Supreme Chef

Chapter 1696 Recognized

Chapter 1696 Recognized

After the blood spirit dragon made a strong shot, he also returned to Lin Mu's side.

"Hundred years have not been wasted, and I have not been disappointed." Lin Mu looked at the blood spirit dragon with a smile and satisfaction on his face.

Xue Linglong smiled embarrassedly, and said: "The boss taught me well before, and he also provided me with so much help in the early stage."

Lin Mudao: "No matter how much help I give you, if you don't work hard enough and your own disciples are good enough, it will be in vain."

"Little dad, you should hurry up and find Tianchi." Gu Xuan urged anxiously.

Lin Mu shook his head, and said: "I don't want to look for it anymore. If I get it, I lose my life. Everything has a definite number. If the sky is endless, it will appear without me looking for Tianchi."

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Gu Xuan became impatient, and said, "Little Dad, you didn't teach me that way before. You used to say that fate is in your own hands. Even the law of heaven can't control your own destiny. Why do you believe it now?" dead."

Xue Linglong also said: "Boss, you have never believed in fate before. You only believe that everything depends on your own efforts and your own hands. You have never believed in fate."

Wu De followed suit: "If you are like this now, then I can only despise you."

Liu Yiyi also spoke, criticizing Lin Mu.

Hearing so much concern, Lin Mu was very happy and also very warm.

"Everyone, don't be so excited. I'm just joking with you. How could I accept my fate and give up? I just see that the atmosphere is too tense to ease the embarrassing atmosphere." Lin Mu grinned.

When everyone heard Lin Mu's words, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.As long as Lin Mu doesn't give up, there is hope if Lin Mu doesn't give up.

"Old and unscrupulous, you must be talking about people like you. When is this, you still have the mood to joke." Liu Yiyi said with a fierce gouged look at Lin Mu.

Gu Xuan couldn't wait to ask: "Dad, have you found Tianchi?"

Lin Mu pointed to the sky and said: "Tianchi, Tianchi, naturally they are in the sky."

"in the sky?"

Several people were very puzzled when they heard Lin Mu's words.

The four looked up for a long time, but they didn't see any shadow of Tianchi.

Lin Mudao: "I retired just now. It turns out that the real Tianchi will only appear when the gate of hell is opened. Tianchi is rootless water, the essence of heaven and earth, and the essence of life. As long as the gate of hell is opened Only then will it appear, and it will not be visible at other times.”

Gu Xuan said: "But little dad, when there is no gate of hell, there is also a Tianchi here?"

Lin Mudao: "What is here is just an illusion, not the real Tianchi Lake. The effects and functions are completely different from the real Tianchi Lake."

Wu Dedao: "There is no record in this ancient book. It seems that not too many people know about it. This is definitely our chance. Let's hurry up and arrange it so that there will be too many people fighting for it. We can't handle it." Come."

"Yes! Let's make a good arrangement now, so as to save more people from coming, we will be at a disadvantage." Gu Xuan immediately responded when she heard this.

The Blood Spirit Dragon also responded, and even took out a lot of advanced refining formation base materials that he had collected.

"I haven't seen you in a hundred years. Have you collected a lot of good things?" Lin Mu said looking at the financial materials for refining the formation base that Xue Linglong took out.

Xue Linglong said with some embarrassment: "Boss, this is actually a small number. It was called a lot back then. When we were in the sacred land, the three of us opened a handicap in your name. In the end you won, We have plundered those geniuses in the sacred land. They have used up a lot over the years."

Lin Mu listened to Xue Linglong's words: "You guys actually took my handicap, I should pay dividends for this. And I just escaped from death, shouldn't you two also prepare some greetings?"

Wu Dedao: "I said you don't want to tell him what happened back then, are you now in a blanket?"

Lin Mu looked at Wu De and couldn't help laughing. Such a familiar feeling really made Lin Mu feel so good.This is the feeling of home, this is the feeling of family.

"I'm not as good as you in the formation of the boss, so you should come." Xue Linglong pushed the materials in front of Lin Shu and said.

Lin Mu shook his head, but did not receive the materials handed over by the blood spirit dragon, and said: "I said just now, I am lucky to have lost my life. No need to arrange anything, if it appears at that time, I will fight for it with all my strength." .And the place where the Tianchi will appear is inherently unpredictable. Maybe if we arrange it, it will be easy to backfire. It's good like this!"

When everyone heard Lin Mu's words, they gave up the idea of ​​arranging formations.

Naturally, someone noticed Lin Mu's side, and saw that the three of them, the Blood Spirit Dragon, were all centered on Lin Mu, and they all felt that Lin Mu's identity was extraordinary.

"Who is this old man? Is he the extremely high-cultivated person in the evil star group?" Some people guessed Lin Mu's identity again, thinking that Lin Mu's identity is very special and should be unusual.

"It shouldn't be him. I've seen the portrait of the man with a very high cultivation base among the group of evil stars. He is a middle-aged man, and he is definitely not such a gray-haired old man."

"It's not him. Then who would it be? Who can make the three of the evil star group treat like this?"

"Could it be trees!"

Finally, a flash of lightning flashed in someone's mind, and then he remembered who was the only person who could be treated like this by the three of the evil four.

"It should be Lin Mu. Except for Lin Mu, no one can be treated like this by the evil star group. And they all said that Lin Mu was seriously injured and became old, which makes sense."

After confirming Lin Mu's identity, many people stared at Lin Mu closely.As if the forest is a treasure house that can move, their eyes all move with the movement of the forest.

"It should be him. Although his appearance has changed, his temperament and aura haven't changed!" Finally someone said with certainty.

"If you want to know, just go up and ask." Someone said disdainfully, and then stepped forward to provoke Lin Mu.

"Another one came to die." Xue Linglong saw a person walking towards him.Said contemptuously.

Lin Mu stopped Xue Linglong, and said: "Just let me come by myself. Since they are curious about what is going on with me, I just want to be as far away as they want."

Gu Xuan worried: "Little dad is your body?"

Lin Mu said: "Don't worry, my body is fine. It's already very bad to pick it up. Even if it's bad, how bad can it be?"

Gu Xuan wanted to speak, but Liu Yiyi gently touched her.

After being touched by Liu Yiyi, Gu Xuan immediately changed her words and said, "Little Daddy, be careful."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Okay! I will be careful."

The visitor walked up to Lin Mu and the others in a disdainful manner, and said, "Are you Lin Mu?"

(End of this chapter)

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