Supreme Chef

Chapter 1683 Peerless Pit

Chapter 1683 Peerless Pit (2)

Huang Yufei's master did not expect Lin Mu's spiritual sense to be so powerful.

My own concealment is considered extremely ingenious, even the person who made the shot has never found out where I am, but Lin Mu was able to find out.

But Lin Mu had already paid tribute to him, so he naturally wanted to respond.

Master Huang Yufei's response was naturally to explain why Huang Yufei couldn't make a move.

There were already guesses about this tree, and Huang Yufei was the most valued disciple of the Dragon Phoenix Sect.If he was the head of Dragon Phoenix Sect, he wouldn't let Huang Yufei take risks.

Facing powerful enemies from all directions, Lin Mu kept making shots, and his body was constantly stained with blood.

Although Yang Tian and the others helped, Lin Mu's situation gradually fell into a desperate situation.

Lin Mu directly used the coffin of the future in his hand to smash the attacking person into pieces, and then sent voice transmission to Yang Tian and Grandpa Yan, asking them to take their men back.

Yang Tian and Grandpa Yan didn't know why Lin Mu did this, but they still did as Lin Mu said.

"Leave here with Gu Xuan, I will go to the place we agreed to find you." Lin Mu handed Gu Xuan's whole body of cultivation base seals to Wu De and Xue Linglong and said.

"Boss, I want to be with you." Xue Linglong said.

Lin Mu said: "Don't worry, I won't die, go outside and wait for me, I will definitely look for you."

Blood Spirit Dragon said: "Then boss, you must come to us."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "You bastard, when did you become so sentimental."

Xue Linglong said: "Boss doesn't have you, I'm not happy for cheating people. And I cheated people, who will help me wipe my ass."

Lin Mu laughed loudly and said, "You really are still a scumbag."

Everyone stayed away. Lin Mu looked around at the enemy and said, "Don't you just want my life? I'm standing here now, you let them go."

Everyone was silent, but no one stopped them.

Because it is in their interest, there are not just one or two Immortal Sovereigns here.

The thing in his hand is not an ordinary magic weapon of the fairy family, but the Nine Dragon Tower that can be as famous as the Haotian Mirror.

"Lin Xiaoyou, we may not lose, and they may not win either. Lin Xiaoyou, we have not reached such a step yet." Yang Tian said seriously.

Lin Mu said: "Senior Yang, I may not die if I stay. But if everyone stays, more people may die. It's really not worth it. Let me give it a go."

"Arrogant and conceited, if you stay, you will surely die!" A fairy spoke, and reprimanded him coldly.


As soon as this fairy finished speaking, Grandpa Yan shot directly, using the Nine Dragon Tower, to directly kill the person who spoke.


The person who was killed was from the Southern Emperor Sect. Seeing that Grandpa Yan made such a move, he wanted to reprimand him angrily.

But when he saw the Nine Dragon Tower spinning in Grandpa Yan's hands, he chose to shut up.

That is the Nine Dragon Tower, one of the most powerful magic weapons in the world.He dare not disobey like this, he has not lived enough yet.

"With the Nine Dragon Tower, I thought I was invincible. Is it true that there is no one in the fairy world?" An old man from the ancient dynasty yelled.

"I never thought that Nine Dragon Tower could be Wu Di, but at least he is better than you people who are going to die. If you don't accept it, we can continue to fight." Grandpa Yan also responded coldly.

"You are provoking again, and you are looking for death. The majesty of the ancient dynasty cannot be challenged by someone like you."

"The majesty of the ancient dynasty was never used to provoke. It was used to trample on it. You are the so-called genius of the ancient dynasty. I killed many so-called ancient kings, and I didn't see what they did to me." Lin Mu didn't care. I hope that Grandpa Yan will continue to pull the hatred, and take the initiative to pull the hatred over.

"Boy, you will be cut into pieces today!" the man from the ancient dynasty said ruthlessly, gnashing his teeth.

"That depends on your ability."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu said to Yang Tian and the others: "The kind boy today remembers that he is hungry, and he will be rewarded generously in the future. Seniors, please leave first, and the boy has to solve these matters alone."

"Boy Lin, I think you look good. I am willing to help you fight." Among the spectators, someone was infected by Lin Mu's curiosity and stood up and said.

"Thank you senior for your kindness, but this is my own business. You will have to understand sooner or later." Lin Mu bowed his hands and sincerely thanked him.

"Little friend Lin, are you sure you want to do this?" Yang Tian looked at Lin Mu and asked.

"Yes, Senior Yang, I'm sure I want to do this." Lin Mu nodded heavily.

Yang Tian looked at the extremely firm trees, hesitated for a moment, nodded, and said, "Okay. We will leave here and wait for you."

Lin Mu said: "Thank you Senior Yang, I hope Senior Yang can protect the safety of my friends during my absence."

Yang Tiandao: "Don't worry. The end times are approaching. None of the people around you are weak. They are all geniuses with unlimited potential. Perhaps they will be needed in the end times."

Lin Mu said: "Then thank you all seniors."

Lin Mu watched everyone leave, and looked around everyone with a smile on his face. The expression on Lin Mu's face showed that he didn't put anyone in his eyes.

"Lin Munian is also a generation of geniuses for you, so you should kill yourself?" someone said coldly.

Let Lin Mu commit suicide, which is not at all grateful for Lin Mu as a genius.It is a deep humiliation.

Lin Mu laughed loudly, and said, "Let me commit suicide, you should wipe my neck clean first."

"Death is imminent, and you are still so rampant, I will send you on your way today." A young fairy king roared loudly, obviously planning to use the trees to stand up.

Lin Mu looked at him, then at a few young fairy kings who were ready to move, and said: "Anyway, you are all going to come, come together, I will give you this chance to prove yourself. If you can't catch it this time, in this life you There will be no more chance."

"court death!"

Seven or eight people shouted loudly at the same time, and then shot at Lin Shu together, preparing to kill Lin Shu.

Seven or eight top Immortal Kings shot together, and those Immortal Monarchs and Immortal Emperors were all watching coldly.Looking down at the trees, apparently they already thought the trees were dead.

They are still unable to do such a thing of beating the dog in the water for the emperor and the emperor.

Lin Mu was already doomed. If they still made a move at this time, they would be ridiculed by the world.

Don't look at them as an alliance for the time being, but if Lin Shu dies, their alliance will automatically disintegrate.

At that time, they will not have any scruples, and will use this to laugh at themselves unceremoniously.

Everyone has such a tacit understanding, they all chose to remain silent and watch.


Lin Mu roared again, but what Lin Mu was going to shoot was not the flying fairy kings, but the coffin behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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