Supreme Chef

Chapter 1684 Peerless Pit

Chapter 1684 Peerless Pit (3)

Seeing Lin Mu hitting the coffin behind him, Immortal Emperor Ziyu and the other immortal emperors suddenly had a very bad feeling for some reason.

However, they still maintained their identities and never made a move.Moreover, the attacks of those fairy kings were already approaching in front of Lin Mu, which in their opinion was enough to kill Lin Mu.

The seven or eight fairy kings who besieged Lin Mu saw that Lin Mu didn't come to stop them, but instead pushed towards a coffin, sneered at the corners of their mouths, and showed a hint of joy in their eyes.

"It's too late to think about opening your own coffin now." Someone said sarcastically.

Lin Mu ignored it, put his hands on the coffin, and tried his best to push it, this future coffin that almost killed him.

This is Lin Mu's final plan, to lay out this peerless pit with the coffin of the future.

It would be the best if they could kill Immortal Emperor Ziyu and the others.If you can't kill Immortal Emperor Ziyu and the others, then take away more Immortal Kings.Xianjun is also good.

But at this time, Lin Mu was already at the end of his strength, and it was really not an easy task to shake the coffin of the future.

However, the palms of the seven or eight people behind him had already been printed on Lin Shu's back.

Lin Muli used their strength to shake the coffin of the future with all his strength.


Under Lin Mu's continuous hemoptysis, Lin Mu finally pushed away the coffin of the future.

This time, the gap that was pushed open was much bigger than the last time, twice as much as the last time.

Lin Mu wanted to take a peek at what was inside, but no matter whether it was physically or mentally, Lin Mu was no longer allowed to do so.

Lin Mu sent himself to the chaotic world with the last ounce of divine thought.

The trees suddenly disappeared in front of them, which made them all feel and realize something.

They were so excited that they wanted to shout, but the coffin of the future in front of them didn't give them a chance to shout.

In the coffin of the future, all kinds of extreme attacks suddenly broke out.

There is a peerless sword energy, a sky-shaking sword glow, and a sky-shattering ax glow...

These are attacks from the future, attacks that can obliterate everything.

Moreover, they come from the future, and people in this world have no chance at all to resist them.

These fairy kings who realized something, didn't even have time to react, they were already killed.

And the coffin of the future that has been attacked is like a dam with a leak.The coffin lid was completely lifted into the sky, and a river of time representing the future rushed out of it.

"Time is long, and it has something to do with the future. There may be a treasure of time inside this coffin." Someone came to his senses, found something, and roared loudly.

A fairy rushed out, wanting to approach the coffin of the future to see what was inside.

But before it got closer, a surge of blood energy swept out, directly enveloping his body, completely refining him in an instant.

This was a top-notch immortal, but he didn't even have a chance to react, so he fell in an instant.Not even a trace, not a ripple.

Everyone finally discovered the problem, it wasn't that Lin Mu wanted to die, but that Lin Mu dug a big hole for them.

Lin Mu's initiative was just because he didn't want to accidentally hurt those who helped him.Since he didn't want to accidentally injure those people, what Lin Mu had to do was to kill them.

This forest tree is too vicious, using such a completely unknown coffin to kill all of them.

After thinking about this, no one wanted to see what was in the coffin.

They all wanted to flee for their lives instead, but this meant that the future was a long river, and it swept too fast.

In just a split second, it traversed the audience.After all, no one can say that he escapes faster than time.


With such a sudden impact, dozens of immortal kings and more than ten immortal kings were swallowed up in an instant, and they fell silently like this.

Three of the Immortal Emperor were also affected, coughing up blood, obviously seriously injured.

The injuries caused by time are different from the injuries caused by normal attacks.The injury of time is the most severe injury of Dao.If you want to expel, you need not only cultivation and strength, but also time.

This time is different, he has to spend time and spend time to cultivate.The point of this time is that he needs to be proficient in the law of time.Only in this way can it be possible to heal the wounds of time.

But in the entire fairy world, there is probably no one who is proficient in the principles of time, except for Lin Shu.

Basically, it can be concluded that these three immortal emperors have been abolished.

Immortal Emperor Ziyu didn't expect that Lin Mu would really die with them.

He used the Haotian mirror to protect his whole body, but the long river of time impacted on the Haotian mirror.

It also caused the Haotian mirror to vibrate and shake for a while.The most important thing is that the light above the Haotian Mirror became increasingly dimmer under the impact of time, as if it was about to be fragmented.

Even the Haotian Mirror couldn't stop it, which made Immortal Emperor Ziyu's heart completely flustered.

The Haotian Mirror is his greatest reliance, his strongest magic weapon.If the Haotian Mirror couldn't block it, then he wouldn't have to think about the Coffin of the Future.


There was a slight cracking sound from above the Haotian mirror, and a crack of thin hair appeared on the Haotian mirror.

Immortal Emperor Ziyu's face changed, and then he quickly moved away from this place without stopping.

The Haotian mirror is the treasure of the Eastern Emperor Sect's township sect, and it must not be lost.

If the Haotian Mirror was lost, Ziyu Immortal Emperor might not be able to explain it.

The long river of time is still sweeping and pouring backwards, and Lin Shu is really planning to kill everyone.

Facing the long river of time that represented the future, those who besieged the forest were terrified.

Cursing, they fled.But often before the cursing ends, they are already dead.

For a long time, the river has been raging for a whole day, completely turning this place into a jedi, a place of death.

In one day, at least four Immortal Sovereigns, more than 30 Immortal Sovereigns, and countless Immortal Kings were buried here.

In one day, these sects that had a hostile relationship with Lin Mu buried everything their disciples had gained in the sacred land.

This is really crying without tears.

Such a result made the heads of these sects who were hostile to Lin Mu feel so angry that they wanted to scold their mothers.

Such a result is unbearable for them.

Although Yang Tian and the others left, they could still see the situation here.Seeing Lin Mu's decisiveness and determination, Yang Tian and the others also felt lingering fear.

"Little Daddy!" Gu Xuan shouted hoarsely, looking at the place that had been completely turned into chaos by the long river of time, with time vortices everywhere, and time turbulent flow.

(End of this chapter)

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