Supreme Chef

Chapter 1708

Chapter 1708
Nine Obsidian Lord finally retreated completely. Nine Obsidian Lord is peerless and independent. No one in this world can stop him without paying any price.

The forest has just broken through, and the treasure of the Eucharist has not yet been fully opened.If you fight against others at this time, it is very likely that you will hurt your foundation.This is very uneconomical.

After Lord Jiuyaoxing left, Lin Mu asked, "Has anyone special appeared in the fairy world recently?"

Wu Dedao: "There are indeed a few special people. It is said that they are the real blood of the Immortal Emperor. They are the direct line of the Immortal Emperor, and there are even four people who are the sons of the Great Emperor."

After listening to Wu De's words, Lin Mu frowned, and said, "Son of the Great Emperor, it's interesting. It just so happens that I have an account, so I can settle it with these Sons of the Great Emperor."

Wu Dedao: "Although these people haven't really been exposed to the world, it is said that they are all very strong, and their talents are all unique. Moreover, their fathers placed high hopes on them. In their father's time, they were Use the most precious resources in the entire fairy world to help them accumulate and wait until this life. And the reason why they did not participate in the last time the sacred land was because what they had was stronger than the ones in the sacred land. Our In breaking through, they are in Nirvana with peace of mind."

Paused Wu De, complained, and said: "If I knew this was the case, I wouldn't go to any sacred land. I just go and rob them."

Of course, Wu De is just talking. It is very unrealistic to actually rob.These people are the treasures of the treasures. Except for a few people in the sect, the news about them is probably unknown to outsiders.

And for their protection, it must be the highest level in the door.Wu De let alone go to rob, I'm afraid he can't even get close.

Lin Mu nodded, and then said to Gu Xuan and the others: "You also go to find your own opportunities, and I will help you deal with your tests."

Lin Mu fought against the strange creature once, and understood the test here somewhat.

And they are just looking for opportunities, not for breakthroughs.Therefore, Lin Mu doesn't have to worry about it, he can directly use the Time Principle.

And even if they couldn't go out in the end, Lin Mu could use the chaotic world to take them away.These are not problems at all.

The blood spirit dragon was the first to run towards his own chance. There is a ball of real dragon blood here, and the blood spirit dragon has been eyeing it for a long time.

Now with the help of Lin Shu, it doesn't have to have any scruples.

The blood spirit dragon rushed over, and then swallowed the ball of real dragon blood all at once.

"So comfortable!"

The blood spirit dragon swallowed such a ball of real dragon blood, and a relaxed expression appeared on his face.


There was a shock, and then the gate of hell opened, and a headless black ghost rushed out from the gate of hell.

When the blood spirit dragon saw this ten thousand zhang sky dragon, he said 'Oh my god', then turned around and ran away, not daring to stay at all.

Lin Mu shot directly with 'Gui Yuan', setting the Netherworldly Heavenly Dragon in mid-air.


Lin Mu and Xue Linglong shot together, and then broke Tianlong inch by inch.

After that, Liu Yiyi and the others all took action one after another, looking for their own opportunities.

With the help of Lin Mu, they also got their own opportunities very smoothly.

Then Lin Mu forcibly plundered some treasures, these were the basis for Lin Mu to fight against Emperor Zong, and he could not give up.

After Lin Mu shattered dozens of ghost creatures in a row, the gate of hell seemed to be angry, which made Lin Mu have to stop.

"Little dad, why don't the ghosts here have heads? Who cut off their heads?" Gu Xuan was puzzled, wondering how these headless creatures came into being.

Lin Mu couldn't answer Gu Xuan's question.Because Lin Mu didn't know how these headless creatures appeared.

On this Tianchi, there is no threat of beheading.And the one who might be beheaded is behind the gate of hell, but to investigate behind the gate of hell, Lin Mu doesn't have the ability or the courage to do so.

Because behind the gate of hell is full of unknown dangers.This kind of danger is not something Lin Shu can contend with now.

I'm afraid that the headless creatures here can only become headless injustices just like their heads.

As for the secrets here, I'm afraid we can only wait when we can even crack them.Maybe a hundred years, maybe a thousand years, maybe never can be cracked.

Lin Mu finally left Tianchi with everyone, but when they were about to leave Kunlun, they encountered trouble.

Because someone who got the news came to Kunlun specially to besiege and kill Lin Shu.

"Yu Fei, go back to your sect first, I will handle the matter here myself." Lin Mu said to Huang Yufei.

Huang Yufei shook his head firmly, and said, "I won't leave this time, I want to fight side by side with you."

Lin Mu looked at Huang Yufei's firm gaze, nodded, and said, "Okay."

Some ties are unavoidable, and some things can't be cut off.Since the cutting is constant, there is also willing to let him let it go.

"Last time I was able to face the heroes alone, and this time I can still do it." With his cultivation restored, Lin Mu had strong self-confidence.

And this time, neither the Emperor Sect nor the ancient dynasty sent a real master of the Immortal Emperor.

Because the signs of the end times had already appeared, if Lin Mu killed a few more Immortal Sovereigns, it would be tantamount to killing their hopes.

If they didn't have the confidence and possibility to kill Lin Mu, they would never send someone of the Immortal Emperor level.

However, although there were no masters at the level of the emperor, they still sent a lot of masters at the level of the emperor.

Of course, there are still masters at the level of the Immortal Emperor sitting at the end, in order to contain masters of the same level as Taoist Guang and others.

Lin Mu led the crowd to choose a flat, protruding and gentle place, and sat on it.

Lin Mu looked at the enemy of the world looking around outside, with unprecedented confidence on his face.The last time Lin Mu was able to face them alone, this time Lin Mu was even more fearless.

Lin Mu just stood there calmly, not saying a word, not saying a word.He was completely exposed in front of everyone, and even a bit of the aura of a strong man was floating on his body.

It was so calm and frightening, Lin Mu was clearly an immortal king, but it made all the immortal kings in the world dare not take a step forward.

Lin Shu stood in place, like an insurmountable mountain.Standing there, Lin Mu seemed to be connected to the world, as if he was the world and the master of the world.

"Ling Shu has truly achieved greatness, and this future may really belong to him." Someone said with emotion when he saw such a tree in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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