Supreme Chef

Chapter 1705 Challenge yourself

Chapter 1705 Challenge yourself
Such a strange thing happened, which really shocked Lin Mu, and even Lin Mu had a strange idea.Is it possible that the strange creature that is fighting with him at this time is himself?

Only you are the one who understands yourself best, and only you know best where your next step will be.

"Today, I want to see what the hell you are." Lin Mu was also furious, wanting to smash the black mist covering the strange creature's face.

Lin Mu no longer simply punched, but used the moves recorded in "Witch God Body Refining Technique".

In "Sorcerer God Body Refining Technique", except for the top-notch method like the Witch God Fist.There are still many records in it, which are equally powerful.

But the weird creature on the opposite side obviously knows the trees very well.Lin Mu knows, he knows everything.

Such a result not only shocked Lin Mu, but also shocked Gu Xuan and the others.

How can there be such a weird catastrophe in this world? This is really too weird.

Not only that Lin Mu didn't gain nothing at all, through constant competition of moves, Lin Mu also discovered some secrets of this strange creature.

This weird creature, he knows everything he thinks, even he knows all the moves he knows.But there is one thing that it is not as good as my own, I have a body that is infinitely close to the Peerless Eucharist.But it didn't, it was just the product of the combination of a strange black air and the Eucharist.

It does not have a body as strong as itself, which is Lin Shu's biggest advantage.

Now that he knows his own advantages, Lin Mu naturally understands how to use his advantages.

Lin Mu constantly chooses to face this strange creature head-on, Lin Mu is no longer just a simple kung fu.

Instead, every move and every style is using the strongest moves that I have ever learned.

Because only in this way, this weird creature would choose to face someone like himself head-on.

Because the moves mastered by these trees are all perfect.The weird creature couldn't find a weakness, so it could only choose to use the same moves to fight.

After another hundred moves, Lin Mu has gradually taken the initiative and gained the upper hand.

The lightning and black energy of the strange creature showed signs of dimming and disintegration.

Lin Shu's feet moved sideways, taking advantage of the moment when its speed slowed down, Lin Shu made a decisive move.

The attack was still the Wushen Fist, and this time Lin Mu took it directly in the face.

Although the strange creature was half a beat slow in reacting, it still came to its senses.It also shot decisively, and it was also the Wushen Fist.

However, Lin Mu already has the upper hand, so it is also the Wushen Fist, Lin Mu still has the upper hand.


The two fists met again, and the wind of the fists collided, causing an unimaginable violent explosion.

The wind of the fist shook, and with a crisp sound, the black death energy covering the strange creature's face was completely dispersed.

Seeing the face behind the black dead air, Lin Mu was really shocked.

Because the face hidden behind that black dead air was actually himself.

It's just that his face looks a little weird.There was no blood on his face, his eyes were empty, and he couldn't see any life at all.

But this is undoubtedly his own face, such a scene is a bit weird and creepy at the same time.

Although Lin Mu had already made some psychological preparations in his heart.But after the truth of the facts was revealed.Lin Mu still felt that this matter was not easy to understand.

The strange creature that he had fought against for so long turned out to be him.But how did this completely replica version of myself come into being?

Lin Mu would not be surprised at all if he imitated his own appearance.Because as long as you know a little bit of the art of transformation, it is actually not too difficult.

But completely imitating one's own moves is a bit scary.

Lin Mu dare not say that the moves he has mastered are all unique skills, but they are not the kind of bad street things that everyone knows.

As a matter of fact, what Lin Mu grasped, at least in the current fairy world, absolutely no one understands.Many of the methods that Lin Mu has mastered are all created by Lin Mu himself. Even some ready-made methods are related to the ancient times.There is no one in the world at all, and it is possible to be.

It seems that after being exposed by the trees, this strange creature also felt that there was no need to continue to hide.

So he no longer turned into death energy to cover his face.

But in fact, this way, Lin Mu felt even more weird.

Because Lin Mu is fighting against himself, but he is still beckoning himself who knows all his tricks.It is even said that it knows Lin Mu himself better than Lin Mu himself.

"This is the final test, surpass yourself!" Lin Mu finally understood, what is the final test if he wants to achieve the Peerless Eucharist.

It is not difficult to surpass others, because there is a specific goal.Let people know how to work hard to surpass each other.

But go beyond yourself, this is what you have to do.Because I don't know where my limit is, how should I prepare myself to surpass myself?

Lin Mu is also worrying about this kind of problem, because Lin Mu doesn't know where his limit is at all.

The confrontation between the two became more intense because the forest tree collapsed and the veil was broken.The two of them were desperately trying.

Lin Mu was really depressed, such a battle that blocked everything.It seems that two people are desperately trying, but in fact, only Lin Mu is doing his best.Because of that weird creature, it was Lin Shu who was desperately trying, so he also followed suit.

"I don't believe it anymore, you can master the principles of time." Lin Mu became ruthless, and was about to use the principles of Tao.

The way of time is not controlled by ten thousand laws, because no matter what kind of way it is.They are all based on time, so the way of time is not suppressed by any way.

But Lin Mu didn't know, if he really did this, what kind of changes would it bring to his Eucharist Tribulation.

But now I really can't tolerate it, Lin Mu thinks so much.Although Lin Mu severely injured this strange creature, Lin Mu also didn't feel well.Moreover, Lin Mu also discovered a very dangerous thing, that is, this strange creature, which will continue to recover.

The energy it recovers comes from the Gate of Hell and the Tianchi Lake, and as long as it pauses for a while, it will recover itself at a speed ten times faster than its own recovery.

If this stalemate continues, it will be Lin Mu himself who will fail in the end.So this is the fundamental reason that really made Lin Mu make up his mind to take a risk.

"Return to Yuan!"

Lin Mu raised his hand and used Guiyuan.

Sure enough, this strange creature didn't understand the rules of time, and it was completely fixed in midair by the trees.

Lin Mu seized the opportunity, shot decisively, and hit it directly in the face.

Lin Mu has never wanted to smash his face so much.Because this face is too weird, and at the same time it makes Lin Mu too uncomfortable.So Lin Shu chose and smashed it.


The entire face was completely shattered under the bombardment of the trees.

Compared with Lin Shu's body, its body is really much different. If Lin Shu punches down, it can't bear it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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