Supreme Chef

Chapter 1689 He is not dead yet

Chapter 1689 He is not dead yet
Liu Yiyi took Lin Mu's arm and said, "I'll go wherever you go, I don't want to retreat anymore."

Lin Mudao: "You have been under the World Tree for a hundred years, and you have always been at the point of balance between life and death. Not everyone can have this kind of experience, and this kind of insight is an unimaginable benefit for anyone. With this , you can attack the Immortal King now."

After a pause, Lin Mu smiled and said, "And I, an old grandfather, still need your protection now."

Liu Yiyi rolled her eyes at Lin Mu, and said, "There's no one with the right type."

Lin Mu said: "I'll help you protect the law, you go to cross the catastrophe."

The chaotic world already has the five elements complete, and at the same time has the fountain of life and the tree of the world. It has fully met all the conditions to become a real world, and it can already produce a catastrophe for people to overcome.

It's just that it will take time and accumulation for him to grow into the real world.

Liu Yiyi's comprehension of wandering between life and death is indeed very profound.Liu Yiyi has basically touched the meaning of life and death.

Liu Yiyi's Immortal King Tribulation was extremely arrogant and tough.The pouring of thunder made the chaotic world almost boil.

Lin Mu watched the catastrophe pouring down from a distance, and with his finger pointing in the void, a ripple of time spread out.

The ripples of time represent unity and stillness.

As soon as Gui Yi came out, Heavenly Tribulation was directly fixed in mid-air.

For Liu Yiyi, that moment is enough time for Liu Yiyi to do many things.

Liu Yiyi can completely judge the location of the Heavenly Tribulation, and then choose to avoid it.


Lin Mu let out a muffled snort, and took a step back. There was a sweet taste of blood in his throat, but he was forcibly pressed down by Lin Mu.

Lin Mu couldn't distract Liu Yiyi.

With the help of Lin Mu, Liu Yiyi determined the location of the catastrophe, and successfully avoided a wave of catastrophe.

Then Lin Mu tried several times to make a shot, but it was all to no avail.

As for the law of time, the trees have reached an unprecedented height.

If we only talk about the principles of time and Tao, even Immortal Emperors and Immortal Emperors cannot compare with Lin Shu.

In the end, with Lin Mu's help, Liu Yiyi survived her fairy king tribulation without any risk.

Achieved the position of Immortal King.

At the end of Liu Yiyi's Tribulation of the Immortal King, the throne of the King of Immortal Kings did not appear.

But this doesn't mean that Liu Yiyi's Immortal King is weaker than those who sit on the throne.

In fact, the throne of the King of Immortal Kings can only appear in special places like the Divine Land.

This will indeed gain certain benefits, but it does not represent the strongest Immortal King.The absence of a throne doesn't mean it's one step ahead.

In fact, Liu Yiyi's Immortal King strength at this time is not weaker than anyone who sits on the throne.

"Okay, we can go out now." Lin Mu looked at the young Liu Yiyi and said.

"No need, just stay young like this, that's good. Although I'm old, I still like the girl I like." Lin Mu grinned.

"You're old and unscrupulous." Liu Yiyi cursed with a reddish face.

Looking at Liu Yiyi's appearance, Lin Mu felt a little hot in his heart, and couldn't help feeling a bit of evil, and said, "Why don't I take advantage of the time now, and let me see how capable I am as an old man."

Liu Yiyi's face became even redder, and she said, "Can you be more serious, you are thinking about some nasty things in your head every day."

Lin Mu hugged Liu Yiyi's waist and said, "I miss you now."

"I don't like the old man." Liu Yiyi pushed Lin Mu away and said.

Lin Mu was pushed by Liu Yiyi and almost fell to the ground.

Liu Yiyi was so frightened that she panicked, she hurried over to support Lin Mu, and said, "I'm sorry, I forgot..."

Lin Mu waved his hand and said, "It's okay, my current body is indeed weak and needs time to recover."

Liu Yiyi was worried and looked at Lin Shu with distress.

Lin Mu smiled and said: "It's really fine, give me some time, and your husband will definitely be able to regain his former glory. But today can only be forgotten."

Liu Yiyi blushed, and said in a low voice: "When you recover, I will cooperate with you a few more times."

Lin Mu smiled very satisfied, and then directly put away the chaotic world.

The outside is still the jeopardy of the turbulent flow of time, but for Lin Shu who has already mastered the principles of time, this is not a difficult task.

Lin Mu stretched out his hand, and directly fixed the void.Then Lin Mu commanded Liu Yiyi to continuously cast out the seals, and brought the coffin of the future back into the chaotic world.

The coffin of the future was put away, and the space here gradually became flat.

Lin Mu took Liu Yiyi through the Jedi and completely left the place where Lin Mu had endured a hundred years of loneliness.

Lin Mu's body was indeed very weak, and if it wasn't for the peak of the immortal body, Lin Mu would have died.

Walking out of the Jedi, Lin Mu consumed too much energy.Liu Yiyi had to support Lin Mu to help Lin Mu regain some strength.

"It's really old." Lin Mu panted.

"Who are you? Where did you come from?" Just as Lin Mu recovered his strength, a group of people from the Eastern Emperor Sect rushed over.

"Senior brother, I saw them come out of the turbulent time with my own eyes." A person who had been watching secretly showed his figure, came to those who came later, and reported cautiously.

"Get out of the Jedi!" The leader looked at the two trees, his eyelids twitched violently.

"Even if Lin Shu didn't die, Lin Shu couldn't be so old. It shouldn't have anything to do with Lin Mu. However, if they walk out of the Jedi, they can't just let them go." The leading brother analyzed there talking to himself.

"Brother, if Lin Mu didn't die back then, he must have been seriously injured. If he was injured to the root, it is possible for him to become old." Someone under his command said to the senior brother.

"Yes! Arrest the two of them." After hearing the suggestion, the senior brother immediately reacted, and then immediately gave an order.

Lin Mu looked at their clothes, sighed with emotion, and said, "It's been a hundred years, and your ghosts are still lingering, but it's hard for you."

"Brother, I remember this voice, he should be Lin Mu, he must be right!" A disciple said in horror.

He participated in the events of that year, and Lin Mudu's impression of the world was too deep for him.

He still remembered Lin Mu's voice. He had never forgotten Lin Mu's heroic spirit back then.

"He's Lin Mu!" The leading brother, hearing what the disciples said, couldn't believe that Lin Mu could come out alive and stand in front of them alive.

Although he has not experienced what happened back then, he has heard too many things about Lin Mu.

As for Lin Mu's name, he has already been familiar with it.

(End of this chapter)

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