Supreme Chef

Chapter 1703 The final test

Chapter 1703 The final test
Lin Shu ran the "Witch God Body Refining Technique", and the witch energy in his body was surging, constantly resisting the body quenching thunder fire.

The thunder fire is extremely powerful, and it is specifically aimed at the physical body. No matter whether you are a fairy body or a half-step holy body, you cannot resist the tempering of the thunder fire.

This is a special Taoism at work, and no one can resist it.

Lin Mu's body was burnt to pieces, and his whole body was almost burnt to waste.

In this situation, no one can help Lin Mu, and Lin Mu can only rely on Lin Mu to resist.If you carry it over, Lin Shu will reach the sky in one step, but if you can't resist, Lin Shu can only fall into the abyss.

Gu Xuan and the others looked anxiously outside, but they couldn't do anything about it.Eucharistic Kalpa is not recorded, not recorded.They also don't know what kind of impact it will bring if they act rashly.


Just because Gu Xuan and the others didn't make a move, doesn't mean that other people won't make a move either.

Someone made a sudden move, not wanting Lin Mu to succeed.

"you dare!"

Seeing that someone dared to intervene, Gu Xuan let out a jerk, and then shot directly, killing the person who made the shot.

However, this person had planned for a long time, and he made the move extremely decisively. Gu Xuan judged and made the move, it was half a step too late.

He wiped Gu Xuan's fingertips and rushed towards the trees.


The blow landed on Lin Mu's back, and Lin Mu was now at the most critical moment, unable to speak or move.Although he already knew that someone was attacking behind him, he couldn't move and could only resist.

But this person's palm didn't even wait for the bombardment to hit Lin Mu's body, a body quenching lightning fire landed on him, burning his body to ashes in an instant.

Seeing such a scene, Gu Xuan and the others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the trees were not disturbed, otherwise, the consequences would be really unimaginable.

At the same time, they also understood that this was Heaven's Tribulation's protection for those who crossed the Tribulation.The Tribulation of the Eucharist was already incredibly powerful, and few people survived it since ancient times.

This kind of catastrophe is originally one in a million, and the person who can survive the catastrophe is even more rare.

The catastrophe he endured was already the greatest ordeal for them.The way of heaven does not allow outsiders to interfere with them.This is a lifeline left behind.

Knowing this is the result, not only Gu Xuan and the others are relieved, but Lin Mu himself is also relieved.

I can't do anything now, I can only fight against the Holy Eucharist with all my strength.If there is interference from outsiders at this time, I am afraid that I will not be able to pass the test safely this time.

Even though this is the case, Gu Xuan and Xue Linglong still strictly guard the four directions, preventing anyone from getting close to the forest.

The Body Tempering Lightning Flame burned for a whole day before it was extinguished.

The trees were completely charred from the inside to the outside.

But Lin Shu is not dead yet, Lin Shu's breathing is still there.With every breath, the scorched black dead skin on Lin Mu's body continued to crack, and then peeled off from Lin Mu's body one after another.

The re-exposed skin was as brilliant as a galaxy, and at the same time, there was an incomparably sacred light, which radiated from the inner island and outside, making the trees look as if they were going to be sanctified immediately.

In a day's time, there were almost no living people within the barrier of Tianchi.

Most of the people were killed, only some lucky people like Gu Xuan and others who had never touched the treasure at the bottom of the pool survived.

But at this time, they also shifted their attention to the Tianchi liquid.

Because they saw the changes in Lin Mu's body, this is a rare body refining treasure liquid.Although they are not specialized in physical training, the benefits to them are also huge and indescribable.

After all, there is already such a voice in the fairy world now. If you want to transcend, you must have fellow practitioners in physical skills and keep pace with each other, so that you can finally transcend.

This is an opportunity for them, so they cannot pass up.

In the gate of hell, there is a constant flow of spiritual springs, no matter how many people absorb it, the liquid in the heavenly pool will not decrease in the slightest.

Lin Shu sat up from the ground, and with a movement of his body, all the scorched old skin, which was as black as black charcoal, was all shattered and turned into slag.

But the Tribulation of the Eucharist obviously won't be passed so easily, the Body Tempering Lightning Fire is only the first test.

There are also Body Tempering Thunder Wood, Body Tempering Thunder Water, Body Tempering Thunder Gold, Body Tempering Thunder Earth, Body Tempering Thunder Wind...

With previous experience, Lin Mu calmed down a lot.Lin Mu passed one level after another, and after passing eight levels in a row, Lin Mu's body was infinitely close to the Peerless Eucharist.

But there is still a small gap, and it is still not perfect.

The Holy Body Tribulation in the mid-air still showed no sign of dissipating. Both Wu De and Nine Obsidian Lord had already defeated their opponents and obtained what they needed.

Wu De's face was bruised and swollen like a pig's head.But he was still grinning, and it was very bright.

Because he finally succeeded and filled up the Qiankun seal.

At this time, the Qiankun Seal in Wu De's hand is already a complete Qiankun Seal.

And Lin Mu also learned about the real usage of the Qiankun Seal and the many histories of the Qiankun Seal.This has brought Lin Mu one step closer to mastering and using the Qiankun Seal.

With Wu De joining Lin Mu, it will be more peaceful. Of course, there are less than [-] people left in Tianchi Lake at this time.


Another thunderstorm fell, and a thunder creature appeared in front of Lin Shu.

"Is this the last test of the Eucharist?" Lin Mu murmured softly, looking at the Thunder creature whose facial features were blurred and couldn't see anything in front of him.


Suddenly the door of throwing opened a bigger gap, and a black dead air rushed out abruptly.

But this time, the black death aura was obviously not aimed at hurting anyone, his target was the Thunder creature in mid-air.

The two blended together without any barriers, as if they had been discussed long ago.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Mu knew that the most dangerous moment was here.

The gate of hell finally showed its power at this moment, and it gave its own test to the forest.

It's just that this test is superimposed with Lin Shu's Holy Body Tribulation.

Looking at the half-black, half-thundering monster in front of him, Lin Shu's eyes were more solemn than ever.

This is definitely a huge and incomparable test for myself, and the Peerless Eucharist is a legendary physique.Even Supreme has never heard of anyone setting foot there. Even in the records of ancient books, it is extremely difficult for the ancient ancestors to set foot in such a field.

Moreover, Lin Mu also understood at this time, why his test was at the end.

Tianchi is the place where the ancient ancestors were baptized and the place where the ancient ancestors were sublimated to the fullest.Touching the treasure at the bottom of the pool will result in retaliation, and absorbing the most precious liquid from the Tianchi Lake will naturally result in retaliation, and it is very likely that it will be the most severe revenge.

Because when Lin Mu saw it, there were a few groups of black death energy that could not be seen clearly, rushed out from the gate of hell, and rushed towards the immortals who had absorbed the liquid from the Tianchi Lake.

Those immortals who originally thought they could leave here unharmed, saw the death energy coming towards them, and all of them turned pale with fright.

Those who have taken the treasure still have a way to use the treasure in their hands to set up a battlefield for a fair fight.But what do they have, they just absorbed the Tianchi liquid, how do they fight.

But this is no longer what Lin Mu can ask them to think about, because the weird thunder creature in front of Lin Mu has already rushed towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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