Supreme Chef

Chapter 1680 Alone against the pack

Chapter 1680 Alone against the pack (2)

Facing the sky full of immortal emperors, immortal kings, and immortal kings, Lin Mu didn't feel the slightest fear, and Lin Mu straightened his spine.Face the heroes of the world alone.Trees are fearless, even more fearless.

Lin Mu won't ask those nonsense, why do you want to target them.

Everyone knows that there is no need to ask such nonsense.

Lin Mu doesn't even know what to say, if it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.Because this is very impractical, and even this level cannot be passed. Is such a threat useful?Obviously useless.

Lin Mu stood like this, not afraid of anyone.

Lin Mu didn't do anything, and those who wanted to besiege Lin Mu didn't move, as if they were intimidated by Lin Mu's aura.

"If you don't move, I'm leaving." Lin Mu waited for a while, and said before anyone moved.

When Lin Mu said a word, many people immediately cursed, damn it.

This forest is really nothing. If they don't do anything, it doesn't mean they are afraid.And Lin Mu's words will make everyone think that they are afraid of Lin Mu, and that's why they are like this.

"Lin Mu, you committed a heinous crime, yet you still want to leave. I gave you time to commit suicide just now. Since you don't cherish it, then you should die." It was an elder of the Southern Emperor Sect who spoke.

The Southern Emperor Sect suffered a heavy loss this time. Shangguan Kun, a peerless genius who could carve the Chaos Dao Formation into his body, died under Lin Mu's hands.It really hurt the Southern Emperor's vitality.

When Shangguan Kun was born, he was accompanied by a chaotic Dao Formation.What an honor this is, and what kind of power this is.Especially Shangguan Kun, in the sacred soil, forcibly carved the chaotic Dao Formation into his body.Let the Chaos Dao Formation possess spirituality, which is absolutely unprecedented.

Even the Southern Emperor back then had never heard of such a success.It can be seen that if Shangguan Kun grows up, there is definitely hope to surpass the Emperor of Vietnam.Let the Southern Emperor Emperor Sect, the Great Emperor's power bloom again.But now they have no chance, because Lin Shu cut off this possibility, cut off this opportunity.

So trees must die, and trees must die.

Lin Mu looked at the elder of the Southern Emperor Sect who was talking, sneered, and said, "You have lived a long time, don't you feel that saying such a thing is degrading your identity? Everyone knows that I will not kill myself, Everyone is also aware of the contradiction between us. Why bother to talk such nonsense, are you really forced by my power?"

Some things are seen through but not said through, and seen through and said through, it is a slap in the face.

"Ling Mu, you are looking for death!" Being humiliated by Lin Mu in front of the gods and heroes, it made him lose all face.Without any warning, he chose to attack Lin Mu directly.

He is a veteran fairy king, and he is about to step into the ranks of fairy kings.It is the most suitable for him to be the first to come forward, both in terms of status and strength.

If he could kill Lin Shu, then the Immortal Monarch and Immortal Emperor would not have to take action, which would save a lot of fighting.After all, the Immortal Emperor.If the immortals make a move, it is not a joke.At that time, if one fails, it will be the real blood river ticket road.

This old fairy king is not good-looking either, he is only one step away from becoming a real fairy king.

Moreover, he once entered the sacred land and ascended the throne of the king of fairy kings.If he did not have such identity and strength, he would not have become a high-ranking elder in the Southern Emperor Sect.

"Since you are here to die, I will fulfill you." Lin Mu snorted coldly, and then shot directly in the air, grabbing the old fairy king who was flying towards him.

"You thought you were an immortal, yet you acted so casually. You are courting death!" The old immortal king roared, and then slapped the tree with his palm.

However, with such a palm, he didn't even stir up any waves in the face of Lin Shu's attack.

Lin Shu's attack easily tore apart his attack.At the same time, not only his attack was torn apart, but also his body.

Under Lin Shu's attack, this veteran Immortal King was simply vulnerable.With just one blow, the old fairy king fell.

The blood rained down, and the corpses of the old fairy king fell down one after another, looking extremely tragic.

This is completely intentional by Lin Mu, and this is what Lin Mu wants.Only in this way can people be truly restrained.

"Lin Mu, you really don't change your demonic nature, and your methods are so cruel." Another person spoke directly to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu said contemptuously: "Anyway, you have already said that I am destroyed by heaven and earth, and that I am the reincarnation of the devil. Don't be afraid of the devil. If you dare to come up, I can guarantee that your death will be worse than him."

The person who was responded by Lin Mu looked at Lin Mu and dared not speak.Because he is also an Immortal King, against Lin Mu, he has no chance of winning.

Now the situation is completely clear, Immortal King is not Lin Mu's opponent at all.No matter how much you go up, you will definitely die.

"Lin Shu, are you guilty?" Immortal Emperor Ziyu hid in the clouds, surrounded by a ray of chaotic energy, looking down on the earth, just like the real supreme emperor.

The coercion of the Immortal Emperor, especially the top Immortal Emperor like Ziyu, is even more unbearable for them.

But Lin Mu didn't give in, and Lin Mu didn't think about giving in.Lin Shu's spine was still straight, even under such pressure, Lin Shu's body was almost cracked.

"Are you sure you want to target me?" Lin Mu responded mockingly.

"I'm sure you're going to die!" Immortal Emperor Ziyu snorted coldly, and then shot directly with Thunder, ready to kill Lin Mu and his group.

"You want to kill Lin Shu, but have you asked me?" Grandpa Yan made a move and directly blocked Immortal Emperor Ziyu.

"Senior Yan." Lin Mu greeted with a bow.

"Boy, you performed very well. You can do this in the face of all the heroes in the world. You are worthy of the old man. I will do my best to help." Grandpa Yan said.

"Don't pretend to be a good person, I have already come." Yang Tian came out, stood beside Grandpa Yan and said.

"Are you two sure that you want to fight against the heroes of the world?" Immortal Emperor Ziyu still looked down at Yang Tian and Grandpa Yan with such an attitude.

"Little Ziyu, don't you think it's rude to pretend to be big in front of me? Your master can only be called my peer, who do you think you are?" Yang Tian looked at Ziyu and said frivolously.

"There is a priority in hearing the Tao, and the first to hear the Tao is the first. Yang Tian, ​​you are old." When Immortal Emperor Ziyu said this, he was extremely arrogant.

Yang Tian looked at Immortal Emperor Ziyu, sneered, and said: "Disrespecting the elders, this is the way your East Emperor Sect does things. It seems that your East Emperor Sect really needs to rectify it starting from you. You guys You should learn carefully what it means to respect the old and love the young."

Immortal Emperor Ziyu flipped his hand, and a mirror appeared. As soon as this mirror appeared, it immediately attracted all the light, as if it wanted to completely absorb the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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