Supreme Chef

Chapter 1704 Weird Creatures

Chapter 1704 Weird Creatures
The strange creature, half black and half thunderous, pressed towards Lin Mu, and Lin Mu also bullied him.

Because Lin Mu knew that this was the final test, he couldn't hide, and he couldn't hide either.


Lin Mu punched, but the strange creature seemed to know where Lin Mu's fist landed. It dodged a moment earlier, and punched decisively, heading straight for Lin Mu's weak point.


Lin Mu had no chance to dodge at all, and was directly hit by a heavy blow, and his body flew horizontally.

Such a punch made Lin Shu, who was infinitely close to the Holy Body, gasp.

This punch was too ruthless, whether it was the landing point, angle, or strength, it was just right.

Lin Mu took a step back and punched again, but the result was still the same.Everything about Lin Mu seemed to be predicted by the opponent in advance, Lin Mu kept getting punched, and his body kept retreating.

Fortunately, this test was placed at the end. If it was placed at the first level, it would be impossible for Lin Mu to pass it.

Lin Mu scanned around with his spiritual sense and found that all the others were like this.

It's just that they were not as lucky as themselves, they were defeated by the faceless black shadow within less than ten rounds.

There are not many people left in Tianchi.

Lin Mu didn't believe that this weird creature on the other side could guess where he would shoot every time.

Lin Mu kept making shots, and the speed was getting faster and faster. In the end, outsiders couldn't see the shadow of Lin Mu's shots at all.

For the time being, Lin Mu's Dao foundation is still like a pool of stagnant water. Of course, even if it is not a pool of stagnant water, Lin Mu will not be able to use mana under the Holy Body Tribulation.

However, as Lin Mu's speed increases, so does the opponent's speed, and he will always think ahead of him.



The trees and this weird creature kept clashing, making a muffled 'boom' and 'boom'.

If it wasn't under this enchantment, the power of each punch would be enough to destroy the world.

Even now, the enchantment is constantly shaking by the waves generated by the bombardment.As if it could be broken at any time.

The confrontation of thousands of punches, even the Wushuang Holy Body, who was only one step away from Lin Mu, felt very strenuous.

But that weird creature didn't change at all, it was completely a tireless killing machine.

At this time, Lin Shu was the only one who was still fighting against the strange creatures.

Others couldn't bear it at all, and couldn't bear it, such a bombardment.

Although these weird creatures are not as powerful as those headless creatures.But they are aware of every weakness of their own, and they can predict it before they make a move.Then continue to grasp their own weaknesses, and finally complete the fight.

In fact, it is the most depressing to die like this, obviously the other party is about the same strength as you.It may even be exactly the same, you just need to use a little force to kill the other party.But the other party just grasps your weakness, and every time it attacks your weakness, it just hits your confidence bit by bit, and then kills you bit by bit.

This kind of death is not without depressing.

In fact, Lin Mu also has such depression, Lin Mu clearly feels that the opponent's strength is the same as his own.

Every time Lin Mu felt that he could kill his opponent with a punch.But after every punch, he returned without success.

Once or twice, ten times or a hundred times, the ending is always the same, without any change.

Lin Mu was really anxious, because he would get tired, and this weird creature didn't know tiredness at all.

In the end, the one who died must still be himself.

"Witch God Fist!"

Lin Mu decisively used his witchcraft to attack the strange creatures.

Lin Mu didn't know what the result of such rash actions would be, but now Lin Mu had no choice.

But then a scene that surprised Lin Mu appeared, the strange creature also used the Wushen Fist.

The same moves, the same Wushenquan, even the angle and force of the punches are the same.

This shocked Lin Mu. The Witch God Fist is a skill recorded in "Witch God Body Refining Technique".

Lin Mu believes that in this world, he is the only one who understands, and it is absolutely impossible for another person to understand.

But this weird creature used the same Wushen Fist as himself.Even in the cultivation of Wushenquan, he is exactly the same as himself.

Lin Mu's Wushen Fist was only one step away from becoming the Wushen Fist.

The same is true for the opponent, only one step away from becoming Wu Shengquan.


The fists clashed together, and the huge energy explosion made the entire Tianchi seem to collapse, and even the gate of hell trembled slightly.

On Lin Shu's fist, cracks as fine as ceramics appeared.You must know that Lin Mu is almost there now, and he will achieve the Peerless Eucharist.

The strength of the Eucharist cannot be guessed, but one or two can be guessed from only a few words in some ancient books.

The Eucharist is invincible, and it is indestructible in all calamities.

In fact, there is no record about the real holy body in the fairy world.But in the history of the fairy world, there was once a demon monkey recorded.

The monkey still existed in the age of the Immortal Emperor, and the monkey was a stone monkey conceived in a stone.

The day the stone monkey was born, it had a stone body that was almost comparable to a holy body.

The stone monkey has never practiced any methods, and focuses on body training.In the end, the stone monkey truly reached the peak through its own body.

Although he hadn't become an Immortal Emperor, but in the past few eras where the Stone Monkeys roamed freely, even the Immortal Emperors didn't dare to provoke the Stone Monkeys easily.

There are even rumors that time once laid down an immortal emperor from the throne.

Of course, the truth of such rumors is unknown.But one thing is certain, the stone monkey is strong, very strong.

And it relies on the stone body that is very close to itself and the holy body.

The demise of the stone monkey in the end is also because it wants to impact the real holy body and complete a transformation from monkey to human in the true sense.

It failed in the end, but in the history of Immortal World, there is a lot of color about it.

Even for a long period of time, body training was really popular in the fairy world.Because the example of the stone monkey is placed here, many body cultivators see hope.Of course, many people who have no talent in the law have seen the hope and opportunity to aspire to the top.

But in the end everyone discovered that such a road is too difficult, too difficult.There are no requirements for foundation and talent in the road of body training, but this is doomed, he has to put in several times, even dozens of times more effort than Fa Xiu.

And the most important thing is that there are too few, too few treasures of geniuses and treasures that can be used for body training in the fairy world.

Even if there are some, they are all under the control of the sect.Even if they are not mastered by the great sects, they are among some of the most dangerous Jedi.Among these Jedi, almost no one can enter.

Even the dangers and difficulties that Lin Mu has experienced along the way, that time was not a near-death experience, and that time was not a life-threatening situation.

Lin Shu was beaten back by that weird creature, and the same weird creature was also sent flying horizontally by Lin Mu.

This was the first collision between the two in the true sense. Lin Mu did not have the advantage, and at the same time, the strange creature seemed to suffer a big loss.

(End of this chapter)

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