Supreme Chef

Chapter 1697 Gold 1st Generation

Chapter 1697 The Golden Generation

Lin Mu looked at him and said, "I am Lin Mu."

"You are Lin Mu. You don't look like that, but you dare to fight alone with me." The visitor said arrogantly.

"Choleless!" Gu Xuan said contemptuously when she heard what this man said.

"What are you talking about!" The visitor yelled angrily.

"If you are capable, don't challenge my little dad. I will fight you. I will give you five moves." Gu Xuan looked at him contemptuously, not paying attention to him at all.

"I'm challenging Lin Mu. If you want to challenge me, wait until I kill Lin Mu!" Lai Ran had obviously heard of Gu Xuan, the name of the evil foursome, so he didn't dare to accept Gu Xuan's challenge.

"I accept your challenge." Lin Mu said calmly.

"Mice, he took advantage of him." Everyone didn't expect that Lin Mu would accept the challenge, and they couldn't help feeling a little angrily.

Now Lin Shu's physical condition is very bad, which can be seen by everyone.He challenged Lin Mu at this time, obviously to take advantage of it.

Hearing Lin Mu's words, the man couldn't help but be very ecstatic.Because before he came by himself, he never thought that Lin Mu would accept his challenge.

Now Lin Mu is obviously unbearable, and he is at least [-]% sure to win Lin Mu.

"Okay! Lin Mu, today I will come to eliminate harm for the fairy world." The visitor's eyes showed ecstasy, but his mouth spoke righteous words.

Lin Mu shook his head and said: "After so many years, you so-called upright people are still willing to act under the guise of justice. It's too hypocritical. I was able to kill your masters and ancestors back then, but now I don't mind killing you. Work hard. Come on, I don't have much time to waste with you."

"Looking for death!" The visitor yelled fiercely, and then shot directly at Lin Mu.

Lin Mu sighed, and said, "It's been a long time since anyone said the word 'court death' to me, it really seems like a lifetime away."

When Lin Mu spoke, he didn't lift his eyelids.

However, that newly promoted genius, just after reaching half the distance, his body was strangely frozen in mid-air, unable to move at all.

He couldn't speak, couldn't move his hands.

But the horror on his face was visible.

Lin Mu walked towards him step by step, although each step was a bit staggering.But the spine of the forest is still straight, a spine that cannot be bent.Up to the sky, down to the ground.Standing between heaven and earth, he is the only existence in this world.

Lin Mu walked up to him, then took out a Wuying Wuying knife, and cut it down decisively.


Blood splattered, and the newly promoted genius was hacked by Lin Shu with such force.

No fancy moves, no great fights.Lin Mu staggered over, and then raised the knife and dropped it. A genius fell like this.

The scene was a little weird and a little quiet for a while.Because no one knows what happened.

"Little dad is great!" Gu Xuan shouted excitedly.

At this time, there was no so-called sadness or joy on Lin Mu's face at all, only an indescribable tranquility.

After experiencing too many lives and deaths, and a hundred years of silence, Lin Shu seemed to have taken a big step forward in his state of mind.

Lin Mu turned around and walked back to his position step by step, panting slightly, really like an old man who was dying.

But who would have thought that it was such an old man who easily killed a newly promoted genius just now.I'm afraid that the genius will die without knowing what happened.

"What happened just now? How could Lin Mu win?"

Everyone didn't believe that under the circumstances just now, Lin Mu could still win the final game, which was somewhat unreasonable.

"It must be Gu Xuan and the others secretly helping!"

Although they thought that the newly promoted genius was just lucky, but after he died, everyone still aimed their guns at Lin Mu and the others.
"You bastards, you are really damned. If you can't fight, you can't fight. What's the use of finding these reasons. To kill you, we need to do it secretly. If I want to kill you, none of you will be able to escape." Gu Xuan said mercilessly watching them.

"Hehe, some of you new geniuses should be humiliated. Otherwise, even us elders won't pay attention to them." , mercilessly satirizing these new talents.

"He is a genius of the Northern Emperor Sect. He once entered the sacred land with Lin Mu. It is said that in the final ranking and competition, he got a huge chance. The ranking seems to be within one hundred. He is a real genius." Someone said. He was very surprised when he recognized who it was.

Hearing someone reveal his identity, everyone couldn't help but exclaim.As for those so-called new geniuses, they all chose to bow their heads, because they simply had no way to compete with these old geniuses of Lin Mu's generation.

The battle between the gods and land a hundred years ago was the most intense in history.

According to the final statistics, there were at least 5000 billion people who entered the sacred land that time.Of course, this is the Immortal World plus the Ten Thousand Worlds, all the numbers.

But the people who came out with Lin Mu in the end, after precise statistics, there were only 6000 million people in total.

6000 million seems to be a lot, but on average in Immortal Realm and Ten Thousand Realm, there are only more than 6000 people in each realm.

If these more than 6000 people are averaged among the vast sects and forces in the immortal world and the myriad worlds.For each sect, there may not be enough people who can be assigned.Even several sects can be assigned to more than one person.

That's why so many sects hated Lin Shu that day because of the existence of Lin Shu.Therefore, many sects have cultivated geniuses for thousands of years, and they were lost in the sacred soil just like that.

This is the hope of others, how could they not hate you.

However, this would not lead to trees, as chance and danger co-existed in the divine land.Anyone who enters must be prepared to die.

Of course, the people who came out with Lin Shu in the end were all supreme geniuses.After they returned to the sect, they all received the greatest training.

Even in Immortal Realm and Myriad Realm, many sects fought for some casual cultivators who came out with Lin Mu without sect.

For Lin Mu and his generation, there are people in the fairy world who call them the golden generation.

This generation is the strongest among the countless generations that have entered the divine land. They are the hope of the future apocalypse, and each of them is very precious.

As for the geniuses who can rank within the top [-], they are even platinum and super-platinum generations.

Each of them is a key object of training in the sect's key points, and they are all treasures in the sect.

You must know that none of the people who can be in the first echelon with Jiuyao Xingjun, Gu Jian, Lin Mu, Huang Nu, Goddess, etc. will be simple and easy.

"Brother Lin, we met again." The visitor seemed to have a natural sense of superiority, and he greeted Lin Mu as soon as he came up, as if he and Lin Mu should be equal.

Lin Mu looked up at him and said, "Who are you? Have we met again?"

Lin Mu's words made the Northern Emperor Sect's so-called super-platinum generation genius look a little ugly.Lin Mu is slapping his face, he is of the same generation as him, yet he doesn't know himself.After all, he was one of the top [-] people, so how could he be ignored by Lin Mu.

(End of this chapter)

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