Supreme Chef

Chapter 1691

Chapter 1691
The current condition of the forest is indeed not suitable for going back.Because if they go back, instead of being of much help, Lin Mu will attract too many powerful enemies.This is not good for Gu Xuan and the others.

There is no impenetrable wall in this world, Lin Mu believes that his lair must have been known by others.

At this time, Gu Xuan, who was retreating in a blessed place, suddenly felt something in her heart, and suddenly opened her eyes.A thin layer of water mist appeared in the eyes.

"I can feel my father's breath, what's wrong with me?" Gu Xuan looked into the distance and murmured softly.

At the same time, the blood spirit dragon also felt something, opened his eyes, and looked in the same direction.

"Xiaolonglong, do you feel the same way!" Gu Xuan asked in shock, looking at Xue Linglong.

Xue Linglong nodded seriously, and said: "I also have the same feeling. I think something must have happened to the boss. Let's go and have a look."

Gu Xuan said: "Okay!"

The group of four set off again, but when the four arrived here, Lin Mu and Liu Yiyi had already left.

"Little dad has been here before, I can feel his breath!" Gu Xuan said excitedly.

Blood Linglong said: "I also feel the breath of the boss."

Taoist Guang looked at the turbulent flow of time that was calming down, carefully inspected it for a long time, and said, "This place is calming down. Something must have happened inside, and Lin Shu should have come out safely."

"Grandfather Guang, is what you said true?" Gu Xuan asked excitedly when she heard Taoist Guang's words.

Taoist Guang looked carefully again, then nodded seriously, and said, "I'm sure."

When Gu Xuan heard Taoist Guang's words, she jumped up excitedly, but soon Gu Xuan's expression dimmed again.

"Since the little dad is safe, why doesn't he come to us? Doesn't he want to see us?"

Taoist Guang glanced at the traces of the fighting around him, and said, "Lin Mu's injury should be serious, he didn't go to us, probably because he didn't want to hurt us."

When Gu Xuan heard Taoist Guang's words, she became worried again, and said, "Grandpa Guang, you said that little daddy's injury is very serious. Will his life be in danger?"

Dao Guang said: "Should not be there for the time being, there is still a master by Lin Mu's side."

"It's Aunt Yiyi! It must be Aunt Yiyi!" Gu Xuan said excitedly.

Guang Dao said humanely: "It should be her, and her current cultivation is not weak. Ordinary fairy kings should have nothing to do with them."

Gu Xuan said: "Grandpa Guang, can you figure out where the little daddy is? I'm going to find the little daddy."

Daoist Guang shook his head and said, "There is no way to deduce it. The trees have blinded the sky. No one can deduce it. He really doesn't want us to find him."

Gu Xuan raised her head to the sky and screamed, her voice shaking the whole field.But Lin Shu could no longer hear it.

"I'm going to find my little dad. My little dad is not a person who gives up lightly. He will definitely find a way to heal himself, and he will definitely find some genius treasures." After Gu Xuan shouted, her face showed an incomparable decisive and resolute.

Xue Linglong also nodded firmly, and said: "I also believe that the boss will never give up. The boss will definitely visit some caves and blessed places to find some top geniuses and treasures. As long as we go there to look for them, I believe we will be able to find them." Boss."

Wu De also said: "It's true that we haven't acted together to find treasures for a long time. It's time for us to go out and have a look around. Although the prophecy of the end of the world is quite terrifying, all kinds of treasures have also been born one after another. Yes, it is also an opportunity for us.”

Wu De is right, this is the end of the world, but it is also the most splendid life.

Especially the changes in the world, many places have appeared, and all kinds of strange treasures.There are even things unearthed in many places, which are somewhat related to the ancient capital, and they can be called artifacts.

"But where will baby daddy go first?" This is another very real question.

All kinds of strange treasures in the fairy world are constantly emerging, and all kinds of caves and blessed places are constantly bursting out.Where the trees will go is a real question.

"Lin Mu can still deceive the heavens, proving that he can still use some Dao principles. That should be because of something wrong with his body, and Lin Mu is the peak of the immortal body. Among the Jedi in the fairy world, the place that can help Lin Mu recover his body should be There are very few." Taoist Guang opened his mouth to analyze after some deduction.

"The most famous ones in the Immortal World can help. There are only a few places for Lin Mu's level of body training. One is the Yaochi of the Western Emperor Sect, and the other is the Wuxian Lake of the Wuxian Dynasty. But these two places , Lin Shu will definitely not go there. Then there is the last place left, which is the Tianchi Lake on the Kunlun Mountains that has just recently reappeared in the world." To analyze these treasured places, that is Wu De's strength.

For these treasures, Wu De is very precious.In Wu De's words, he should account for seven of the world's treasures, because he is a person who loves and understands treasures.

"Kunlun Mountain, where should it be?" After hearing Wu De's analysis, everyone thought it must be somewhere.

"Kunlun Mountain is not so easy to enter, we have to prepare well." Taoist Guang said.

"Old Skeleton Kunlun Mountain, what is it that makes you afraid? We said several times that we would go there, but you still blocked us from going there." Xue Linglong asked.

Daoist Guang sighed, and said, "Kunlun Mountain is known as the head of the five great sacred mountains in ancient times. It runs through the fairy world and the realm of comprehension, and may even run through other interfaces, just changing some forms. According to legend, when the world first opened, Kunlun already existed. Yes. And according to various classic records, in ancient times, Kunlun Mountain was a sacred mountain, the residence of ancient ancestors. There are too many secrets hidden there. In ancient times, I don’t know how many people died in Kunlun Mountain. Even the disappearance of Supreme may be related to Kunlun Mountain. Because Kunlun Mountain disappears, Supreme also disappeared suddenly. This is why I don't want you to go."

Xue Linglong and the others gasped after hearing what Taoist Guang said.They really didn't expect that Kunlun Mountain was so weird that even the disappearance of the Supreme had something to do with a mountain.

Daoist Guang continued after a pause, "Of course Kunlun Mountain also has endless opportunities. The Qiankun Seal in Wu De's hand comes from Kunlun Mountain. It is the number one treasure seal in the world."

Hearing Taoist Guang's words, Wu De's eyes widened, and he said, "You said that the Qiankun seal in my hand also came from Kunlun Mountain. Is it possible for me to perfectly repair the Qiankun seal in Kunlun Mountain? "

Taoist Guang said: "If you really have such a chance, maybe you can."

Wu De said: "Then I will go no matter what I say."

Xue Linglong said: "Is the Tianchi above Kunlun Mountain really useful to the boss?"

Taoist Guang nodded and said, "It must be useful. The witches and gods among the ancient ancestors were all baptized there. It must also be useful for Lin Mu."

Blood Spirit Dragon said: "Then let's leave now, maybe the boss will really go somewhere."

Daoist Guang said: "Okay, let's set off together."

(End of this chapter)

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