Supreme Chef

Chapter 1695 The Disappeared Tianchi Lake

Chapter 1695 The Disappeared Tianchi Lake

Many newly-emerging geniuses are aiming at Lin Shu.Someone stood up constantly, ready to cut down the trees.

"Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs. Back then, Lin Mu faced all the heroes of the world without any fear. In the end, he killed so many immortal emperors. Such a record is beyond the imagination of today's geniuses. Now they go to Jump out and want to prove the way with trees."

Finally someone stood up and defended Lin Shu.

However, such a voice was quickly suppressed by the argument that "a hero does not mention his bravery in the past".

Although Daoist Guang watched anxiously from the outside, he couldn't get in.

Lin Mu searched inside for another month, and found that more and more people entered here.

"Have you heard that many people have entered here, not for the treasures of Kunlun Mountain, but for the trees."

Lin Shu searched in the mountains and forests, and heard such arguments.

"Could it be that I'm really a persimmon, and now everyone thinks I'm easy to pinch?" Lin Mu also laughed at himself after hearing this.

"So many people have entered here, Gu Xuan and the three of them should already know, and I can also go to the top of the mountain." Lin Mu has been in charge for so many years, and he has already passed the age of passion and impulsiveness. For such arguments, Lin Mu only I will not go to someone to make a theory.

In fact, Gu Xuan and the others did hear everything about the outside world, including the gates of hell, including mentioning Lin Mu to enter here.

"Little daddy has really arrived here, but why haven't we found it? Could it be that little daddy has really gone up the mountain?" Gu Xuan looked at the top of the mountain and said suspiciously.

Wu Dedao: "It must be going up, let's go up the mountain quickly, maybe we will meet halfway."

"it is good!"

The three of them decided to go up the mountain, and they all pushed forward quickly. .

Lin Shu was also going up the mountain, but at a much slower speed than Gu Xuan and the others.And soon, Lin Shu was left behind again.

But soon Liu Yiyi found Lin Mu.

"Let's go up too, Gu Xuan and the others are sure, they have already got the news." Liu Yiyi said to Lin Mu.

"it is good!"

Liu Yiyi led Lin Shu all the way up.Because of the appearance of the gate of hell, Kunlun Mountain had a rare 81 days of tranquility.

Although there were still countless dangers along the way, they were all pointed out by Lin Mu one by one.

Everything can be faked at this time, but time cannot be faked.Time can only be blinded, but it cannot be rewritten.Lin Mu can completely rely on the law of time to find out everything that happened on this road, so that he can predict all dangers.

Lin Mu and Liu Yiyi came to the halfway up the mountain without any risk, and also sensed the existence of Gu Xuan and the three of them.

"I can feel the breath of little daddy!" Gu Xuan also sensed the breath of Lin Shu, and she was also very pleasantly surprised.

The blood spirit dragon also felt the breath of the forest.

The five of them stopped continuing to go up, but chose to translate and approach each other.

"Little Daddy!" Although Lin Mu changed his image, he became extremely old and completely different from before.

But Gu Xuan recognized Lin Mu's breath, the first time Gu Xuan saw Lin Mu, she recognized Lin Mu.

Gu Xuan flung herself into Lin Mu's arms recklessly, tears streaming down her face like broken threads.

"Little dad, why haven't you come to see us after you have been away for so long!" Gu Xuan cried.

Lin Mu stroked Gu Xuan's little head, and said, "The little dad has become an old dad now, if you strangle me like this, aren't you afraid to strangle the little dad to death?"

When Gu Xuan heard Lin Mu's words, she quickly let go of her hand and asked, "Little Daddy, are you okay, did I hurt you?"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Little daddy is just old, and he's not a glass man. He won't get hurt so easily."

"Little Daddy, it's my turn to protect you now. We will protect you and enter Tianchi Lake. We will definitely bring you back to the peak of the past." Gu Xuan said firmly.

Lin Mu touched Gu Xuan's head and said, "Little Daddy believes in you."

With the help of Wu De and the others, Lin Shu reached the top of the mountain more quickly.

However, after a few people reached the top of the mountain, they didn't see any Tianchi. The top of the mountain was flat and there was no sign of water.

"Where's the Tianchi Lake? Why is the Tianchi Lake gone?" Gu Xuan looked at the bare mountain top, almost crying.

Xue Linglong and Wu De were also very puzzled by the situation in front of them.It is said that Tianchi is on the top of Kunlun Mountain, but there is nothing here.

Lin Mu also frowned, because Taoist Guang didn't deliberately remind himself about Tianchi.Lin Shu also took it for granted, thinking that Tianchi is on the top of Kunlun Mountain.

"There should be a Tianchi here, right? Why is there nothing here?" Gu Xuan's eyes were really red with anxiety.

"Uncle Wu De, please see if there is any natural concealment formation here to hide the Tianchi Lake." Gu Xuan asked while grabbing Wu De's arm.

Wu De shook his head, and said: "I just looked at it seriously, there is no hidden formation here."

"Impossible, there must be Tianchi here!" Gu Xuan was unwilling to believe the facts before her.

Lin Mu did not give up, but deduced carefully.He is using the rules of time to capture the traces of the past, to see if he can find any clues about Tianchi.

"The trees are there, this turtle with a shrunken head doesn't even dare to show its face. It's ridiculous to want to look for Tianchi!" After Gu Xuan and the others climbed to the top, many people also climbed to the top.But they didn't come for Tianchi, they came for trees.

"This is a newly rising genius of the Eastern Emperor Sect. He is a key disciple of the Eastern Emperor Sect. Ziyu Immortal Emperor used to teach the Dharma in person." Someone recognized the person who spoke.

"It's really croaking, I'll kill them." Blood Linglong was in a bad mood at first, and now that there are people from the East Emperor Sect croaking, he suddenly became angry.

"I'll go too." Gu Xuan was also very depressed, and these people were barking.

"I can deal with them by myself, you can accompany the boss." After the blood spirit dragon finished speaking, he flashed in front of this clamoring genius.

"Bugs like you are also my boss. Go to hell." After the Blood Spirit Dragon came up, he slapped it down without any hesitation at all.


Without any other possibility, the genius body of the clamoring Eastern Emperor Sect exploded directly, turning into a pile of bloody corpses.

"This is the fairy beast with the blood of a divine beast that followed Lin Mu before. It and the other three are now the most famous four-person group of killing gods in the fairy world. They are here. It seems that these people want to use Lin Mu to prove the Tao Everyone is going to be unlucky.”

Someone whispered below that for those who want to use forest trees to preach, they feel that their future is not very bright.

(End of this chapter)

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