my life, even if I die, I will drag a few immortal emperors to be buried with me."

After speaking, Lin Mu looked at Wu De and the three, and said, "I won't let you have trouble. If that time really comes, I will find a way to send you into the long river of time. This way at least you can save your life."

Gu Xuan resolutely said: "Little Daddy, I will die with you even if I die."

Xue Linglong also expressed his opinion, saying: "Boss, if you die, I will have no meaning in living. Boss, I will definitely die with you."

Wu De looked at the three trees, gritted his teeth, and said, "Forget it, I'll give up my life to accompany the gentleman. At most, he will be a good man again in 8000 years."

Gu Xuan giggled and said, "This is the Uncle Wu De I know, he is as heroic as a great hero."

Wu De smiled bitterly: "If I don't die, I must be very happy when you say that."

Gu Xuan said: "With little daddy here, we won't die so easily."

Wu De said: "I hope so."

The teleportation array will be stable for half a month before it will be truly opened.During this half month, no one can and dare not take action against the teleportation array.

But it gave them time to arrange everything.Of course, the same is true for Lin Mu, he also has half a month to arrange.

However, there is really nothing to arrange for the trees, because after all, what you are facing is not one or two Immortal Emperors, but a group of Immortal Emperors and a group of Immortal Lords.

No matter how you arrange it, it's useless, it's better not to arrange it, and let them mess up first.At that time, it may be possible to increase the odds of winning.

Half a month passed in a flash, and the teleportation array was fully opened.Everyone has truly returned to the fairyland.

The rest of the people all chose to leave the teleportation array as soon as the teleportation array was opened.

The three Nine Obsidian Lords also chose to leave.But they didn't leave like that swaggeringly, but were escorted by experts.

The three of them are the strongest among the gods, and the opportunities they have obtained must be unimaginable.The people behind them did not guarantee that anyone would attack them.

The power behind Bai Yixian is the most mysterious, and they took Bai Yixian away without letting everyone react.

Now on the teleportation array, there are only four trees left.

(End of this chapter)

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