Supreme Chef

Chapter 1702

Chapter 1702

Wu De heard Lin Mu's words, and said: "You speak lightly, you still have to test, and you still beat him? What can I use to defeat him? I'm not even as good as a finger."

Lin Mu said: "The seal of Qian Kun in your hand is something that restricts him."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he stopped talking, but continued to absorb the Tianchi fluid to heal himself.

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Wu De hesitated for a moment, but still gritted his teeth and decided to listen to Lin Mu.

Wu De sacrificed his Qiankun seal, and the headless undead behind him went crazy and flew towards him.

Wu Demeng sacrificed his Qiankun Seal to fight against this headless undead.

The Qiankun seal was sacrificed by Wu De, and it suddenly had an inexplicable connection with the enchantment here.

A barrier of light projected down, wrapping Wu De and the headless undead together.

This is a battlefield, a battlefield where there is no end to death, and whoever wins can get out.

Seeing such a situation, Wu De couldn't help but cursed: "Lin Mu, you tricked me."

Lin Mu ignored Wu De at all, and was still trying his best to recover from his injuries.Because Lin Mu felt that there was something wrong with him absorbing Tianchi liquid so wantonly without any danger.Therefore, trees should hurry up to recover and deal with unknown dangers.


In the narrow arena, Wu De had no way to avoid it, so he could only do his best to deal with that headless Wang Ling.But when they really fought in the enchantment, Wu De also suddenly discovered that this headless undead.Not as strong as outside, this enchantment seems to limit his cultivation.He lowered himself and his cultivation to the same level.

Although at the same level, it is still very difficult to fight by oneself, and it is also very dangerous.But at least he doesn't have to be as miserable as outside, where he can't even block a finger of the other party.

"This is really a test, but it's a test of life and death, and only those who are alive can leave." Wu De looked at the situation in front of him and said with emotion.

But before Wu De finished his emotion, the headless undead had already charged over.

Seeing Wu De being so effective, others followed suit.

But Wu De has capital in doing so.If they do this, it is really tantamount to cocooning themselves.

In that narrow space, they had no room to escape at all.

Basically, without much effort, the headless undead killed them at the same level.


Suddenly, a huge nebula-like vortex formed in Lin Mu's body, and a huge amount of Tianchi liquid was swallowed by Lin Mu.

The Tianchi liquid enters Lin Shu's body, continuously nourishing Lin Shu's internal organs, and at the same time tempering Lin Shu's bones.

From the inside to the outside of Lin Shu's body, there is a layer of dead skin that then falls off.At the same time, Lin Shu's hair completely turned black.

Lin Shu's aura is gradually improving.

The powerful feeling finally returned to his body again.

Soon Lin Mu's body returned to the peak of the fairy body, but the nebula was still spinning crazily.

Lin Mu began to actively run the "Witch God Body Refining Technique", and more and more Tianchi liquid entered and joined the nebula, making the nebula look more bright and eye-catching.

Lin Mu's body is now like a black hole, no matter how much Tianchi liquid enters, Lin Mu can completely absorb it.

A rumbling sound like thunder came from Lin Mu's body, and at the same time, a thick layer of lead cloud appeared above Lin Mu's head.

"This is the Eucharist Tribulation!"

Nine Obsidian Lord looked at the lead cloud above the sky, his eyes froze and he said.

It's not that there is no catastrophe for the body-refining cultivator, it's just that it didn't happen in the early stage.But when the immortal body is about to step into the holy body, there will still be a catastrophe.Moreover, this Eucharist Tribulation is still a general outbreak of the accumulated Heavenly Tribulation before.

The power is so great that it is beyond human power to contend.

Lin Mu naturally also felt the coming of his Eucharist Tribulation, but Lin Mu frowned heavily.

Because Lin Mu felt something was wrong, the Eucharist was indeed what Lin Mu expected.But Lin Mu didn't know if it was wise for him to survive the tribulation in such a weird place.

This Kunlun Mountain is really too weird, and this gate of hell is even more weird among the weird.

Lin Mu didn't know where those headless undead came from, and even more didn't know why they were beheaded to death. Lin Mu also didn't know what their identities were.

Of course, there are more important things, Lin Mu always felt that if he didn't take the treasure at the bottom of the pool, but just absorbed the liquid from the Tianchi Lake, there would be no punishment or test.In Lin Mu's heart, there was always a trace of uneasiness.

Lin Mu was worried that his punishment would come together with the Holy Eucharist, and he might not be able to survive by then.

However, letting Lin Mu stop the tribulation at this time, Lin Mu is not reconciled, and it is absolutely impossible.

The Eucharist is not something you can just step in if you want to. This is Lin Shu's opportunity, and it is also Lin Shu's opportunity.

If this time Lin Shu gives up, Lin Shu misses out.Then I am afraid that in this life, Lin Mu will never have such an opportunity and possibility again.

After all, this is the sacred body, a field that is difficult for even the Supreme Being to set foot in. Now Lin Mu has a chance.

Lin Mu didn't hesitate for long, he quickly made a decision, he chose to cross the catastrophe.

"You guys leave a little bit, there may be many uncertainties in the future. You don't know how to make a move, and don't get involved, let me handle it myself." Lin Mu said to Gu Xuan and Xue Linglong.

Although Gu Xuan and the others saw their opportunity, but because of Lin Mu's warning, they hadn't made a move yet, only Wu De didn't hold back, and made a move ahead of time.


The Holy Body Tribulation kept churning in the air, and streaks of golden lightning kept brewing in the clouds.

Throughout the ages, not many people have really spent the Holy Eucharist.Even in the ancient times, not every ancestor of the ancient times could reach the realm of the unparalleled holy body.

So Lin Mu didn't know what would happen next, and Lin Mu didn't know how he was going to get through this holy body thunder disaster.

There is no reference for everything, and everything has to be explored with the help of trees.

It was the second time Lin Shu had such a depressing catastrophe, without any reference, without any reference.Everything depends on your own groping. If you grope right, you will be safe, but if you grope wrong, you may die directly.


The Holy Body Tribulation finally landed, and the first wave of thunder was Fire Tribulation.This fire is different from the thunder fire mastered by Lin Shu, it is the body quenching fire.

It is specially aimed at the human body, and has great lethality to the human body.At the same time, it can shield all the effects of mana on the body, ensuring that mana will not operate when it is cast.

The body-hardened lightning fire was poured on Lin Mu's body, and Lin Mu felt in an instant that the only remaining mana in him was completely sealed.

At this time, I can only rely on my own body to resist. If I resist, I will be able to meet the next wave of thunder disaster. If I can't resist, I will be completely burned by the body quenching thunder fire.



The thunder fire burned on Lin Mu's body, and in just an instant, Lin Mu's body was ripped apart.

Lin Shu can be regarded as half a holy body now, but even so, his skin was burnt to pieces, which shows the power of the body quenching thunder fire.

Mana was banned, but body training exercises were not. "Witch God Body Refining Technique" can still be used, and the witch energy on Lin Mu can still function.

(End of this chapter)

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