Supreme Chef

Chapter 1706 No regrets

Chapter 1706 No regrets
The way of time is the supreme way, and not everyone can master it. Even if there are so many chances to accumulate in the forest, it can't be said that it is entering the room now.It's just that even if you are just getting started, you don't know how far you are from entering the hall.

Dao rules cannot be used here, but time is above everything else, so naturally it is not restricted by any rules here.

Lin Mu used the time principle, and the Tribulation of the Holy Body did not seem to have changed again, which also made Lin Mu feel relieved a lot.

In fact, it’s true when you think about it carefully, time is above everything else, can the Holy Body Tribulation still change time?

Although the strange creature's head was smashed to pieces, he was still alive and well.

It can still fight, and it seems that its head has been smashed, which has no effect on him.

"Is the boss a little psychopathic? He hates his face so much. He smashed his face when he came up." Xue Linglong shrank his neck and said.

Hearing what Xue Linglong said, everyone felt that it seemed to be the case.

But in fact, if they put themselves in their shoes and thought about it, they would definitely choose to smash that face in the first place, because hitting themselves and being suppressed by themselves is really a very depressing thing.

Lin Shu had already gained the upper hand, so he began to attack continuously.However, Lin Mu didn't continue to use the time rule, because Lin Mu always felt that it would be a little inappropriate.

Lin Mu kept looking for opportunities to confront him, and the impact of not having a head on this strange creature was actually quite great.

Because he was completely like a headless chicken, and his recovery speed was completely restricted.

Lin Mu fought hard, and finally Lin Mu punched the weird creature's vitals.

With one punch, the whole body of the strange creature disintegrated and shattered.

The strange creature turned into a pile of black powder, and the black powder drifted away with the breeze, and finally became invisible.


The strange creatures were shattered, and Lin Shu's holy body robbery was finally over.

A burst of thunder changed, and the Eucharist Tribulation turned into a cloud of auspicious clouds and landed.

This auspicious cloud is particularly crucial and important to the holy body, and it is the most critical place for Lin Shu to make a kick.


From Lin Mu's body came a sound that seemed to come from ancient times, and this sound was like the sound of the Tao that opened up the world.

At this moment, Lin Mu's body burst into immeasurable light, which made Lin Mu shine like the only true god in the world, shining for generations to come.

"The Eucharist is first formed!"

Those who survived saw the changes in the trees, their eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

Throughout the ages, except for the ancient that has disappeared from the long river of time, there is no record about the Eucharist.

But in this life, they were fortunate to see the birth of a living Eucharist.This is definitely a major event with far-reaching influence. The birth of a Eucharist is likely to change the course of history.

After all, this is the holy body that only belonged to the ancient times. No one can say clearly what the appearance of the holy body means.

Everyone's attention is on the unparalleled holy body of Lin Shu.But Lin Mu's attention was not on the holy body, but in mid-air, which was still above a piece of auspicious cloud that was still floating.

This auspicious cloud seems to be restricted by some kind of Taoism, and it is unwilling to come down.

Lin Mu frowned, a cloud of auspicious clouds was nothing to outsiders.But Lin Mu is aware of his situation, and he is indeed considered to be a holy body now, but it is not perfect.

And what I lack is some principles and essence contained in the last auspicious cloud.

"Sure enough, it still had some impact." Lin Mu murmured.

Before using Guiyuan, Lin Mu felt something was wrong.But Lin Mu couldn't tell what was wrong, but now that Lin Mu saw the auspicious cloud, Lin Mu knew what was wrong.


Lin Mu flew up directly, and Lin Mu wanted to forcibly complete his unparalleled holy body.Lin Mu did not allow his own Eucharist to be missing, because no one knew what kind of impact this missing Eucharist would have in the future.

Lin Mu does not allow such blemishes to exist. There are too many variables in the future, and Lin Mu can only be perfect. In the future variables, he will not leave any regrets because of himself.

"What is he going to do? Heaven refuses to give it to him, and he still wants to go against the sky!" Seeing Lin Mu's actions, all the onlookers were so shocked that they couldn't say a word.

"This is treason, is he going to seek his own death?"

Those who said these words were all new talents.

Those who belonged to the golden generation like Lin Mu were not surprised at all.

Because it's not the first time Lin Mu has done such a thing, thinking back to when he was in the sacred land.Lin Mu dared to kick over the throne of the king of gods, let alone fight for a little bit of auspicious clouds now.

Lin Mu wants to compete for the auspicious clouds in the sky, but it obviously doesn't want Lin Mu to get it.

It was moving away from the trees at a very high speed, and there was even a calamity cloud brewing, as if it was about to descend like a thunderbolt.

"It's too greedy to go against the sky. Heaven is about to send down punishment thunder." Someone looked at Jieyun in midair and couldn't help but sigh.

"It's not that easy to run away! Give it to me!"

The young forest trees were restored again, and the domineering spirit also burst out from the front.

So what about the way of heaven, the way of heaven is coming to an end, so it's nothing to fight for a little bit of auspicious clouds.


A destructive thunderbolt landed, Lin Mu directly raised his hand, grabbed the destructive thunderbolt in his hand, and crushed it directly.


Such a scene left everyone speechless.This was the punishment thunder that descended from heaven, but was caught and exploded by Lin Shu just like that.

"The Saint Physique is really so powerful, can't even the Dao of Heaven be destroyed!"

After being stunned, they were shocked, and they were all shocked by the strength of Lin Mu's body.

But what shocked them even more was still behind, Lin Mu directly fixed the auspicious cloud with Guiyuan.

Then Lin Mu bullied himself and forcibly absorbed Xiangyun.

After absorbing the last piece of auspicious cloud, Lin Mu's body erupted with even more powerful holy light.The holy light erupted completely, making Lin Shu really look like a god descending from the earth, a wave of coercion overlooking all living beings dared to come.

Even Lord Nine Obsidian was affected, not to mention the others, they all lowered their heads and dared not look up at all.

Everyone lowered their heads oppressed by Lin Mu's aura, and their hearts trembled even more.Even some people with slightly weaker strength have already started to tremble with their legs, and they want to kneel on the ground.

This is the real Peerless Eucharist, this is the truly perfect Peerless Eucharist.

At this time, the trees bathed in the holy light, looking down at everything below, really felt powerful.

Even Lin Shu could clearly feel the rhythm of the heaven and the earth, as if he was already on par with the heaven and the earth.

"It's not a lie that the holy body will never fall." Lin Mu sighed in his heart.

However, just when Lin Shu was feeling emotional, the crisis in his heart suddenly rose sharply, and the forest tree moved sideways in an instant, but the speed of the starlight below him, which was as bright as a galaxy, was even faster.


Lin Mu's body was cut open, and a drop of golden blood flowed out.

"Nine Obsidian Lord!" Lin Mu looked at Nine Obsidian Lord who launched an attack, his eyes filled with infinite fighting intent.

(End of this chapter)

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