Supreme Chef

Chapter 1690 Times have changed

Chapter 1690 Times have changed
In fact, in the fairy world, there are very, very few people who don't know the names of trees.

Even those who were in retreat back then have already heard Lin Mu's name.

After all, Lin Mu arranged a peerless pit back then, and four immortal emperors, dozens of immortal kings, and hundreds of immortal kings died in the pit.

All those involved in the siege suffered huge losses.

And you have to know that at that time, Lin Mu was just a fairy king.

It is really hard for people not to know that a fairy king has made such a great achievement.

"Senior brother Lin Mu is so old, I'm afraid he was injured. The woman next to him may be troublesome, but we can temporarily entangle her. Senior brother can go and kill Lin Shu. If he can kill Lin Mu, it will definitely be a great achievement. When the time comes The head of the sect will definitely bestow the supreme treasure of genius." Someone whispered through voice transmission.

When the senior brother heard his junior brother's sound transmission, he was obviously moved.Lin Mu is now the number one must-kill person in the fairy world, and the number one target for most emperors and ancient dynasties.

The bargaining chip that can kill Lin Shu has also reached an unimaginable height within a hundred years.

After all, most people already think that Lin Shu is dead, no matter how high the price is, no one will be able to get it.

But obviously this wave of people is lucky, they are the first wave of people who discovered the forest.

And they found a seriously injured tree. If it was a tree in its heyday, they would have no choice but to escape.But what they are facing now is Lin Shu, who is very old and has serious injuries on his body.

This is a heaven-sent opportunity, as long as it can kill the trees.When the price reached that day, the reward that the Immortal Emperor could only envy and envy was theirs.

"Okay! You go and block that woman, and I'll deal with Lin Mu. Your benefits will be indispensable at that time." The senior brother said to those who followed.

Because of the certification of the end-time prophecy, everyone is cultivating desperately.Although it is said that Immortal Kings did not spring up like mushrooms after a spring rain, there are more than before.

After all, in the face of death, no one wants to live.This is the instinct of survival, and it has nothing to do with anything.

Senior brother is a late-stage Immortal King, and the five people who came with him are all middle-stage Immortal Kings, and even the one watching here is an early-stage Immortal King.

Seven fairy kings against a seriously injured Lin Shu, plus Liu Yiyi who had obviously just been promoted to become a fairy king, it should be said that they won for sure.

"You concentrate on solving the six of them, and leave this person to me. I could beat the shit out of their ancestors back then, and I can still do it now." Lin Mu took Liu Yiyi's hand and said.

Liu Yiyi looked at Lin Mu, nodded, and said, "I believe in you."

"Lin Mu, you are too arrogant. A hundred years have passed, and the current era is no longer what it was a hundred years ago. You should still be caught without a fight, so that you can suffer a little bit of crime. Or if you take the initiative to tell the secret you have, we can spare you Old life, let you live on until your last breath." The senior brother looked at Lin Mu with incomparable contempt and said.

On Lin Shu's shriveled skin, there was an unattractive smile, and said: "The current era is indeed different from my era. A hundred years ago, no one would say such big words. Everyone was worried that they would die. People nowadays He only speaks big words, and he is not afraid of death."

Lin Mu is now an image of an old man, saying such words is very in line with his current identity and image.

"Lin Mu, you are actively provoking, do you want to seek death?" The elder brother said coldly, the murderous aura on his body was burning again.

Indeed, because of the prophecy of the last days, the situation in the past hundred years has indeed changed too much.

For Lin Mu and Liu Yiyi, it really felt like a world away.

Take these people in front of us as an example, if these people were placed in the past, they could be regarded as having quite a status in the Emperor Sect.

Although they can be regarded as immortal kings with status now, they are still incomparable with the past.

"I don't know what kind of heights my old friends have reached after wasting a hundred years of time. The strong should always be the strong, right?" Lin Mu sighed sincerely.

Although I have obtained the principles of time, but the cultivation base and body, it is a real waste of a hundred years.

In a hundred years, many things can be changed for Lin Shu, who was upgrading at full speed at that time.

Even in a hundred years, Lin Shu may impact the realm of Xianjun.But now, all of this has to start over.

"When death is imminent, there are so many emotions. Take your emotions to hell, and when you arrive in hell, you can slowly sigh." The senior brother took the initiative and grabbed Lin Mu with one hand.

Obviously in his eyes, Lin Mu, an old man who can be blown away by a gust of wind, is enough to kill him with one hand.

"Since you think the old man is easy to bully, let me also experience the feeling of the old man." After Lin Mu finished speaking, he moved forward with one hand, and the time flow began to flow quickly.

Time quickly disappeared from the elder brother's body, and soon the elder brother became an old man who was as old as Lin Shu.

He was even worse than Lin Shu, and it became difficult for him to even stand up.

Eldest brother looked at himself with chicken skin and white hair, and looked at Lin Shu in horror. He had no idea what happened just now.

Why did I suddenly become old and become what I am now, how did I suddenly become what I am now.

Lin Mu looked at the aging elder brother and said, "Now you can understand the psychology of an old man like me, right? But it's good now, we two old men can fight fairly."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he raised his legs and walked towards the elder brother. Lin Mu's Daoji was completely silent.Out of the time rule, all the rules cannot be used.

Otherwise, Lin Mu would go straight at the same speed, and none of the seven of them would be able to run.

Lin Mu's speed was very slow, but the elder brother was even more unbearable.It was very difficult for him to move even a single step.

It is very difficult for him to move even if he is in place.I couldn't exert any strength on my body at all.

"Senior brother!" The remaining six people, seeing how miserable their senior brother was, all wanted to go up to rescue him.

But Liu Yiyi blocked the six of them by herself.

There was almost no decent resistance, so Liu Yiyi took care of six people.

The elder brother looked at the scene in front of him, and there was unspeakable horror in his eyes.

Even he couldn't be like Liu Yiyi, obviously Liu Yiyi is a top fairy king.He is an immortal king who has absolute strength and can easily kill himself in seconds.

Eldest brother is a bit regretful now, but it is obviously too late for him to regret.

Lin Mu walked up to the elder brother and said, "The weak are the weak, and they are still the weak when they get old."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he took out a dull weapon like a kitchen knife, and ended the senior brother's life.

The Shadowless Knife in Lin Mu's hand was naturally the Shadowless Knife, but the Shadowless Knife also received a huge impact.Moreover, the Shadowless Knife and Lin Mu's natal cultivation are compatible. Lin Mu's current physical condition is bad, and the Shadowless Knife can't show any brilliance.

Only when Lin Shu returns to its peak, the Shadowless Knife can shine again.

"Let's not go back yet, and don't cause them any trouble." Lin Mu glanced at the direction where Gu Xuan and the others might be, and said softly.

"Okay!" Liu Yiyi agreed without any hesitation.

By the way, everyone is welcome to join the group. I will send out red envelopes in the group recently. Although there are not many, it is a wish and a joy!

(End of this chapter)

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